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popeye the sailor

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Everything posted by popeye the sailor

  1. look'in good......gotcha beat........tabled a He 111 twice already. not because it's a Lindberg kit.............. never heard of HK, but it looks like a pretty good kit
  2. it is.........neat! it was part of Revell's 1:96 series......I was always under the impression that there were only several models, but I'm finding out that there were more. a few were 'cloned' to create others in the series.....the Galleon was {I think}..the only one that was a slightly smaller scale {1:89...I believe}.
  3. ERTL played a part in a couple of model companies..........as well as Matchbox and Mattel. there is a large scale Revell Spanish Galleon that I'd like to get. you really did a great job on this one......looks super cool! I did some experimenting on embossing emblems on sail cloth, using a printer. there is a log of it somewhere here...........
  4. catching up Greg...........can't believe tha amount of realism you've instilled ........ absolutely amazing! have a very merry Christmas !
  5. well hello there! glad to see your continuing with this beauty! hope to see more of this wonderful diorama Merry Christmas my friend!
  6. such beautiful work Doris.......well worth the wait so glad to see your update! yup!~.........jaw's on the floor have a spectacular holiday season.........can't wait to see the next update!
  7. thanks for the stellar review........but there are many who are much better than I am. ....and as I mentioned, I've seen many configurations pertaining to stacking the logs in the tender.....I went my own way with it. one looked very much like yours.....so you see, there is no wrong way to stack wood {unless the engineer got ticked at you for wasting space }.
  8. I think you did a superb job on the General your collect is very large...........when I was a younger lad, I could give a better 'go' to best you .........my gallery now is only a fraction. perhaps you can start a log, showing us some of the techniques you like to use.
  9. hello Yves....thanks for look'in in and the kind comment. I don't have any plan to mimic the water, but I do plan to add rocks around the pilings and some scenery green to represent seaweed growth. I haven't done much due to the hectic prep for the holidays, save for something I've had stuck in the back of my head for some time now........figured I'd let the beast out and breathe. I hope to get back to doing something meaningful soon
  10. I haven't built one of their models......it looks really nice I've always like these planes......they have the most challenging schemes. very nice work on her so far
  11. I've built a D VII from Jasta 18........Raben's Ravens August Raben was the squadron Comander..........I don't see that name in the roster. their planes were red and white and featured a raven on the fuselage sides
  12. I've seen the kit around........but never bought it. does it contain all three ships? looks to be a really neat project
  13. luckily I stumbled back here looking for the Andrea Gail log.........I would have not see all your kind wishes before I continued on her. I had a comment made on the Word Press log on the A.G. by a fellow in Mass. he mentioned that another gent built a scratch build of her and it now resides in Cape Ann museum, in Gloucester. thanks to you all for the anniversary wishes ........must be still going strong......my stuff hasn't been tossed to the curb yet hopefully, it won't be our next anniversary when I get back to this project, although, I've been getting back to dabbling in wood..........currently acting on something I've been keeping on the back burner. the Holidays has put a tiny crimp on meaningful modeling....I figured I'd play with something I can putt around on for the time being. the hope is still there for some type of update.......stay tuned
  14. I've heard that too.......but it can have the opposite effect as well. I'm sure you'll choose the best course of action just be careful till you do.
  15. that's the problem with some projects. but we all know that your microscope dials in more than most with what your adding right now.......it's the most impressive model I've seen!
  16. what did they supply for the plumbing.........your use of the metal rod is a better alternative the boiler looks awesome! nice work on the cab glass too!
  17. I saw a kit that looked a lot like this one........really nice work I notice you have a second color on the trailing edges and what appears to be access panels....what color is it? looks interesting......adds contrast to the model.
  18. yea, that one bulkhead slot does look a bit thin. I think you have the best solution, fitting in some balsa. you could also glue in short pieces of strip stock between the bulkheads, fore and aft on both sides. space them far enough away from the stern stem, so they won't interfere with anything. your the best to decide which way to go with this.......you were smart enough to pick the weak spot out that was a good find!
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