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popeye the sailor

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  1. Like
    popeye the sailor got a reaction from gjdale in US Brig Syren by Augie - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:64   
    might be a different toll for ships on the interstate........check ahead of time,  so you'll have the correct change!   LOL!!!
  2. Like
    popeye the sailor got a reaction from mtaylor in San Ildefonso by Sjors - FINISHED - OcCre - 1:70   
    do you feel better now.......smelling sawdust is like salts..........it brings back the senses.   the sound of the cutting tools have a calming effect.
    Anja must be happy now
    that you now have altered your care
    you whittle away the while-a-way hour
    and get ye not in her hair 
  3. Like
    popeye the sailor got a reaction from mtaylor in US Brig Syren by Augie - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:64   
    might be a different toll for ships on the interstate........check ahead of time,  so you'll have the correct change!   LOL!!!
  4. Like
    popeye the sailor reacted to riverboat in Boulogne Etaples by popeye the sailor- Billing Boats - 1:20 scale kit   
    wishing you smooth sailing on another interesting build
  5. Like
    popeye the sailor reacted to augie in Mercury by DSiemens - FINISHED - BOTTLE   
    More than 1/2 way through the cannons.  They look like a formidable challenge.
    Don't beat yourself up for 'life' getting in the way.  It happens to us all.....and we're a patient bunch (except for he who builds on his bus). 
  6. Like
    popeye the sailor got a reaction from Shazmira in US Brig Syren by Augie - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:64   
    might be a different toll for ships on the interstate........check ahead of time,  so you'll have the correct change!   LOL!!!
  7. Like
    popeye the sailor got a reaction from augie in US Brig Syren by Augie - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:64   
    might be a different toll for ships on the interstate........check ahead of time,  so you'll have the correct change!   LOL!!!
  8. Like
    popeye the sailor got a reaction from avsjerome2003 in San Francisco 2 by Shaz - FINISHED - Artesania Latina - Wood   
    talk about being late for a party or what!   hard to believe how fast the site has grown........so many new folks and their builds!  came across your build and took a looky.........looks all neat and tidy.......really nice job!   too bad about the rigging thread.....I'm not too big a fan of kit supplied thread either.   I have a whole bag full of Billing rigging thread.....just figured out what to do about staining it for the standing rigging.   I tend to go walkabout for mine....found quite a bit in my travels.  the ratlines you've done already look really good.....I hope the thread you get is simular to it.  nice job Robbyn
  9. Like
    popeye the sailor got a reaction from Sjors in San Ildefonso by Sjors - FINISHED - OcCre - 1:70   
    do you feel better now.......smelling sawdust is like salts..........it brings back the senses.   the sound of the cutting tools have a calming effect.
    Anja must be happy now
    that you now have altered your care
    you whittle away the while-a-way hour
    and get ye not in her hair 
  10. Like
    popeye the sailor got a reaction from GrandpaPhil in America by popeye the sailor - FINISHED - Billing Boats - 1:72 scale   
    bassically,  the only things left to do is to finish the anchors,  and rig the jib's lower corner.   after the anchors were painted,  the chain was tied on using copper thread.



    the same was done for the starboard side.



    this finishes off the build........I had some fun with this one.   the kit is very well done......perhaps a little sub standard in a few areas,  but tweaking them,  to enhance them,  added to the challenge.  I also didn't want to add too much,  as I did in the last couple of kit builds.



