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popeye the sailor

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Everything posted by popeye the sailor

  1. i'm sure they are......I use windows media player....never had a problem before. I'll check it out.
  2. hello Jens.......so glad to see your progress....looks great! yards and masts have come together nicely
  3. wow Greg...the deck looks awesome.......as well as the model as a whole your videos wouldn't work for me...but that's OK..the pictures do her justice!
  4. of the C and D models, they only built around 80 of them........the plane was going through constant modifications. they settled on the B 17 F and G........of these two models, they built over 12,000. the only reasoning I read about the development, was they wanted the tail reconfigured to ward off rear attacks. not to go fully into wind tunnel statistics, a large rudder and stabilizer surface would displace a lot of air.......coupled with the turbulence caused by lift from the forward wings, it may have been too much for them to overcome. the plane wasn't meant for speed, unlike most fighter planes, which have narrowed wing surfaces. this bird had some pretty big wings yea....no excuse Lou.....I totally spaced it. I probably was thinking not to use any til I got into the New Jersey, so I'd know what paints I could use. but the way white ensign designates their paint....if I stuck with U.S. army colors, I'd have never touched the naval stuff I've already made use of a few colors in other projects.
  5. that is so cool! something to show my grand sons perhaps??? my son Brandon has mentioned to me that he'd like to get the boys involved in model rocketing....they have a huge field as a back yard...... might be worth a shot
  6. good you were able to repair the first problem.......and this one too modeling is part assembly and solution solving........things can go batty in the blink of an eye. instruction are partly to blame.......depending on how poorly they are illustrated. good solving skills will handle the rest....it's good to see that yours are top notch
  7. has to be an He 111 variant........looked through the pictures in the book. I saw some close....but the shape of the rudder had me stumped. most of the Dornier's had the dual rudder set up. also, you need to take into consideration, that other countries bought aircraft too, as is the case with this example....the US sold B 17's to the British and French. this is either a B 17C or D. note the narceled waist gunner windows. they were outfitted for guns in the Y1B and E variants and were built........but they were intended for civil and rescue planes. they were first developed back in 1935 on the model 299 B 17, but were never used. it also had what is know as the "Cheyenne" tail...not out fitted for the tail gunner position. the decals have been ordered......and I have enough of the other decal sheet to do a few other bits. I need to do the white 'tape' on my own, which I can do easily with white decal paper, cut into thin strips. I was going to use gray primer for the underside of the wings, but I recalled I had that bottle of flat white primer, included in the paints I got from Lou. I also got a large bottle of olive green, but it looks rather thick.......I will need to thin it and see if it's still good. funny.......I forgot all about these paints when I did the Nine o Nine........silly me I decided to prime because of the color plastic...it's very dark and I figured it might give the yellow a terrible hue. the upper wing parts will get the olive drab.......along with a light spray of med green to lighten her up. the olive showing through should give it enough to appear faded the decal sheet coming will supply her number.......I have a decal 'B' call letter, that I will put on prior to the light med spray.......it need to be slightly visible through the fade, as if the Germans tried to remove it, without total success. I was going to use the underbelly turret for the stand.......I still may........but I did remove the molded build up {it doesn't look too bad}. I have a couple of ideas for the stand......should be interesting to see. looking over the parts....you can see that there really aren't a whole lot.......there are no bulkheads to speak of......just the pilot platform. with this, I did cement the bomb bay doors closed. I did it now instead of later, so I can paint the underbelly with them in place. the port half can be seen above. more to come....
  8. super model the F 15.....enjoyed building mine curious as to what you have in mind for decals...the Rafale came out wonderfully!
  9. there was another plane too..........read it this afternoon........but it too had problems with engines. they really weren't looking for long range....they did more R+D on their armor. they were capturing quite a few B 17's and B 24's anyway, so they really didn't have to worry about it. the book has quite a list of aircraft that the KG acquired. some pictures in the middle of the book are in color, and most of the black 'n whites do have some descriptions of how they were painted. today, I cleaned up the underbelly wing parts........they will get a primer spray, before they get the yellow coat. I was looking through the White ensign paints that Lou sent me, and I do believe I have the paint figured out. I I might have the missing turret thing solved as well.
