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Gone, but not forgotten
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Everything posted by captainbob

  1. I like the way you made your building board. The ability to mount the boat both ways is clever. For your planking, all you need is to do it and gain experience. You're doing fine. Bob
  2. Hi All, In my signature there is a dragon in the gallery. I built it in MSW 1. I did not keep the info on my build. and when MSW 1 crashed all was lost. It was a good build and it sat on my shelf where I could enjoy it. Then when my brother visited I gave it to him. He took it home and placed it on his mantel. After this my admiral looked at me and said, “That was my favorite boat”. I had disposed of all the drawings and references not wanting to build the same boat again. So I showed her a picture of a yawl and asked if I could build it for her, she agreed. This went on and on. I built the yawl, a cat boat and the schooner all for her and her response is as always, “How about the dragon?” So here is another dragon. When building dragon 1, everything really worked. There was even a groove in the mast and boom to slide the sail into. This time I don’t know if I’ll go that far but I do hope to make it look better. So this will be “Dragon II”. Now I need to redraw the keel and bulkheads. I hope you will enjoy following this build. Bob
  3. Yes Michael, it takes time. It took me four months to get set up after my last move and I don't have nearly as much as you have. So, Pete, Michael, SOS and all those who follow me, I have decided to build an "International Dragon Class". Click on it below under current build. Bob
  4. "Thinking caps on..." OK I'm thinking. I'm thinking. Bob
  5. Ah yes. The problems with scale RC. If you make it strong enough it is out of scale. If it is in scale it is not strong enough. But where's the fun with no problems? Bob
  6. Considering you are trying to align all those hundreds of matchsticks, I think you've done a masterful job. Bob
  7. "I think I have to accept that trying to achieve the 'essence' of the engine rather than the detail" ​You caught the essence and it looks good. Bob
  8. Pete, David, Popeye, Piet, Matija and Michael thank you for following my build and sending encouraging comments. Michael, How's the move coming? We miss your build entries. Bob
  9. Pete, I’d love to bring her up to beautiful Coeur d'Alene and sail her in the lake up there. In 1959 I was in Cottonwood. Idaho is a lovely state. Bob
  10. George, Ben, Omega1234, druxey, Mark, Mike, Popeye, Eamonn, thanks for the good words and complements, and thanks to all those who clicked the “LIKE” button. Your support these last few weeks was very helpful. That’s what makes MSW so great. Popeye the cam cleats were easy once I saw pictures on the web. The hardest part was finding the black plastic to make them from. Oh, by the way, they don’t work. They’re a block of plastic with a slot half way through. As for the next build I haven’t decided yet but when I start the next build I will put a link at the end of this log. Bob
  11. She's as lovely as I thought she would be. You have the right to be happy with her. Bob
  12. Hi All, OK. So I played, had fun and finished this little boat. There's not much to say about what was done to finish. The sails were made and installed with the running rigging. In the last picture of the cockpit, notice the cam cleats. Now on to other boats. Bob
  13. These charts are correct for good mechanical strength. On a model you do not need that strength. You will have an easier time of it and break fewer taps if you use 95% of outside diameter. In other words you just need to cut enough of a thread so the screw does not fall out on its own. And as justsayrow says' "GO SLOW". Bob
  14. She's looking better all the time. You should be about ready for the cabin furnishings. Bob
  15. Nils the only piece of rigging you may have missed is the piece of twine the boson always carries in his pocket. Bob
  16. Patrick, Carl, Mark thanks for the encouraging words. I'll try to improve my spirits. Bob
  17. She looks great. If I could build like that in 1:96 scale I would be happy. Bob
  18. Thank you Carl. So sorry to hear about you father. My prayers are with you and your family. Bob
  19. Carl thanks for the encouragement and telling me my fingers still have magic. Gerty, Lawrence and Nils thanks for the good words. And to all my other friends, thanks. When I mentioned the magic in my fingers, it was to say, I wish I had been building boats in my forties. My Eye hand coordination was so much better then. Let me show you. Back then I was doing pysanky, a type of decorated Easter egg usually done by women in eastern Europe. The eggs in the first picture were done about 1980 the second set were done in 2011. So I say, “What boats I could have made”. Sorry for venting, hopefully this will get rid of the, “Woe is me’s”. Bob
  20. Every edge is clean and sharp. She's really looking good. Bob
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