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popeye the sailor

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    popeye the sailor reacted to dafi in HMS Victory by dafi - Heller - PLASTIC - To Victory and beyond ...   
    The glueing onto the test hull now was rather boring to me apart from the thrill if things will work out, but the developing and fiddling out the drawings and production was a too tempting task :-)
    The even more exciting task is bringing life to them on the real build, looking forward to it.
  2. Like
    popeye the sailor got a reaction from Adrieke in Half Moon by popeye the sailor - Billing Boats - 1:40 scale kit   
    I have done more planking to the other side,  in order to even it out on both sides.   I have done some tapering to the planks so far in the process.   now that I'm reaching the chines,  it will require more.




    I don't know what the thought was in creating the ribs with such an edge at the chines.   in past pictures of the hull frame,  you can see just how much of an edge there is.   this must be removed and rounded to compliment the contour of the hull below the water line.



  3. Like
    popeye the sailor got a reaction from Anja in Half Moon by Anja - Corel - Wood - 1:50 - (d'Halve Maen)   
    hello Anja........we got the card you sent today in the mail.   thank you so much.....    we had a quiet annaversary.....recapped the 25 years we've spent together.   we both came to the conclusion,  that we've done quite well for ourselves.  lots of fun!   thank Sjors for me as well.
  4. Like
    popeye the sailor reacted to Piet in Hr. Ms. O 19 1938 by Piet - FINISHED - scale 1:50 - submarine of the Royal Navy Netherlands in service 1939 - 1945   
    Hi Paul,
    Thanks for dropping in and your encouraging words, really appreciated.  Yes indeed, wood can give us some problems and I did encounter a little in the beginning.  But then again, I assume that paper, card and styrene can also pose a few problems.
    I'm looking forward to your WW I German sub build, they were awesome.  
    Okay, we are back home now since a week from our sojourn to Coraopolis, PA, a town west of Pittsburgh, PA to visit our daughter and be present at our grandson's High School graduation.
    As I may have mentioned before, I planned to visit the USS Cod in Cleveland, Ohio.  That sub was the one that was called to assist the Dutch sub O 19 getting off Ladd Reef.  The attempt failed and the Cod took the O 19 crew on board and had to destroy my father's beloved O 19.  Remember that they were in enemy waters even though the war was winding down.  This event was in july 1945, thus just one month away from the end of hostilities.
    Because the USS Cod has a close relationship with my father's boat I Just had to go and see and touch her.  So, I took my grandson Troy with me, he too wanted to see the sub.  The curator, Paul Farace, promised us a special guided tour, which he did.
    I mentioned a few of the things my father was involved with with the build of the O 19 and some of the escapades during his early years with the KM (Royal Navy).  Like when my grandson saw the torpedo tubes it reminded him of the story I told him about his great grandfather going out of his sub when she got tangled up in fishing nets when submerged.  Yup, he was also a trained Navy diver and he thought nothing of it to don the "third lung" and go outside.  He went through the stern tube and cut the boat loose and freed the props.  Then got back inside.  This was before he got married to my mother when he was a "wild and crazy guy," to coin a phrase.  There is nothing like a visual image to drive a point home.  Needles to say our grandson is duly impressed with his great grandfather.

    This is the URL with the true story of the rescue attempt by the USS Cod.  Copy and paste the URL in your web browser and watch the sad end of the proud O 19.
    I hope you wont mind a few pics of the Cod with a few items the crew managed to take off the O 19 before destroying her. 

    This is a panoramic shot my grandson Troy made on his dangfangeled new Samsung Galaxy 3 of the USS Cod in Cleveland Ohio.

    This is a picture of the bow tubes in the USS Cod.  Now my grandson could visualize his great grandfather going outside his "netted" submarine.  A story come alive, somewhat.

