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About Katsumoto

  • Birthday 07/10/1981

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    The Netherlands

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  1. This hobby gets a deeper meaning when sharing your work and knowledge with friends in real life. philosophizing over future possibilities and extending abilities is fuell for drive and focus to overcome difficulties ahead. I saw that with your outstanding Winnie built and now again with Speedwell. It’s wonderfull to follow. love the clean and very accurate work and guidance to fellow Speedwell builders. Great job! Peter
  2. Wow, those are really small blocks you've used....you can always drill out the holes with a larger diameter drill bit to make them a litte bit bigger. Carefully and low speed should do the trick. I found the rigging of the guns fun to do actually, however I was glad I had to do only 20.....😰
  3. Super stars on MSW have a talent to ask for help when needed and share knowledge to those who ask or need. Just proceed, keep asking, applying the given knowledge and pass on to others so new future superstars will emerge. 🙂 You are doing great by the way on your Winnie project.
  4. Thanks Chuck, I will have a blast I'm sure. Pictures will be taken so I place them afterwards in this topic as well.
  5. For the viewers who are in Amsterdam The Netherlands by the end of September. I’ve been asked with a local group of exquisit modellers to expose with this ship model in the famous historic ship museum “het scheepvaart museum” in The Netherlands. https://www.hetscheepvaartmuseum.com/home it’s on the 28th of September the whole day and truely an honor to display my model ship in a museum for one day. I will also demonstrate how to make rope and cable on Chuck’s / Syren Rope Rocket, to visitors and fellow modellers. It’s an excellent tool to do a great job and maybe some people will order Rope Rockets @Syrenshipmodelcompany after that. 😉 I hope to meet some of you there. Peter
  6. These blocks look fantastic! Can’t believe these are 3D printed, just amazing…I’ll have to order some to experiment with sealer or stain. Peter
  7. What fantastic news Ben! Congratulations with the growth of your business! the sample carts looks great, should help a lot of people to choose the right size rope for their model. will you do a cable sample cart as well?
  8. Good bye Mugje, hello Ronald! excellent planking job so far. Looks very clean and accurate
  9. I think you are doing more than an outstanding job with this kit beauty or for the ship modeling world. Everyone may know my opinion for that matter! 🙂
  10. The battle continues, gluing bulkheads and reinforcement of the construction Hello everybody, yes I'm still alive and kicking. My professional work, called a career gets in the way sometimes. I'm just sorry for my absence lately but choices.....you know what I mean... This weekend was a weekend I claimed for modeling. I have glued up all the frame / bulkhead pieces and then glued them to the center plate. The construction was way to flexible in ships length so I had to reinforce the construction. Luckily I had a walnut dowel laying around which did the trick just fine and so I used my saw and chopped it into a lot of pieces. Glued all the pieces between the bulkheads and the thing is solid! The upper part of each frame / bulkhead are very very fragile. So I decided to glue small pieces of basswood (10x10mm) between the frames to create a shell. I used my table saw to saw some 10x10mm sticks and luckily the weather was nice this weekend here in The Netherlands. I'll bet the admiral wouldn't like the noise of the table saw and all the clouds of sawdust into the living room.... Well, that's it for this update, until the next one. Regards, Peter
  11. Thank you very much for the nice words. I’ve done my best on this model to show all the steps I’ve done during construction. It was a lovely built, really enjoyed it! Thanks again guys! Cheers, Peter
  12. Thanks for the encouragement Marc, you’re spot on with your assumption! anyway, thanks for following and leaving a message. Peter
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