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Everything posted by cdogg

  1. Got around to getting the deck set up, interesting set up suggested by Corel. I used the deck markers to line up the bulkheads, worked pretty well. I added the walnut strips around the keel, this is a fun ship to build so far. Wish I had more time but lately have had virtually no free time to work on the ships.
  2. are you going to detail the cockpit on this one? Or throw some lights on it? I only ask because your other lobster boats set the bar pretty high!
  3. Went out of town this weekend and picked this small kit up to kill some time. The rigging was a little tricky but this was fun.
  4. Pete, the kit build looks amazing! I may have to go back an adapt some of your mods! Can't wait to see the rigging.
  5. Wow, great story. Thanks!
  6. Hey everyone, ran into an issue with the bulkheads and what seems to be a Corel issue. I traced up the bulkheads drawings and compared, the wood laser cuts are actually more aligned then the drawings, if did the drawings some of them would bot be straight!. So, looks like I have a "boatload" of fairing to do. Also, the instructions are detailed but are starting to skip key explanations and focus more on stuff that anyone with past experience already knows.
  7. Great job Adam. I will try to help as much as I can.
  8. Maybe realistic gold would be better with a satin finish?
  9. Dumb question to add to post, what happens when you prime something, then paint a glossy gold paint, then layer it with gloss polyurethane. Does that help make it more real? I ask because this may save me money when I have to make a ship part gold, thanks!
  10. Doh! Bossman had me work late on the perfect night, just rolled in! I am getting the bulkheads done, wanted to do more.
  11. Sawdust is the way to go. Wood filler can work great but sometimes it changes color and sticks out really bad after staining or putting sealer on.
  12. Finally get the house to myself tonight! Just me, the dog, and my ship build. Hopefully I will get some serious work in.
  13. Craig, I think I am going to furl them. Easier way out but from the look of the kit box the sails cover up a lot of the deck, so I may have to get them out of the way yet keep them in sight.
  14. Planking looks great! I'm in the same situation with scroll saw. My wife is convinced ill cut my fingers off.
  15. Nice job so far Keith. Have you thought about grabbing some other wood and using the plans for a scratch build if you don't like the kit wood ? What are your plans for a finish? I researched the Viking boat kits too, I was going to check out the Amati as well. I want to build a viking ship as my fav sports team in town is the Minnesota Vikings. Looking forward to seeing this build
  16. Nice job! this is first time I've seen this boat model painted, looks cool.
  17. Dr. Per, thanks for the guidance. It didn't come with large layout plans except for the rigging diagrams. but in the back of the instruction book alas there were the bulkhead designs! Thanks!!
  18. No clue about the Samson post. I was hoping everyone would toss out some ideas, which hexnut provided some cool pics. Really like how you attached the rudder, looks great!
  19. In a way, it comes with a standard white cloth that needs to be sewn. That's where I am clueless, I do not have a sewing machine nor can I use a needle and thread. Perhaps I will need to learn...
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