    thanks to everyone who looked in and commented on this build....I really appreciated it greatly 
  11. Like
    popeye the sailor reacted to SkerryAmp in Mayflower by SkerryAmp - Model Shipways - 5/32" = 1'   
    Okay, so ran into one of the parts of the hobby I DON'T care for:  the redo!!
    Of course this was because of me and my lack of paying attention.
    Had half the main deck planked and realized my "pattern" was horrid!!!   So, have to rip up all those little pesky deck planks, clean up the deck and re-drop them with more care paid to the pattern.
    But, is worth it - I guess
  12. Like
    popeye the sailor reacted to newbuilder101 in San Felipe by newbuilder101 (Sherry) – Scale 1:96   
    Robbyn: Thank-you! I saw your treenails and they look great! Obviously there are a number of methods that work well.
    Some things look just fine simulated while others don't. I'm thinking, for example, shiny sparkly things! Definitely want the real thing there!  
    Anja: Thank-you for your generous comment!   
    Michael: Thank-you for the support and the kind comments - it's much appreciated!   I love the look of a fully rigged ship, but as you said it is an enormous challenge!
    Popeye: Thank-you as well for the support and encouraging comments! I have this habit of starting at the top instead of the logical process of starting at the bottom and working up. My husband is so used to it now, he recently asked if my next build would be "the real thing" and "should we move closer to the water so I could launch it when it's finished?"    
    Sjors: Thank-you for the kind comment!  
    The deck planks are birch, which is too light coloured for my liking, so I will be staining it with 'honey maple'. That way it will have a little colour, but not too much. Then I will put on satin polyurethane.
    For the final hull planking I have walnut wood, so it will just have a coat of satin polyurethane.
  13. Like
    popeye the sailor got a reaction from clipper in San Felipe by newbuilder101 (Sherry) – Scale 1:96   
    just the mere fact that you've chosen to build such a large scratch build as this,  is awe inspiringring enough.  there are many ship kits out there that may not be historicaly correct......but we build them any way.   some choose to change them.....some don't.   what you've done so far is wonderful.......the deck looks superb.  the hull looks so sleek.......hard to believe that you've pulled it off using balsa  {just writing the name makes me shiver}   I'm going to be picking back up on my first full rigged ship.....I'll admit it,  I am rather daunted...I've never done one in wood before.   I'm finding that plastic was much easier....these I've done many.  I'll think of what your going to face as I do it.....the thought alone will be a great motivator 
  14. Like
    popeye the sailor got a reaction from Anja in San Ildefonso by Sjors - FINISHED - OcCre - 1:70   
    do you feel better now.......smelling sawdust is like salts..........it brings back the senses.   the sound of the cutting tools have a calming effect.
    Anja must be happy now
    that you now have altered your care
    you whittle away the while-a-way hour
    and get ye not in her hair 
  15. Like
    popeye the sailor got a reaction from newbuilder101 in San Felipe by newbuilder101 (Sherry) – Scale 1:96   
    just the mere fact that you've chosen to build such a large scratch build as this,  is awe inspiringring enough.  there are many ship kits out there that may not be historicaly correct......but we build them any way.   some choose to change them.....some don't.   what you've done so far is wonderful.......the deck looks superb.  the hull looks so sleek.......hard to believe that you've pulled it off using balsa  {just writing the name makes me shiver}   I'm going to be picking back up on my first full rigged ship.....I'll admit it,  I am rather daunted...I've never done one in wood before.   I'm finding that plastic was much easier....these I've done many.  I'll think of what your going to face as I do it.....the thought alone will be a great motivator 
  16. Like
    popeye the sailor got a reaction from trippwj in San Ildefonso by Sjors - FINISHED - OcCre - 1:70   
    do you feel better now.......smelling sawdust is like salts..........it brings back the senses.   the sound of the cutting tools have a calming effect.
    Anja must be happy now
    that you now have altered your care
    you whittle away the while-a-way hour
    and get ye not in her hair 
  17. Like
    popeye the sailor got a reaction from augie in San Felipe by newbuilder101 (Sherry) – Scale 1:96   
    just the mere fact that you've chosen to build such a large scratch build as this,  is awe inspiringring enough.  there are many ship kits out there that may not be historicaly correct......but we build them any way.   some choose to change them.....some don't.   what you've done so far is wonderful.......the deck looks superb.  the hull looks so sleek.......hard to believe that you've pulled it off using balsa  {just writing the name makes me shiver}   I'm going to be picking back up on my first full rigged ship.....I'll admit it,  I am rather daunted...I've never done one in wood before.   I'm finding that plastic was much easier....these I've done many.  I'll think of what your going to face as I do it.....the thought alone will be a great motivator 
  18. Like
    popeye the sailor reacted to TBlack in SS Vinal Haven by TBlack - FINISHED   
    Popeye, I can't begin to get to your level of detail, but it's fun to try.
  19. Like
    popeye the sailor reacted to Timothy Wood in 80' ELCO PT Boat by Timothy Wood - FINISHED - BlueJacket Shipcrafters - Scale 1/4" = 1'   
    Chart house shown on the hull to check camber of the mating surface.  (This photo shown earlier in the build).

