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Everything posted by Jeronimo

  1. Hello gjdale, a beautiful model ship. I am looking forward to the first pictures of the construction phase. Regards Karl
  2. Hello Mark and Gaetan. Thank you very much. Karl
  3. Hello to all. Thanks for the kind comments. Question: Can someone explain the meaning and function of these notches me? Thank you. Regards Karl
  4. Hi Gary, I mean the same thing as Druxey. Karl
  5. Hello, assembly of iron knees and A Hold 5 Shot- locker 6 Pump well B Orlop-Deck 9 scuttle providing acces to the shot-locker Karl T e i l 32
  6. Hi friends, first build the deck beams 1. Gun-Deck for the further interior in Orlop-Deck. Karl T e i l 31
  7. Hi Remco, an extraordinary and perfect execution of the Details. I bow in awe. Karl
  8. Hello friends. There are three rider ( Kattspore ) in all reinforcing the hull. The hooks and half-hooks of the mainmast step and the mast-step carlings. These timbers are made up of a number of pieces because of their shape. Karl T e i l 30
  9. Hello friends, Gun ports on both sides and part of the outer planking. The small gun ports are not visible from the outside in the BHR. Port side of only the main Frames were left Standing. Beidseitig Geschützpforten und ein Teil der Aussenbeplankung. Die kleinen Geschützpforten auf dem Gun-Deck sind bei der BHR von aussen überplankt. Backbordseite wurden nur die Richtspanten (Hauptspanten) stehen gelassen. Karl T e i l 29
  10. Hi Holger, the construction of a complete model as BHR in 1:36 scale, would be delimited in my hobbyroom / Workshop not have been possible. Lenght over all: 1946,7 mm Breadth over all: 848,0 mm Highness: 1488,0 mm Originally, only the construction of the rear section was planned, with complete interior looks like a ship this epoch inside. The three parts of the model ship will always be so in individual cases. Der Bau eines kompletten Modelles im Maßstab 1:36 wie die BHR wäre in meinem begrenzten Hobbyraum / Werkstatt nicht möglich gewesen. Länge über alles: 1946,7 mm Breite über alles: 848,0 mm Höhe: 1488,0 mm Ursprünglich war auch nur der Bau des Hechabschnittes geplant, mit komplettem Innenausbau um zu zeigen wie ein Schiff dieser Epoche " Innen" aussieht. Die drei Teile des Modellschiffes werden also immer in einzelnen Vitrinen sein. Karl
  11. Hi friends. Thank you all for the comments. Kevin, Ports of the pumps. Karl
  12. Hi friends, new pictures of the construction progress of the Bonhomme. Regards Karl T e i l 28
  13. Hello Gaetan. At that size of the model, how and with what you have sanded the inside of the bulkhead framework? Regards Karl
  14. Hi Alexandru. Impeccable work, just outstanding!!!!!! Congratulations Sehr gute Arbeit. Karl
  15. Hi Toni, very nice and good work. Why the deck Planks in a light Wood? Regards Karl
  16. Hello friends, there is a possibility to watch the Videos anyway? Regards Karl
  17. 3nd Construction stage Main-Mast-Section Project Planning; Length of hull ; 499,0 mm Hight of the keel to the top of the mainmast :1489,0 mm Mainyard width including Main-topmast studdingsail-boom : 729,0 mm Complete rigging Regards Karl T e i l 26
  18. Hi Remco. I mean the same Thing as Druxey and Martin. WOW!!!!! Absolut Spitzen-Klasse. Regards Karl
  19. Hello friends. Thanks for the compliments. Part 1 and Part 2, Part 3 later remain single because of the insight into the ship's interior. Regards Karl Sorry, Google Translator
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