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Everything posted by egkb

  1. Hi again Kip, as you can see I found Bluenose I hope she still has a place on your workbence, as she is a beautiful looking boat with such elegant lines. Am off now to visit Sultana and her Slipway! Eamonn
  2. Hey Kip, thanks for stopping by, am sorry to hear of your flood problems, that can't be nice on top of what I'm sure are rather cold conditions outside! I must pop over to your Sultana and take a look at your slipway (glad to hear she missed the rising water!!) Do you have a Build Log for Bluenose? I'll put Bluenose into a Search shortly and see if I can find her! I had never heard of Abebooks until Dee_Dee mentioned it, as soon as I put some more money into the bank kitty I'll be examining their site in detail as I'm a bit of a book-aholic myself (when I find books I really like I find myself re reading them again & again over the years, a Kindle is amongst my best buys in fact) All The Best Eamonn
  3. Latest Gossip from ENN (Eamonn News Network )... Much Sanding Phase 2 is complete with rather satisfying results ( a Very Very smooth hull form) just a smidge of filler required at the stern (where the upward sweep of a plank meets the lower part of the transom) once that hardens I'm onto Mild Sanding Phase 1, there may not even be a Phase 2 here... Which will be a bit of a Result!! I filled out a section of the Bulwarks up for'ard to allow the Bow Piece to fit in place (you may recall from a while back the problem I had encountered where the 2 Bulwarks meet at the bow, ie no or too small a gap for the Bowsprit & the Bow Piece) hopefully you can see it in the photos. I also made up the Stand, which is straightforward and not as Gawd Awful looking as I feared (I'm toying with how I will present the boat when finished, she may end up on Blocks representing a slipway, with the angle matching the angle of the keel to keep the deck level! but that is a bit away yet ) Thanks For Checking In Folks Eamonn BTW The Period Ship Handbook pt 2 arrived this morning, WOW they are going to be a brilliant resource, thanks for the recommendation Nigel & Kester, and Dee Dee for the advice on where to get them!! Abebooks are Deadly, and I'd advise all to take a looksee for those hard to find books (by the way 'Deadly' is an Irishism for Pretty Darn Good! ) Photo Time....
  4. Damn that's good planking Ollie!! Has Ballahoo arrived with you yet? I sent it express! From The Far Side Of The World.. Eamonn
  5. Thanks Dirk, I will do, I find it rather relaxing in fact... weird huh? Eamonn
  6. Ah Smeg I forgot Rimmer! sorry Ace Rimmer! One of the classiest shows on TV.. Would you believe I'm re reading the books as we speak! Eamonn
  7. Sorry David I can be of no help here except to suggest you take a look at the work of others on here who are doing similar frigates (Dan Vadas building HMS Vulture may be of help here, Vulture is 1776! and I suspect Surprise isn't too far from this date) Give him a PM he is very knowledgeable and not too far away from you either. All The Best Eamonn
  8. Hi Kester, filler reserves are borderline.. I'm down to about a mere 20 year supply, so it's touch and go whether there will be enough for 3 builds.. I'd go along with the Chinese origin of Rubberyness, am sure I've chewed plenty of things from the menu that would define it! Squid in Black Bean Sauce comes to mind Phase 2 of Much Sanding has begun in the garden.. 'I'm just going outside and may be some time!' Eamonn
  9. Hot off the Camera ! Copious quantities of filler (just kiddin) and Phase 1 of Much Sanding later.. and we appear to have a decent hull shape! WooHoo Next Up: Phase 2 of Much Sanding. All The Best Eamonn BTW I trimmed off the 1st planking overhangs at the stern too, though it needs to be addressed further. And incidentally all you Ballyahoo'ers out there the issue with the 2nd Bulkhead not being 'low' enough doesn't seem to be a problem (I only beefed it up a little early on, but if you examine Plan No 1, you will see that 'issue' is there too! the Garboard strake and the next plank take care of this in that they almost go vertical in this area, just like the 'Dead Drop' at the stern) Anyhoo.. Photo Time..
