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Everything posted by pontiachedmark

  1. Gidday daddytotwo and another warm welcome from the Land Downunder. Good news that you have rediscovered the wonderful world of modelling. I can attest to the fact that life does indeed get in the way. I wish you all the best with your ship building and I am looking forward to your build log. Remember there are no stupid questions, within reason, so don't be afraid to ask. You will find a lot of support and encouragement here. Mark.
  2. Gidday Bruce and another warm welcome from the Land Downunder. I must agree with Tony, see post above, regarding scratch building. Not too long ago it wasn't a "thing" it was how models were made. We all must start somewhere and I admire your decision to bypass kits. You will definitely find support and encouragement here. Don't be afraid to ask questions. I am looking forward to your build log. All the best with your build. Mark.
  3. Gidday James and another warm welcome from the Land Downunder. Impressive collection of Ships you have there. You will undoubtedly find a lot of support and encouragement here. Looking forward to your build log, assuming you want to post one. All the best with your build. Mark.
  4. Gidday Mike and a warm welcome from the Land Downunder. I think it's a good idea to look at some different build logs and see what can be expected in modelling a wooden ship. Your experience in modelling should give you a good grounding. The level of support, encouragement and knowledge here is fantastic. Wishing you all the best in your build. Mark.
  5. Gidday Josh and a warm welcome from the Land Downunder. I like your work. If I attempted a ship in a bottle the bottle would have to be gigantic. All the best with your builds. Mark.
  6. Gidday dagdisco and a warm welcome from the Land Downunder. You are correct the level of knowledge and support on this site is fantastic. Have you built the models in your collection or were they complete when you purchased them? It makes no difference to me I am just curious by nature. Hopefully you can post some pictures. All the best with your collection. Mark.
  7. Gidday Chris and a warm welcome from the Land Downunder. I envy you having a job you love and so obviously being in love. Time constraints affect us all. Family, work , play and life in general get in the way. Then again if all we did was modelling this too would become a chore. I look at modelling as providing a challenging respite from everyday life and while I don't relish every minute I do find satisfaction in setting and meeting my own goals. Wishing you all the best with your build. Mark.
  8. Gidday Keef and a warm, its currently 36 Celsius here, welcome from the Land Downunder. I can empathize with your comment re mental health. I also have some issues and enjoy the time at the bench when the Black Dog can be kept at bay. I hope I haven't brought anyone down. All the best with your build. Mark.
  9. Gidday olopa. In C. Nepean Longridges book The Anatomy of Nelson's Ships he quotes the plank length at 20 feet. Hopefully this helps. All the best with your build. Mark.
  10. Gidday olopa. My two cents worth. Based on the above comments and advice. As long as you find the end result aesthetically pleasing you have found your answer. I hope I haven't confused the issue. All the best with your build. Mark.
  11. Gidday Reed and a warm, actually it's quite hot here, welcome from the Land Downunder. I too set high standards for myself. The trick is achieving them. You will find a lot of support and encouragement here. I look forward to your build log. Mark.
  12. Gidday Paolo and welcome from sunny Bairnsdale Victoria. You'll find plenty of support and encouragement here. All the best with your build. Mark.
  13. Gidday John. Can you please define "cheap". Also what is your budget? All the best with your build. Mark.
  14. Gidday Wiktor and a warm welcome from the Land Downunder. You certainly appear to be busy with your current builds. Don't be shy if you have any questions. All the best with your builds. Mark.
  15. Gidday VTHokiEE and warm welcome from the Land Downunder. Looking forward to your build log. If you want to start one. All the best. Mark.
  16. Gidday Danny. Once again your standards are high and reflected in your work. All the best. Mark.
  17. Gidday Gren and welcome to the forum. You sure have travelled a long way. I think some of the best builds are done with the minimum of tools. I only moved 300 kms and also lost a heap of stuff. I don't want to think what would go missing on an international move. Type in the ship you are interested in the build logs on the first page of the site. All the best with your build. Mark.
  18. Gidday Anna and a warm welcome from the Land Downunder. You will find loads of support and encouragement here. Remember that if you get stuck or confused reach out. All the best with your build. Mark
  19. Gidday Sherer and a warm welcome from the Land Downunder. What are your interests, besides modelling? Do you have a favourite period or class of ship? Wishing you all the best. Mark.
  20. Gidday Phil and a warm welcome from the Land Downunder. No doubt you will find heaps of support and encouragement here. Looking forward to your build log. All the best with your build. Mark.
  21. Gidday lowsodium and a warm welcome from the Land Downunder. Looks like you have scored yourself a bargain there. You are correct she is an amazing old girl. You will find all sorts of support and encouragement on this site. All the best with your build. Mark.
  22. Gidday Marcel and a warm welcome from the Land Downuder. It appears you have also been bitten by the Modelling bug. I would appreciate some pictures of your Groene Draeck, if possible. There is a lot of support and encouragement here. Don't be afraid to ask questions. All the best with your build. Mark.
  23. Gidday Grant. Absolutely beautiful work. All the best. Mark.
  24. Gidday Bill and a warm welcome from the Land Downunder. If you cannot find a specific ship you may find a class or style similar to what you are looking for. I hope I haven't confused the issue. All the best in your search' Mark.
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