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Everything posted by pirozzi

  1. The stern lanterns are constructed and mounted. I used some 0.8mm brass wire for the side brackets. The main supports came with the kit. I painted the lanterns so it looks like candle light in the windows. Next up is to finish the mizzen shrouds and backstays. Vince P.
  2. Finally finished the standing rigging for the mainmast. All that is left are the corner lines for the main course sail. They will be added at the very end of the build. Currently working on the stern lanterns and the lower shrouds and backstays for the mizzen mast. Vince P.
  3. The mizzen mast is completed with all of the running rigging and the poop deck flag pole is installed. The lower shrouds and backstays will be completed later. Next up is to complete the main mast lower shrouds and back stays. Vince P.
  4. The mizzen mast is stepped into the ship and now awaits the standing rigging and the belay of the running rigging. Vince P.
  5. The mizzen mast is completed and is ready to step into the ship. Vince P.
  6. Me too! Mark and I are builders of Euromodel ships. Mark did a fabulous job on his Royal William, and I am still in the process of finishing mine. You are quite correct about Peter Coward (Pirate Pete). He is the man to count on with any and all questions about Euromodel ships. Good luck, Vince P.
  7. The mizzen mast with the crossjack and the lateen yard and sail. Vince P.
  8. I am constructing the mizzen mast, the last one to go. As usual, I will complete it off ship first. Vince P.
  9. Finally finished the foremast. All of the standing and running rigging is complete except for the Course sheet, clew, and tack lines. These will be done at the very end of the build to allow easy access to the sides of the hull for what is left. Next up is to construct the mizzen mast and step it. Then I can finish the main mast rigging. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. A few more months and she will be completed. 🤩 Vince P.
  10. Welcome aboard mate! By your introduction it sounds like you are going to jump in with a scratch build of the Victory. That is some project. You must be a very experienced builder, or very brave. Vince P.
  11. Welcome aboard mate! Vince P.
  12. Welcome aboard mate! Vince P.
  13. Welcome aboard mate! Vince P.
  14. The website says that you have to get special information on shipping to the USA. They give an email address to ask. I have sent 2 messages with no response. What to do? Did you have the same issue? Vince P.
  15. Welcome aboard mate! Vince P.
  16. If is that bad, why don't you just double plank it. Use a thin layer of about 0.5mm x 5.0mm walnut over the first layer. Many kits are double planked for just this reason. The first layer is course to cover frames. Then second layer is easy to apply and will look good. Vince P. 😁
  17. Thanks for the info mate. It sure looks efficient and neat. Also glad you decided to stick it out here. We are a great group and do help each other out immensely. I for one have been building models for decades, and I learn something new every time I log on. Vince P.
  18. I am still plugging along slowly. I decided to add Catharpins to the lower shrouds. They probably will be hard to notice, but this is just another bit of detail I am putting into this model. Vince P.
  19. Hi There, I would like to order that Building Slip you have. It is just what I need. Did you have trouble getting it shipped to the US? There is some rule about a 10kg minimum weight limit and this is just 7.4kg. Thanks, Vince P.
  20. Welcome aboard mate! Vince P. 😁
  21. I like your workbench. Is that custom made or maybe a fancy computer desk. Vince P. 😁
  22. Hi Mike, I did use the cloth from the kit but there was not enough. Since sewing is out of my league, I had a friend of mine who happens to be a seamstress, make the basic sails. She found more cloth that closely matched the kit. I had her stain the cloth with tea because it was very white. Real sails had a stained and weathered look. The tea did the job. When she delivered the sails, I added the corner cringles, the edge ropes, and the reefing ties. I think adding the sails makes for a more authentic model. It does however add a considerable amount of labor and supplies. Vince
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