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Jim Lad

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Everything posted by Jim Lad

  1. Yes Keith, the whole rig. The upper mast will be there eventually. John
  2. No, Ian, that's exactly what happened. Gustaf was never really happy with Sven being master of his favourite ship, but he was a distant relative and social pressure in the small, closed community of the Aland Islands finally prevailed. Sven and his wife went back to the family farm on the islands, but I don't think it was very comfortable for them there and they moved to South Africa. I believe that after Sven's death Pamela returned with her children to the Aland Islands. Part of the problem was that Sven didn't communicate with Gustaf following the grounding - it was his wife who wrote all the letters. Some of the letters back to the ship from Gustaf open with comments like, "I am still waiting to hear from my Captain." Thanks for the king comments, by the way! John
  3. Keith Black - It may be a little simpler with the boat skids as I'll leave them on for display when I'm not working on the model. that means that every day I'm working the skids will get a test fit to see how access is going! 🙂 Kuparu - Thanks for your comments re the side lights. You're quite correct re the rails, but whether or not they'll be altered is still up for debate. Keith Aug - Don't know quite what you mean by 'cut down rig'. I plan to add as much detail as feasible, including sails 'hanging in the gear' ready for setting. John
  4. The standing rigging creeps agonizingly ahead in between talking to museum visitors. 🙂 I've also now got the forward boats stowed on the repaired skids and sitting in their position over the well deck. The actual timing of their final fixing will depend on the for rigging progress as the skids are on the bulwarks in amongst all the rigging. I'll be doing constant checking of the fit and deciding the last moment I can leave the skids off. John
  5. I'm glad to see that I'm not the only one whose jigs look like that - rough as guts but they do the job intended! 🙂 John
  6. Hello Joanne, and a warm welcome to the forum from 'Down Under'. John
  7. Crikey, with all that going on I'm surprised you don't have a conveyor belt running through your workshop! 😀 John
  8. Hello, and a warm welcome to the forum from 'Down Under'. John
  9. Sorry to hear that you've had problems with surface ships attacking your subs. The captain who goes below when the sub dives sounds like a great idea, but I agree with you that a periscope only moving 5cm hardly seems worth the effort. John
  10. Hello Mollusc, and a warm welcome to the forum from 'Down Under'. John
  11. G'day Michael, nice to hear from you. John
  12. Coming along nicely. I wouldn't paint the deck, but a matt clear finish will preserve the timber. John
  13. Thanks, Keith. The 'Meteor' is unfortunately languishing beside my bench at the moment as I'm using what time I have at home to work on repairs to the 'Duchess'. Bedford, it is certainly difficult to bypass parts of the model that I think could be done differently, but if they are correct and presentable I'm leaving them where they are. There are some items that need to be re-built or corrected as they are just wrong for the ship at the period of the model build, but I'm keeping them to a minimum. On the other hand, I'm really enjoying working on the 'Duchess' and would never have started a model of her myself, so it's a good project. Thanks for the comments, Rick! John
  14. We continue to progress. The spanker mast now has shrouds and a forestay, and you will see that there in now bagged cargo in number 5 hatchway. I've also now completey removed the top rail around the long poop deck in preparation for the future installation of a polished wood railing. John
  15. That's a cheery thought first thing in the morning, Keith! I think I've got a bit of time let yet.
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