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Everything posted by jastrząb

  1. Hello Friends, Could you help me with my questions about coppering and the diameter of the treenails, please? If you have any ideas/ information about HMS Pandora, let me know. I'm searching for her in the Internet but anything about her is welcomed
  2. Thanks Matti for your kind words! Rigging is OK . But now I'm thinking more about HMS Pandora (take a look at her please) and some unsolved questions. Regards, Paweł
  3. I'm impressed. I will use your pics while doing my HMS Pandora. Neat, clean and good-looking. What's the diameter of your treenails? When I have some doubts with my kit, I'll write to you Cheers, Paweł
  4. More shrouds.... and dead-eyes. Any comments and suggestions? - be my guests
  5. A very nice build. I don't know why they stopped making this kit. I am considering coppering my kit. Any suggestions? Cheers, Paweł
  6. The first set of pics. I found one mistake. Look at the Union Jack Flag. HMS Pandora comes from 1779, so..... Maybe I'm wrong. I need your opinion in this building log. A shop-assistant told me that constructo don't build HMS Pandora any more. Does anyone know why? AND ANOTHER QUESTION about the treenails. The kit is 1:85 scale. Is it ok to put 0.6mm treenails. Won't it be too large? Regards, Paweł
  7. Hello, In parallel with Santa Maria, I'd like to start another topic. It will be a very slow progress. First of all I will need your help (I know I can rely on you). This model I'd like to do with a great care and accuracy. Before I do anything I'm not sure of, I will be torturing you with questions My first question is : what's your opinion on coppering the hull? And some photos of the stern (I have modified one part - I couldn't resist)
  8. The effect is fairly nice . The thread is not whitish any more. I'll post the pics today. Thanks Matti for paying attention to this part of my model. Regards, Paweł
  9. I haven't heard of it. I will remember it. I've changed my plans a bit. I am bathing the thread in a cup of...coffee. Soon I will post some pics
  10. While planking, take a lot of pics. I can see that your building log is like tutorial for others..
  11. I agree. Try to replace some parts. Maybe try to paint/blacken the brass parts too. So far so good
  12. Good idea Matti. I'll try to bathe them in a cup of tea
  13. Finally the metal parts are finished. I know they are not in the straight line... But I think they look better than suggested by the manufacturer. The are painted. The next project (HMS Pandora) will be done with a blackener amd by me from the very beginning
  14. Just like Mayflower. The same period. Sometimes the plans are tricky. I had to add more details to my Santa Maria. But this forum is great to have an extraordinary support. Regards, Paweł
  15. I start work at the end of August (I'm a teacher) but today I'm going to work with my SM and place some pics. Thanks for the wishes popeye
  16. Anja and Matti, you are the first today who gave birthday wishes for me THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!!!
  17. Good job. What do you think about billing boats' kits comparing to others? Especially the manual... Regards, Paweł
  18. I can see you have completed your model. She looks great. I am building SM too but the solutions provided by the manufacturer are out of space sometimes. My version seems to be an earlier edition. I treat her as a tutorial to do more serious project which is HMS Pandora (Constructo). I'd be grateful if you could look at my building log and add a comment. If have any advice - be my guest. Regards, Paweł
  19. THanks for the tutorial. Definitely it's really helpful! I'm waiting for your progress. Regards, Paweł
  20. I really like the small details. They look realistic. A great level of advancement
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