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Everything posted by pontiachedmark

  1. Gidday Richmond. You are correct, she sure is basic. Having said that there are some fine examples of basic kits out there. I suppose one is only limited by how far we want to take the kit. Of course this is only a personal observation. I wish you all the best in your endeavours. Mark.
  2. Gidday Dan and another warm welcome from the Land Downunder. I can only reiterate what has been stated in the above posts. You have certainly found the right site for sharing of technique and knowledge. Wishing you all the best with your build. Mark.
  3. Gidday Pieter. I didn't realise how thin your decks are. I've used the technique on thicker ply. Fresh fish sounds great. All the best. Mark,
  4. Gidday Pieter. If you are experiencing difficulty with the deck camber you can attempt to lightly, I mean lightly, score the underside of the deck. This technique can be fraught with danger as you may cut too deep. I have used this method and it worked for me. Others with more knowledge may have a method that is easier on the deck. Wishing you all the best with your build. (I don't eat red meat so can you please put some fish on the B.B.Q.) Mark.
  5. Gidday Pieter. Thanks for the prompt reply. The kit looks good. I am looking forward to your build. Wishing you many more B.B.Q's. Mark.
  6. Gidday peveka. Like you I have made every mistake in the book. So I am currently writing the second volume of mistakes. Please forgive my attempt at humour. The kit looks very good. Is there a mixture of metal and plastic in the gilt parts? Looking forward to your build. Wishing you all the best. Mark.
  7. Gidday Jo. In addition to clamps, clamps and more clamps. Exacto or equivalent blades and saw blades. Ruler, 6 inch and 12 inch. Small drill bits, really small. Pin Vise. Sandpaper in varying grades. A clutter free, tongue firmly in cheek in my case, workspace. I also rely on a lamp that has a magnifying lens incorporated. This lamp clamps onto the edge of my work surface. I can only reinforce the point to only buy what you need when you need it. If not you will end up like me and have work surfaces covered in things you seldom use. I hope the above provides useful. All the best with your research and future build. Mark.
  8. Gidday Mark. You certainly are making fast progress with this build. I have found the instructions, a term I use loosely, in my Occre kit leave a lot to be desired. I too am thinking of ways to "improve" the kit. Scratch building in wood does not seem a problem to me but tackling the cannon and other metal parts is a bit beyond me at this stage. Your experience with CA glue is familiar to a lot of people. I find glue that is very thin difficult to use as I end up with it everywhere. I must say that your work so far is impressive. I wish you all the best with your build. Mark.
  9. Gidday Mark. I am glad to read that you are going forward with the Belle Poule. Having two builds on the go will certainly keep you busy. I am also looking forward to your build log. Wishing you all the best. Mark.
  10. Gidday Jo and a warm welcome from the Land Downunder. If you search the build logs you will gain a good understanding of what each kit entails. I would also advise you to choose a ship of the type and period you like. This keeps your level of interest up, and there will be times when you are feeling a bit down. You can receive a big boost from the various forums when you are lost or losing motivation You have chosen a site where there is a wealth of knowledge which most members freely share. I hope I haven't confused the issue. Wishing you all the best with your choice and your build. Mark.
  11. Gidday Dave and a warm welcome from the Land Downunder. You certainly have discovered the right site for accessing knowledge and encouragement. If you find yourself in a situation that presents difficulties do not hesitate to reach out. If you prefer you can search the various build logs to find a solution to any questions you may have. There is a wealth of knowledge here and most members will freely share it. If you are so inclined, beginning a build log is a good idea. I wish you all the best with your build. Mark.
  12. Gidday Mark. I am looking forward to your future build / builds. An empty platitude but something I have found to be true, " There is light at the end of the tunnel". We just have to figure the way out. That is my "Deep and Meaningful" for the day. I wish you all the best in your endeavours. Mark.
  13. Gidday Mark. I am saddened to read of your struggles. As one who has faced some adversity I know the benefit of losing oneself in this amazing hobby. Life in all its ups and downs does have a habit of "getting in the way" if it didn't life would be pretty mundane. I am in no way belittling yours or anyone's circumstances, just making an observation. I sincerely hope you find some peace in your life. Although the tyranny of distance separates us all we are only a message away. Wishing you all the best. Mark.
