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Jim Lad

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Everything posted by Jim Lad

  1. This log has lain dormant for some considerable time, so I thought I'd better tell people what's happening. The poor old 'Meteor' hasn't been forgotten or abandoned but sits patiently on my desk at home while all my efforts are directed to trying to get the 'Duchess' completed. Progress will resume once the 'Duchess' has been handed over to the museum staff. John
  2. Greg, I've been silently admiring your work for some time and thought I should apologise for not posting to comment on your beautiful models. I'll try and do better in future. John
  3. I find all those little details (mostly almost invisible0 to be very satisfying to complete. John
  4. Looks beautiful, Patrick, but I think I prefer somewhere a little warmer for my fishing! John
  5. Looks good, Phil. Now you need to tackle to bilge keels! John
  6. Hello Mike, and a warm welcome to the forum from 'Down Under'. John
  7. Delightful work, Ilhan. Nice to see her progressing. John
  8. Taks for all the 'likes' folks, and for that encouragement, Pat. Just a small update. The repair to the main topmast stay is now complete and it's very hard to see where there was a problem; so that's a relief! John
  9. Hello Lars, and a warm welcome to the forum from 'Down Under'. John
  10. Things have been moving ahead a little faster than I expected as most of the corrections on deck have now been made, so I've been able to concentrate more on the standing rigging. I'm now back to the main mast and currently working on the royal rigging, so almost finished there. You can also see additional coils hanging over the side indicating that the lower halliard fittings are in and ready for the yards. The fore spreaders are also now fitted. I always fit the spreaders after the rigging is done, as the very slightest alteration in angle of any of the upper backstays throws the spreader alignment off, so better to fit the spreader to the actual rigging than the other way around. You will also see a clothes peg hanging on the main topmast stay near the deck. This is as a result of a self-inflicted disaster when I tried to trim a loose end down near the foremast base and slipped, slicing neatly through one leg of the stay! 🥵🥵🥵 I think it will be OK but will see tomorrow when I try to complete the repair. John
  11. Hello Andrew and a warm welcome to the forum from 'Down Under'. John
  12. Hello, and a warm welcome to the forum from 'Down Under'. John
  13. For comparison, a contemporary painting of the Revenue Cutter 'Stag' giving chase off the needles. Note the size of the boat stowed on the starboard side of the deck. John
  14. Looking good, Phil! Cut from brass or copper sheet if you have the metal working tools, Phil, otherwise (as it will be painted) you can make it more easily from a good quality, close grained timber - either cut from a single piece or built up from various smaller parts as convenient. John
  15. Håkan, I am an absolute master of 'just put it down where you last used it you know where it is, spend half an hour looking for it again'. I think I would have time to build many more models if I could only master that important workshop skill! 😀 John
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