    This is your's truly, the Flying Dutchman, in the engine room aboard the USS Cod.  These diesels still run and purr like kittens!  No, they didn't fire them up for us.  They have some water in the case oil, which is not too good for the bearings.  However, once most of the water is sucked out then the engines should be run and brought up to temperature.  This will allow the water to evaporate and breath out of the engines.  That's what we do with aircraft engines too.

    This is the pendant from the O 19 and given to the crew of the USS Cod.  This pendant was made by one of the O 19 crew members.

    This is the brass plaque attached to one of the O 19's bulkheads after her refurbish by the Scottish Dockyard.  After the Dutch submarine supply ship was destroyed by the Japanese with all the spare parts and etc., all the Dutch subs had to be refitted to English standards so they could continue with their battle against the enemy.  The so called deck torpedo launcher was also removed but they did not reinstall the doors.  

    Traditionally the conning tower shows the ship's decorations and enemy ships sunk.  You'l notice a tipped cocktail glass with the letters O 19 below it.  This is to commemorate the party the crew of the O 19 gave to the crew of the USS Cod for their rescue.  This was apparently the mother of all parties in the annals of naval warfare!  Both boats served the allied effort with honor and distinction. 
  5. Like
    popeye the sailor reacted to NenadM in Cutty Sark by NenadM   
    Please help me with my poor English, I am little confused
    "you are off to a good start" - does it in slang mean good or not good start
    I am not little girl and anybody opinion will dont offend me, just curious 
    I know I'm not doing enough accurate and no by the rules, but I'm thoroughly enjoying the work, and I think that the ship will be exceptional decoration, although not in a museum or exhibition. Cutty is not designated for sale (until I die)
    And enjoying  is exactly the point of this
    Also creativity
    Also handwork instead hard brain work as a creative resting 
    Also making something from nothing with solving technical problems
    Also learn something about sail ships in history
    And chat with other modelers and share ideas
    And enjoy in others excellent work and masterpieces
    Thx anyway, I ll keep on going until the end
  6. Like
    popeye the sailor reacted to Paul Salomone in DKM Scharnhorst by Paul Salomone - 1:72nd Scale - German WW2 Battlecruiser   
    Good morning all,
    Hello Popeye and Michael, Many thanks for looking in and for your kind compliments.
    Today, I am going to post the last pictures related to the construction of the search light installation, as it is now awaiting the right moment for the finishing stages.
    Here goes:
    An overall view showing the detail and the bolt heads.

    A front view.

    A view from the side.

    A view from the other side.

    A close up view.

    An elevational view,  displaying all the other parts, to be fixed in place during the finishing process.

    Now some pictures related to the last range finder making part of the tower. This is a 2 meter long range finder, and is situated just below the Admiral's bridge.
    The platform with it's sheet steel parapet wall.

    A view from the under side showing all support struts.

    The armoured base housing, on which the range finder sits.

    Starting off with the housing.

    Applying filler to create the taper edge..

    The range finder housing well under way.

    The assembly ready for the next stage - detailing.

    A side view.

    A close up view.