  20. Like
    popeye the sailor reacted to newbuilder101 in San Felipe by newbuilder101 (Sherry) – Scale 1:96   
    I finished the final bits of first planking.


    I also finished the treenails on the main deck.

    At 1:96 scale I opted for simulated treenails. I experimented with real ones, but it didn't look much better than my final method and so it wasn't worth the extra work.
    I tried drilling and filling with wood filler on some sample decking, but I used birch wood that I had on hand for the deck planks. The wood filler 'bled' into the birch grain and was impossible to sand off.
    What did I finally choose as my method? I read somewhere on the forum about the use of a hypodermic needle. I filed the end off and pressed it into the wood and gave it a slight turn. Not perfect, but I am pleased with it.

  21. Like
    popeye the sailor got a reaction from mtaylor in Half Moon by popeye the sailor - Billing Boats - 1:40 scale kit   
    of course,  that's not to say that the table doesn't get cluttered as well.  at times,  I barely have room to move.   I'm a certified pack rat...I never throw anything away.   you never know when even an oops part can be used 
  22. Like
    popeye the sailor got a reaction from realworkingsailor in Half Moon by popeye the sailor - Billing Boats - 1:40 scale kit   
    of course,  that's not to say that the table doesn't get cluttered as well.  at times,  I barely have room to move.   I'm a certified pack rat...I never throw anything away.   you never know when even an oops part can be used 
  23. Like
    popeye the sailor got a reaction from augie in Half Moon by popeye the sailor - Billing Boats - 1:40 scale kit   
    of course,  that's not to say that the table doesn't get cluttered as well.  at times,  I barely have room to move.   I'm a certified pack rat...I never throw anything away.   you never know when even an oops part can be used 
  24. Like
    popeye the sailor reacted to Piet in Hr. Ms. O 19 1938 by Piet - FINISHED - scale 1:50 - submarine of the Royal Navy Netherlands in service 1939 - 1945   
    Hello all,
    After the second coat of epoxy resin had cured enough I started the sanding process. It's looking much better but I still have a few low spots.  I am contemplating of putting on a third coat of epoxy resin but will do that in two stages.  First just in the low areas and let that cure and then follow up with a full coat.
    Then sanding again and see where we'er at.
    Another option is to use some Bondo.  I bought a can last Friday.  I remember from running my aircraft repair business that Bondo made a one-part filler for small dents or divots.  I'll go and visit the auto part store tomorrow to ask what they have.  If they have what I want then I can return the two-part Bondo, if not then I'll have to experiment mixing a small batch.
    Here are a few close-ups of the hull as she sits right now.  You should be able to see the low spots, where it's still shiny.

    This is a close-up of the aft section of the hull.  The shiny spots are the low spots.  Yes, the epoxy resin is translucent and you can see through it to the wood and wood filler in spots, even after sanding.

    A close-up of the forward section.  
  25. Like
    popeye the sailor reacted to Walter Biles in Meridea by Walter Biles - RADIO - 34" CAD of boat at USN Severn River Repair Station c. 1969   
    I finally found that glass cloth I had remembered having. It was in my old box of plans etc. It should be the perfect weight to coat the hull. Also I found that Walmart carries the resin for the fiberglass in the automotive section. I may use that and disposable paint brushes for coating the outside of the hull. Then I'll sand lightly and build up a smooth resin layer like I used to do in the navy. I think if I work outside I can probably finish the hull in 1/2 hour to an hour. I may even paint the inside below the waterline with it. That would seal up the hull below the waterline.
    Walt Biles
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