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Jim Lad

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Everything posted by Jim Lad

  1. Haiko, not my area of expertise, but if a professional seaman who was an eyewitness makes a statement about an action on the ship, then it deserves serious consideration. A little more digging might be required here. John
  2. Beautiful cabinet work, Ilhan. it's a real pleasure to see it. John
  3. Thanks, Keith. An interesting thought - the video - but I think we'd run up against privacy legislation (just for a start). 🙂 John
  4. I've been a bit slack in posting updates over the holidays, but the 'Duchess' has been quietly progressing in front of admiring holiday crowds at the museum. It always worries me that the unprotected model is very close to the public, unlike on the dedicated model makers' desk which was intentionally built wide, but I never have to worry about the kids touching the model - just (occasionally) their parents. As you can see, the standing rigging is finally nearing completion (sans ratlines), with only a few more stays on the jigger and the mizzen spreaders to do. I'm now changing my focus to the sails and will hopefully play with the first sail - the flying jib - for a bit on Friday. John
  5. A very pleasing little craft to build, Jeff, and one that has an association with Oz as he visited Sydney on his epic circumnavigation. John
  6. And a very happy new Year to you too, Håkan! May the 'C' word never darken our doors again. John
  7. To me, there's little in model making more satisfying that finally getting that first plank on - unless it's getting the last one on! 🙂 John
  8. That boiler's finished up really well, Keith. By the way, your work bench looks a bit like mine! John
  9. Hello John, and a warm welcome to the forum from 'Down Under'. John
  10. A mate of mine, a builder by trade, once said to me, "A good painter has saved many a builder's reputation." By the way, she's looking very nice! John
  11. Late to the party again, but I made it at last. This will be interesting. John
  12. Hello, and a warm welcome to the forum from 'Down Under'. John
  13. Hello Dale, and a warm welcome to MSW from 'Down Under'. John
  14. Hello Jeffrey, and a warm welcome to the forum from 'Down Under'. John
  15. It might be a while, Steven, but she hasn't been forgotten. John
  16. That looks very special, Mark - just like a bought one! John
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