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Everything posted by Sjors

  1. Hi aldo, Some front SEATS????? I need only one…. I'm not that fat,more skinny I prefer brewed coffee with milk and sugar please….thank you. The dark side,,, first the Le mirage and the San Ildefonso. Then the Agnamemnon, because my friend Mobbsie is building her and I have ask him if he want to be my teacher And after that….maybe I take a sniff to the dark side!
  2. And with training ,you meant raise that glass with yellow liquid ? Nice to see you again my friend Nice to read that you are almost there….. Say hello to the Admiral from me. ( wow, I'm quicker then my Moderator )
  3. Great job Mick, While I was watching your pictures, Anja was walking against me and she said….looks familiar…... You do her justice!
  4. Hi Aldo, That looks like ..scratch building stuff. Great job till now! Anja is asking why I'm not doing such a thing. I'll wait till you are finished and see how it goes Watch out what you are doing because I'm sitting at the left side of you to see what you are doing. Any change that I can get a cup of coffee over here?
  5. Thanks Aldo, I want to work on her but first the Le Mirage…... If I have enough of all that rigging I can jump to her I buy myself a milling machine because I'm on that stage for the SI. But first I have to see how it works. Never worked with such machine so Anja keeps the medical kit close by….
  6. In a while you can speak spanish just as good as English or even Vlamish When you are finished, I can send you the part from the SI , that's also only in Spanish.
  7. Hi Piet, I know that submarines are in action under a low profile…... You did a good job then! I didn't see her I saw the periscope just above the surface so I have to take a look where she was. And I find you! A little late because you are 9 pages further but here I'm. I just read you're hole introduction about her and your father , but only a small comment. You write that Wilton Feyenoord is in Rotterdam…..wrong, It is Schiedam! We are living just 2 KM from the old warf. I've bin there many times wit her 7 dry-docks Then you also talk about Narcisplein……just at the end of the Anthony Knottebeltsingel….. I'm driving true there with a bus If you want a picture how it looks these days, let me know. That count also for Wilton Feyenoord. Now it's back to your build. It looks just amazing!I think it's more difficult to scratch a sub instead of a VOC ship because of her lines. But I really love what I'm seeing. I will follow you closely. Thanks Piet!
  8. Thanks Wayne and Grant, And now up to the next one…... It's raining here so more time to do such things ( If Anja not want to spend money…..)
  9. Not me, not me! I'm not at the ratlines stage Have done 2 deadeyes with lanyards…... Keep prepared to start…...
  10. You are a lucky guy Andy. Here it start's raining yesterday and it's keep going on till October…...
  11. Thanks Popeye and Augie. That's the measurement…..2 1/2 size of the deadeyes…... I think that I have it done correctly then. If not, who cares @ I shall keep that in mind Augie. The 2 holes have to look to each other…... Maybe then they can make bigger deadeyes instead of those small things?
  12. If you need pictures of her Popeye let us know. Anja has a lot of them somewhere…... She have also a book about the Half Moon. If you want anything to know, you know where you can find us.
  13. It is afternoon over here and yes, there they are..pictures! It give just that little extra Adrieke. Nice view with the lights on! Good job.
  14. Hi Popeye, So this is the surprise! Nice one I think you need to rent the house of the neighbours to place all those builds. I have now an other one to follow….. Now we can see the difference between the Corel kit and the BB kit. We will see how it ends. Bon Voyage with this one.
  15. Hi Steve, I'm dropping in for a cup of coffee to keep you friendly ( before you started D-Day!) That's a nice kit you've got there. Looks good to me. And you are right about the wood. It can not warp anymore…. Maybe we have to do it all, let the kit waits for 20 years…... So let's see, 1 kit each year, then we have 20 kits when we started at the first one.. Average of 1 year of building at the kit. So it keep us occupied for 40 years…... Wow, that looks fine From time to time I'll bring you a vista. And you know it, I love pictures!
  16. Morning Steve, I have my portion of laughing this morning Thanks for all the things that you are writing. And we don't want to have a D- Day again, wouldn't we? Or maybe if it helps to meet people……it's a idea! I'm happy that i change it even it is a little bit more work! Don't look at the moment to the workshop….It's a mess again Only my table then, you know how woman's are…clean space! Anja was today looking for a medical kit for in the house….I was wondering why! Did she want to say something?
  17. A very, very little update. Because I was told that my lanyards where to long if have reduce the hight of the lanyard. I hope that this is the right size. Let me know what you are thinking about it.
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