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About Charley54

  • Birthday 09/20/1954

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  • Location
    Wenatchee, Washington

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  1. I have recently re-started work on my Syren after a very long break and find myself very close to the same stage as you. I just finished planking and began chapter 6. Your work so far is beautiful. I look forward to seeing how you handle the stern as that is what I am currently playing with. I'll be following along. Cheers
  2. She's an elegant looking little thing. Always loved this kit. I just browsed thru the log, what a journey. Really enjoyed it. Great work
  3. Hi Matt. Think I will follow along. I also have a Syren build that I haven't updated for awhile. Enjoy.
  4. I just love a good Syren so I think I'll follow along. Your photography is great.
  5. Nice save. Think I'll follow along. I am getting ready to haul my Syren off the back shelf and take another run at it. This helps
  6. Hey Adam- I will be tagging along. I'm a Syren builder myself although lately "summer" has been taking up much of my time. I'm looking forward to your log. Charley
  7. Hey Jim Trying to picture what you are describing. Im not sure which axis you are off on. Are you refering to the sills, the lintels or the bulkheads themselves? Maybe you could post a picture. However, I have found the errors tend to multipy down the line. It might be worth the effort to fix it now. Cant be sure till I understand the problem a little better so please elaborate. I will be happy to help all I can. Also there is a framing question thread you could post your question in and get tons of responses. Their are lots of members that are more than willing to help. As to the stern, dont worry about elaborate filling below the counter, that was just my choice because I liked how it "looked" I dont think it is required to complete a good planking job. Thanks for stopping by the log Charley
  8. Outstanding idea using the brass. I think I saw some at Hobby Lobby. I will file this one away for future reference. Thanks Richard Charley
  9. Good news!. Finally got all the pitures back up that were lost now I just have to organize and post my next update . If silly things would just quit monopolizing my time I am making progress. I finished the upper planking tonight and just have to take a few more pictures. Real life does seem to interfere with my shipyard time on a regular basis. I'm thinking the whole employment/regular job thing (after 32 years) may not have been the best choice for me Hindsight is always 20/20
  10. Hey Robbyn, looking good. You are right back up with me. I finished the starboard side upper planking and am almost done on the port side. I have to get some pictures up on my log. I counted upwards of 60 seperate pieces on my startboard side. Lots of pieces, lots of time. I sure have learned a lot though. However, the starboard side will be the wall side on my Syren. I guess that means I have to start everything on the starboard side just to work the kinks out Charley
  11. Hi John ! good to hear from you. I understand you are getting ready to go on a little trip. Hope you have some fun. The only thing I lost from my log were old photos I had posted. I have them all on my PC so I can repost them when I can find the time. All is well. I have been planking my little heart out. I will have an update soon. Charley
  12. Looks like my log was hit pretty hard by the recent data loss. I should be able to replace everything. I just need to find the time. I was getting ready to post some new updates anyway. Hopefully in the next week sometime. Charley
  13. Hey Richard, very very nice! I had almost given up the idea of doing treenails as my battle with planking has been epic and I have been just slogging along. One plank at a time, but seeing your stuff is reinvigorating. Thanks Charley
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