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Everything posted by captainbob

  1. Your Volvo is really looking good. What is the box in the top picture? It looks quite handy. Can you show more detail? Bob
  2. The proportions on the new rail look much better. Bob
  3. I'm not sure what your scale is, but at 1:48, a 1/16" strip is 3" in full scale. That means your 3/16" pins are only 9" long. That's too short Bob
  4. Where's the fun, without the smoke? Bob
  5. Popeye, I have 3/32 X 1/4 strips but that’s kind of big for this boat. Prescott is a small town, about two hours drive from Phoenix or Flagstaff, the only hobby shop is in the next town, 15 miles, and they deal in planes, no wood and no plastic stock. There is a Hobby Lobby there also, but as you know they only have balsa and basswood. I could order wood on the web but I like to see what I am buying. As for the dragon hull I planked it with 1/32 sq. basswood strips. It is surprising how much easier it is to work with .03” then .02” thick wood. I then decided to just paint the hull. I guess I need to build instead of saying ahead of time what I plan to do and then not doing it. So here’s the hull as of now. Bob
  6. And another one of Igor's beautiful models takes shape. Very good. Bob
  7. The ram is a fine piece of brass work. I would sure hate to see that coming at my boat. Bob
  8. According to Chapelle, on page 555 of his book, “The American Fishing Schooner 1825 – 1935” he says, “Mast hoops [were] spaced 24” to 36” apart, depending on the size of the vessel, sailmakers choice”. He then gives examples such as Effie M. Morrissey fore mast 16, main 17 and Blue Nose fore mast 16, main 19. Hope this helps. Bob
  9. I have to agree with Patrick. The topsides are beautiful. Bob
  10. Frank, The added trim dresses her up nicely. Thanks for all the how-to's. Bob
  11. Not only ships but you make the tools you can't buy. Both are looking good. Bob
  12. Hi Ben you should be stoked. Congratulations. Bob
  13. We all see the mistakes on our own boats much more clearly than we see the mistakes of others. So I don't point out my mistakes and hope others miss them. Bob
  14. She's really looking good, Frank. Well done. Bob
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