  14. Gidday OC . She sure is looking good. As I stated earlier if you maintain your high standard of workmanship the rigging will be fine. You have proven me correct. I wish you and your family all the best. Stay warm and safe. Mark.
  15. Gidday again Looseplank. I forgot to mention in my post above,#2, that once you have applied the diluted vinegar the sails should of course be rinsed in fresh water. I do not know the composition of the sails so you will have to judge what punishment they can survive. I hope I have not confused the issue. Wishing you all the best. Mark.
  16. Gidday Johnathan. The kit isn't really old. She was made the year I was born. O.K. so we both may be older than I'd like to admit. I think the hardest part of the scratch build is the choice of timber and sourcing / making the fittings. I am limited in my choice of timber as the cost of Postage and Handling and the Aussie Dollar in the toilet makes it too expensive to source parts from outside of the Land of Oz. I am always on the lookout for Aussie timber that suits our scales. 1 of 100 is a rarity indeed. I can understand your reluctance in building her. At least you have the plans as a basis for any proposed scratch build. I wish you all the best in your endeavours. Mark.
  17. Gidday Looseplank and a warm welcome from sunny Bairnsdale Victoria. Re bleach on the sails, this may be too harsh a treatment. The sheen may be a lacquer or similar protective coating. I would use white vinegar and water. 1/4 cup vinegar and 3/4 water in a spray bottle You could also try a commercially available spot cleaner. If this is not successful try the washing machine. If all else fails you may have to have the sails made or have a go at making them yourself. Wishing you all the best in your endeavours. Mark.
  18. Gidday Johnathan. She is a real beauty. Do you know the age of this kit? As you say scratch building is an option, to allay the costs you could make her a long term project. Wishing you all the best. Mark.
  19. Gidday Johnathan and a warm welcome from the Land Downunder. You have certainly found the right site for the flow of information and answers to any questions you may have. I like the steamers as well particularly the era of transitioning from sail to steam. I like the attention to detail in your photos. We have had some fantastic links posted recently relating to discovered wrecks. Looking forward to seeing some more of your work. Wishing you all the best. Mark.
  20. Gidday corduroy and a warm welcome from the Land Downunder. All the best. Mark.
  21. Gidday irishrover and a warm welcome from the Land Downunder. Re your question on learning from books, personally I try to gain an understanding from the written word then I learn the technique from practical application. Re books, I have learnt and enjoyed Mastini's Ship Modelling Simplified. Riche's Ship Models from Kits. Dressel's Planking Techniques for Model Ship Builders. Some may say these books are getting a bit old but I have found them a good resource at a good price. I encourage you to start a build log when practical. There is a wealth of knowledge here and members give advice freely. Feel free to ask questions. Wishing you all the best with your build. Mark.
  22. Gidday Chris and a warm welcome from the Land Downunder. Re your query on plank holding, may I suggest initiating a search in the build logs section. Hopefully you will fine something there that will prove beneficial. Sometimes I need to find a solution that "makes sense" to me. I wish you all the best in your search and in your build. Mark.
  23. Gidday Dave and a warm welcome from the Land Downunder. You certainly have chosen an interesting medium. I would be very interested in seeing some photographs, if possible. You will find a diverse range of models and modellers here. I wish you all the best with your endeavours. Mark.
  24. Gidday Mark. I have just started the Occre Apostol Felipe. No build log as I am currently without camera. My instructions also call for the pencil to represent caulking. I too opted for the 0.5 mm. It looks like you are off to a good start. Please don't worry too much about terminology. Most members here are forgiving and will take the time to explain. Remember to ask questions. Most builds are a learning curve. Wishing you all the best. Mark.
  25. Gidday Crowcreekhiker. I haven't made any sacks yet. If you cannot find any information here may I suggest searching model railway or war gaming sites. Wishing you all the best with your search and your build. Mark.
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