  10. Hi Lawrence, yup she will be 2nd planked, this won't happen until my new batch of timber arrives (next day or so hopefully) as I want to plank the Bulwark area (top-sides) in a lighter wood than the Walnut supplied as this area won't be painted. So some filling and sanding are in my immediate future.. not as tough I feel as the 200 or so hammocks you are in the process of creating Thanks for stopping by. Eamonn
  11. Hey there Nigel, The aliphatic hasn't shown up yet so I continued along with my usual wood glue, I won't touch it until tomorrow anyhoo as It's way too miserable in my work room (weather is brutal, was down taking photos of the crashing waves earlier) Ballahoo is sitting in the heat of my living room at present to help the glue set. All The Best Nigel Eamonn BTW I'd be happy enough with 'Rubberyness' as a word (but then again my friends say that I'm worse than Joyce for using my own weird words )
  12. All Righty Then.. The hull is 'closed over' WooHoo!! and as soon as the glue is dry I'll crack open one of my warehouse loads of filler After that comes the sanding and eventual installation of the Keel/Bow pieces (+ Rabbet of course). I have to wait until my timber shipment arrives before beginning 2nd planking as I want to use the lighter coloured wood I ordered for the first 5 or so rows on the Bulwarks. Thanks for looking in Eamonn Oh! and there is even a Photo.. I really spoil ye folks
  13. Best of luck with it Rob, A Pickle might be somewhere in my future! I'll be following along too. Eamonn
  14. Thanks Lawrence, I totally agree with being able to see the shape materialise.. in fact I was discussing something similar with Kester a few posts back about liking to look at the model and imagine the lines!! seems like there is another member of the ' Boat Hulls Appreciation Society'.. Vikky is looking brilliant by the way, I like the fact that you fixed the lettering even though I imagine it was awkward to do! Take Care Mate Eamonn
  15. Looking good J, great to see Emma back up and running ! Take Care Mate Eamonn
  16. Makes total sense Nigel, work has brought me to a slight halt for a day or two, but I hope to get back to building either tomorrow or day after (Wed) timber shouldn't be too far away by then (I actually picked it up for the 2nd layer bulwarks, as I didn't wish to use the rather dark stuff that came with the kit for 2nd planking, lower down the hull will be fine but not for the upper Bulwarks) Thanks for all the help and tips guys. All The Best Eamonn BTW the glue is winging it's way to me from Delux as of today ! WooHoo
  17. Thanks Kip, I'll get right onto that (I even have some 6mm wide timber coming this week hopefully which should help with the Garboard, my original is 4mm!) Cheers for the tip and to Ollie & Nigel for the Likes on Kips post (shows ye are all thinking the same way! ) Take Care Folks Eamonn
  18. Best of luck with it Jim (was thinking you were a wee bit quiet lately glad it's nuttin serious!) I've almost fin with first planking so I might be shifting over to a 2nd build soon (I gave myself to first or 2nd planking to shift builds to Sherbourne or Convulsion then get then to a similar position) Mind you the ideas are flowing, so I may go further Take Care Mate Eamonn
  19. Brief New Photo Update: The hull is closing up nicely, I reckon 1 or 2 more visits should complete it then checking out the gaps & lots of sanding followed by attaching Keel/Bow & cutting the Rabbet. The photo pointed out to me a slight rise/lift in the 2nd last plank on the bottom section of the photo between 'visible' bulkheads 3 & 4 which has been dealt with. Incidentally, I was unable to pick up any of that glue we were discussing so I shall just have to go online. Thanks for checking in. Eamonn
  20. Hi Mick, the Endeavour 'rope' seems about right, but if you are in doubt about the white rope do you know if it is possible to stain it? (in Tea or Coffee of some such, the thought has just occurred to me so I really don't know if It can be done that way, I guess it would depend on what the White Rope is made out of) Coming along nicely by the way. Eamonn Hope you are feeling better !
  21. Looking good Gregor, hopefully I'll be following in your footsteps with a Sherbourne in the next few weeks (she's been sitting on my shelve for far too long!) All the Best, Eamonn
  22. Those instruction seem to be a bit of a disaster Mick.. well done in sorting things out though! Eamonn
  23. Brilliant.. I'll nip out soon to a hardware store and take a looksee around. Eamonn Coming Soon to a Town Near You.. 'Eamonn's Glue & Filler One Stop Shop' .. as seen on MSW !
  24. Am I right in thinking that these Aliphatic Glues are not specifically for model making ! Eamonn
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