    shall be posting more pictures next week.
  7. Like
    popeye the sailor got a reaction from lb0190 in San Ildefonso by Sjors - FINISHED - OcCre - 1:70   
    .....and he even up'ed the anti in the first aide kit
  8. Like
    popeye the sailor reacted to src in Rattlesnake by JPett - Model Shipways - Scale 1/64th - Kit #MS2028   
    JP, Looks great. The only thing I dont like about it is......I didnt do it. It is an inspiration for my next build.
    Seriously its your build, but if it was me, like others have said, I would be reconsidering paint. 
  9. Like
    popeye the sailor got a reaction from kiwiron in America by popeye the sailor - FINISHED - Billing Boats - 1:72 scale   
    correct good sir!......aye!  that's where I am now......working on her as we speak........thanks Ron 
  10. Like
    popeye the sailor got a reaction from mtaylor in Cutty Sark by NenadM   
    never second guess yourself.   the deck planking looks good,  and your always going to see something better,  or get new ideas after a step is completed.   save them for your next build.   then of course,  you can always do what I do......start a second build to try the ideas out.   but then you'll face what I have .......a bunch of builds in the works.....Hee.....Hee.   learn as you go,  my friend
  11. Like
    popeye the sailor got a reaction from avsjerome2003 in San Francisco 2 by Shaz - FINISHED - Artesania Latina - Wood   
    I am big on the suggestion of  "the next one".   I hardly ever change anything drastic........for fear that it might distort the wood or something.  for first time modelers......I tend to suggest finishing the model the way it is.    then,  after doing a few more builds,  look at the first one they did.   this is a good barometer,  for showing you,  how much you have learned.   this cut out the agravation for the modeler,  and prevents wanting to give up.   I do apologize,   but I find it sad to see folks back tracking on their builds.   since you have chosen to correct it........I hope your redo works well for you.
  12. Like
    popeye the sailor reacted to Piet in Surabaya by Piet - 1/80 - Mid 17th-Century VOC ship   
    Hello all,   
    @ Anthony, thanks my friend, I also begin to like it   Remember it's a fictitious ship and a hybrid to boot     How's your health holding up?  How's your ship coming along?  
    @ Sjors: thanks Sjors, it's always good to be in your own house even though we love our kids.  Had a great time with the grandson, taught him to parallel park the car, he caught on quick!  5 out of ten perfect.
    Yeah, the lids, doors, shutters or whatever,came out okay.
    Today was the day for a trial fit of the lids.  Seems to be working okay.  I did all of them on the port side except for the four in the waste.  I have a dilemma in that area and am not sure how to proceed there.  What I should have done was to make round holes in the hull planking instead of the square holes with lids.  I have been pondering this now for quite some time and am too far into the build to do anything drastic.  Not paying attention to paintings and drawings and making notes. 
    There are several options.
    1. The most drastic move would be to replace the planking in that area and make the round holes.  Problem is that the new planking will never match, which will show and is distracting.  Remember that this is a single planked model.  Oh, I guess that with a lot of patience and care it could be accomplished but then again - - - - there is always Murphy - - - - - hiding somewhere.  
    2. Leave the square holes and install the lids.  As far as I can determine this is not usually done.  Why install gun port lids in an open area.
    3. Leave the square holes as is and don't install the lids.  This seems to be the easy way out and I'll most likely follow my gut feeling.  Not many will notice as long as none of you will tell 
    Most of the lids will be shown in the open position but will show a few closed.  That'll show the "iron works" better and is also more realistic. The lids will be unevenly placed in the open position, not evenly lined up.
    Any thoughts on all of this?

    The hinges hinge and the pull open rope holds them in place, what else do I want, I'm happy. 
    I'm thinking to keep the third one from the rear closed.  The towels over the top of the ship is to keep the dust off.

    This shows the inside of the lids painted red.

    This shows all the "ironwork" painted flat black.

    Here you can see what I have been pondering on.  It would really not be a total disaster to leave it the way as is with the guns poking through it.
  13. Like
    popeye the sailor reacted to vulcanbomber in HMS Pegasus by vulcanbomber - Amati/Victory Models - 1/64   
    Thanks ZyXuz
    Thanks for your tip Arthur.
    I have attached the two bow cannons in place and added some sacks and barrels to the bow area.

    The bulkhead wall is in place and I've 'opened' one of the doors.

    I've checked the lighting and it still all works fine. I'll now glue the fordeck into place and get the bow completed.

  14. Like
    popeye the sailor reacted to texxn5 in Charles W Morgan by texxn5 - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:64   
    It didn't load, so I'll try again.

