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Everything posted by Craigie65

  1. Good luck with those ports, Brian. The hinge is very fine from memory. I took the easy way out and kept them closed. You can obviously see the ports from inboard.
  2. Meh, not bad 😂 Seriously, really well done. As I said before this is the gold standard for building this kit. A master class. You really have made it your own, Andrew!
  3. Now you have shamed me to finish mine! I need to finish a plastic kit first and then clear the decks to get the lathe out for her masts. Yours is the stand out build of this kit - you have made it your own with all the detail you have added.
  4. A lovely ship to build. If you have not done so already I would read @Blue Ensign build log. It is a masterclass in building this kit. I know I shamelessly copied some of his ideas.
  5. Those are lovely boats, Dan. The colours work well together. You should be very proud of your fleet and your skills. I think you would enjoy the challenge of one of Vanguard’s smaller warships - HMS Alert looks a sweet little model. With the instructions online you can always look to see how involved the build would be.
  6. Well recovered, you are nearly there. Loving the paint scheme. If you think the white is too bright for the rubbing strake, perhaps an off-white might be more in keeping?
  7. You are not hanging around, are you! I reckon the practice on Nisha will stand you in good stead for the Indy. Looking at the first two or three planks on the starboard side they seem to be encroaching at the stem (pic number 8). Will that give you an issue for the second planking?
  8. I find the ratlines pretty straight forward. The clove hitch will be your new friend. The tricky devils are the shrouds. I always have a fight getting the deadeye spacing right. I have used various jigs to get the spacing right but it is still a trial. Once my ratlines are on I check the spacing before using diluted PVA to lock them in place and trimming the ends.
  9. The trick is to be methodical and not to block yourself off. Definitely worth getting some rigging reference books. Lennarth Petersson’s book on rigging is very helpful for square rigged ships. It has lots for great diagrams but no text. I have just bought Biddlecombe’s Art of Rigging which looks interesting but I think will only be of use if I am stumped on a particular part of the rigging.
  10. https://www.cornwallmodelboats.co.uk/acatalog/AT-RT5205.html#SID=428 @DB789 Dan, these ones. Although I think both sets are identical other than the price! Anyway its the cheaper ones that are in stock.
  11. Hi Glenn, Looking excellent. For the rigging do you have rigging tools? I bought a set from CMB and find them invaluable in getting into hard to reach spots. Especially when paired with a fine pair of long tweezers.
  12. Slow down Glenn! It’s at least 2 months before you get your Indy. This one is looking good and will be a nice addition to your fleet.
  13. I use Veloset, which is a relatively fast setting woodglue. Find it gives you plenty of time to work the part, but sets quickly enough to see some progress. I buy it from Wonderland Models in Edinburgh, but I am sure it must be available elsewhere.
  14. Hi Glenn, I found the planking on this one a bit more challenging. Did you taper the planks as well as edge bend? I struggle with getting the taper right. Each time I think I understand where I have gone wrong, but by the time I am ready to plank a new model I have forgotten the lessons learned. Looking forward to seeing the colours you have chosen.
  15. It’s a difficult one. At this scale would you see the individual planks? Perhaps not, but at the same time I want people to see that it is planked and not just a preformed hull. Marco photography is ever the harshest critic. For me your hull is perfect. You are seriously tempting me to finish mine!
  16. Looking really good Glenn. That is the hardest part over. You will breeze through the ratlines, you would have had enough practice with Sphinx!
  17. Thanks Dan, that is really kind of you to say so. I nearly want back to her the other day, but I am not far off finishing HMS Exeter - just those damn photo etched railings to go. You never know might just get her finished before Christmas. Andrew - I did see your logs. I had a stack of aircraft i tossed when we converted the garage to my office. I kept but three, one of which is my favourite of all time the Hurricane. A sadly underrated and overlooked beauty.
  18. I have paused and returned to plastic. I am toying with stopping the build admiralty style with no masts - I would only have to add the lower deadeyes. The only thing is, I have the sails and it would seem an expensive waste not to use them!
  19. I sure you will move the sail up a bit to get the lower boom on the main. I think the ring it fits into needs to be glued to the mast. I found the rigging a bit simplified in places, but I guess the kit is aimed at a novice. I could have done a bit more research but TBH this kit was purely for fun and I loved every minute of building her.
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