  10. did you sort out that problem Danny?........plumbing looks good
  11. superb job on the model.........the decals really do it justice! the weathering is really nice too
  12. basically, that's how they started out Ron.......they were using airliners as reconnaissance planes. they left the marking on to hide the purpose. Russia and the surrounding countries knew it though, but didn't do anything about it. you might say that their heavy aircraft was developed from the planes they had on hand......Dornier and Heinkel. Junkers {JU 86 & 88's} I believe had pressurized cabins, which could fly as high as 41,000 ft
  13. there is a glossary in the back of the book that lists all the planes that KG 200 used.......it's a very extensive list! so far, I've read about 30 pages into it....it covers the end of the Great war, Hitler's rise to power, and the early formation of the KG. the Dornier Do 17 and the Heinkel He 111 were first produced as airliners.......as the Luftwaffe grew and expanded under Goring, their rolls changed. the roll of the KG 200 was primarily for reconnaissance......but their roll got a lot bigger later on. the call lettering still has me confused.........it received the DL-XC call letters early on, but I read that when the plane was sent to 1/KG 200 in Sept of '43, the call letters were changed to A3-E3. I have yet to see any pictures of the plane with these markings. the plane was used in a number of secret missions...what became of it can be read here: Wulfe Hound I've ripped the plastic bag.......sizing it up at the moment. scale is an odd character.......I measured the wingspan of the Revell B 25 @ 1:48..........it has a 17 inch wingspan. so does this model @ 1:72 ! the plastic is in my opinion, a very deep olive drab. I'm thinking a primer is in order. thinking about the faded look, I'm not sure if dry brushing or simply mixing the paint, would be a good way to do it. the belly turret is going to be tough.......it has rises around the hole, which would need to be cut out. sanding is really not an option here.......don't want to ruin the rivet detail.
  14. yours has better wing roots than my Revell kit.........I measured it and it has about a 17 inch wingspan. it still builds into a large model I fancy the larger kits too. I see you like to use stretched sprue for conduit........nice bit of detail!
  15. does this include decals? if not....have you looked at decals for Star Trek, or Star wars models........perhaps something along these lines could give it more exterior detailing.
  16. neat! good to see your continuing........Rome wasn't built in a day {seemed applicable}. that happened to a lot of folks I think.....me too as well. as with any of these mediums that require building, it's never good to rush things anyway........so your right on target looks very good.
  17. really nice detailing there what is the wing span of this model........I have a 1:48 scale kit in my stash
  18. coming along great........the decals look really sweet! yea......we've been getting a mixed bag of weather of late
  19. looks great Yves your electric addition id really cool!
  20. enamels are all I use........mainly flats. I do some dry brushing though, so I get some sort of effect. gotta love the camo in that era
  21. thanks Craig....as I look more into the book, I noticed that a couple other planes from the 303 BG fell prey. I should mention that I got the copy from Amazon...paid $20.00 for it. it's already proving to be worth it's weight. it does make me wonder if this was a common wartime practice by other nations? glad to have you look'in in
  22. the old craftsman scroll saw was easy to change the blade.........there is a tab that you push down on to relieve the pressure. it can be set in multiple positions. I haven't tried to change the blade on the new one yet......gotta dull the first one out first it does run quieter though....and a lot less vibration........the old one, I could take it out for a walk! I'll be putting it to good use soon
  23. as mentioned, this particular kit was produced in 1989. it's still a rather simple kit for Revell, but some of the fine points of the model, is done much better that Lindberg did. these pictures are a bit blurry, but they are good enough for you to see the differences. the decal sheet is still a bit vague, but they are a better match to the actual plane that was to be modeled. I will be ordering the Wulfe Hound decals...they are made by Kits-World in 1:72 scale. I can also get them in 1:48 scale, but 1:72 is good enough for this project though I'll only have to do the top ball turret, they assembly is a lot more logical. nothing is suspended of needs to be cemented to visible parts of the turret. didn't check to see if they are movable. there are bomb bay doors.......but I may show them closed. nothing exciting.......just two bombs shown in some sort of rack. if I don't show them, I will remove the bombs and used them for the other model. there is glass for the tail gunner position.........glad to see that here is a better picture of the bomb rack. I think it might be fun to make a stand for her too.......I'll need to drill a hole and add a button for the pin. the engines and nacelles are the same as the Lindberg kit. in the more recent Memphis Belle kit {2011}, the engines are separate and are comprised of multiple parts. even the turbo chargers are a separate part..........there is a lot of detail. should be a fun build........time to tear open the bag!
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