  15. Like
  16. Like
    popeye the sailor reacted to Sjors in San Ildefonso by Sjors - FINISHED - OcCre - 1:70   
    A re-painted transom.
    It need some fix with the paint ,but i just want to show you what I have done between all the cake's that I have today   

  17. Like
    popeye the sailor got a reaction from Sjors in San Ildefonso by Sjors - FINISHED - OcCre - 1:70   
    wicked nice job on the transom face...........have a happy birthday!  Enjoy!!!
  18. Like
    popeye the sailor reacted to captainbob in Malabar Jr by captainbob - FINISHED - 1:48 - 30' gaff rigged yawl   
    Popeye, Tony, Thanks for stopping by.
    Obechi or obeche, Yep that's the wood.  I have several sheets of poplar veneer and a little mahogany and have no problems with it.  All veneers work better when wet but this stuff . . .   Make you a deal, Popeye, if I ever get any more I'll send it to you.   
  19. Like
    popeye the sailor reacted to michael mott in Bristol Pilot Cutter by michael mott - 1/8 scale - POF   
    Brian, thanks for stopping by, I am sure that I would not have the patience to make something with more than one mast.
    Druxey the short answer is no, that said I am a glutton for punishment when it comes to solving a problem, it is why I have such a large scrap box(es).
    Made me laugh Popeye.
    In between some of the myriad projects that I seem to have on the go I found a frame with some wheels at the dump, it is from a child's bicycle carriage, and after straightening it up and pumping up the tires I measured it up and I have the foundation for the transport trolley. the wheels are 15 1/2 inches in diameter. I will make it so that there is some springing on the undercarriage so that the rather rough road gets compensated for.

    It will need a few bits of wood added and will need some mudguards, but I have a few bikes that I have collected from the same place so it will be great to get the trolley sorted now that I have the basic frame.
  20. Like
    popeye the sailor reacted to dafi in HMS Victory by dafi - Heller - PLASTIC - To Victory and beyond ...   
    And by the way, what makes the Vic so interesting?
    Very clear - maaaaaaaaaany biiiiiiig guns, very maaaaaaaaaacho ;-)
    Therefor I ask for your forgiveness as I almost forgot the most biiiig, maaaaaaaaale and maaaaacho gun ....

    ... biiiiig things ...
    ... really big ...
    ... the dafi
    ... more soon :-)
  21. Like
    popeye the sailor got a reaction from augie in US Brig Syren by Augie - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:64   
    superb looking build Augie..........absolutely amazing!
  22. Like
    popeye the sailor got a reaction from Paul Salomone in DKM Scharnhorst by Paul Salomone - 1:72nd Scale - German WW2 Battlecruiser   
    simply fantastic Paul.........such a sight to see!   great job! 
  23. Like
    popeye the sailor got a reaction from clipper in Cutty Sark by NenadM   
    never second guess yourself.   the deck planking looks good,  and your always going to see something better,  or get new ideas after a step is completed.   save them for your next build.   then of course,  you can always do what I do......start a second build to try the ideas out.   but then you'll face what I have .......a bunch of builds in the works.....Hee.....Hee.   learn as you go,  my friend
  24. Like
    popeye the sailor reacted to NenadM in Cutty Sark by NenadM   
    Thank you, Anja, for your kind words and supporting.
    The devil is no such black as it seems, as it is told here. Wishes and possibility, and a real wish for days longing minimum 30 hours instead 24. It would be very interesting. Just share some thoughts and feelings. I suppose it is allowed in topics of MSW from time to time , if not overdrive. And for me ( I hope to follower too when reading ) is more interesting when posting  to combine that with building progress, some kind of building extended diary, or building blog. Nobody likes boring and dry writing style to read, so I try not to write in that way
    Thanks again
  25. Like
    popeye the sailor reacted to captainbob in Malabar Jr by captainbob - FINISHED - 1:48 - 30' gaff rigged yawl   
    Hey Michel and Popeye, thanks for stopping by.  With this wood you can't make a nice planking job.  So,since I'm going to paint the hull, I'm not that concerned with the planking as long as after filling and sanding the shape is right. 
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