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Everything posted by mgdawson

  1. Testors have a range 'Model Master Metalizer Lacquer Paints' which I've heard are quite good, sorry can't speak from personal experience, perhaps there's a colour there that might suite. Mark
  2. Hi Paul Drill bits often 'drill' a fraction over their measured size so the .02mm might be deliberate, good luck measuring the hole 🙂 Mark
  3. https://www.youtube.com/c/SAILCARGOINC/videos
  4. Dan Snows comment on the noise and shock wave makes me wonder what it would have actually been like on a ship, with the muzzle outboard, the gun port would have restricted the amount of the external noise and shock wave traveling back inboard. None of the re-enactments I've seen on youtube have attempted to simulate this nor, for that matter, have any used a realistic ship sized mass of timber to shoot into even though they present it as such. They seem to think the scantlings of a thin palisade are representative of a ship of the lines hull 😕 Despite this they still draw conclusions about the noise, shock and damage. I'd love to have access to that gun and do the experiment properly. Even better, half a dozen of those guns 😁
  5. Hi Pat, Is Bob a member of these forums ? I can't seem to find him under that name.
  6. From the 2 seconds at 4:30 showing the loader picking up the ball, it doesn't appear to be too heavy and comparing it to the gloved hand it could be around 4" or a bit bigger. My chart of ball sizes has 9lb 4" diameter, 12lb 4.4", 18lb 5.04" & 24lb 5.55", I'm guessing it's possibly a 12 pounder.
  7. I thought this might interest some who don't like the feel and limitations of a magnifying visor. Our local office supply has the 2 power A4 magnifying sheets for $A17:50, while aliexpress has a 3 power A4 sheet from about $A4 incl frt if you're not in a hurry. Ultimate Soldering LED Light With A4 Sheet Magnifier
  8. The link is actually to a playlist with both parts 1 & 2.
  9. Hi Amy Can't help you myself but I'd suggest you contact the Sydney Heritage Fleet and ask them to put you in contact with Peter Hughes who co-ordinates the model workshop, they've restored a lot of models and may have done some from that period. BTW Which museum are you with ? Mark
  10. Hi Brett There's a youtube video 'Ancient Naval Artillery - We will rock you!' where the host, Drachinifel, states that the term trireme refers to the number of rowers on each side rather than the number of banks of rowers. This specific discussion starts at t=6:01. Unfortunately they don't mention a source for this 'fact', perhaps it's just a known within knowledgeable circles. Drach also flashes up a cutaway image showing 4 banks of oars with a total of 30 rowers, rather cosy on a hot day ! Mark
  11. That's for those of us downunder.
  12. Just a guess, I would imagine they'd be preserved with either oil or a oil/tar mixture which, with repeated coating, would make them quite a dark colour but not black. Mark
  13. Titebond hide glue uses water rather than heat to soften and can be reactivated with water. I have, one one occasion, needed to undo a glued joint, about 40mm square so it took a bit of soaking to get right in but it came apart ok, and the original glue just needed a dab top-up when it came to reassembling. Apart from being an indoor adhesive the only downside, for some uses, is setup time, I think they recommend 30 or 60 minutes clamp time (full strength 24 hours). I've used it on a leatherwork stitching pony where it's under considerable stress with no problems.
  14. Hi Messis I just found this page with formulae for smoothbore cannon internal and external ballistics. Unfortunately not an online calculator but perhaps someone who knows javascript could put it online. https://www.arc.id.au/CannonBallistics.html
  15. Charlie, where are you ? In Aus ? Bunnings carry it. mark
  16. Interesting, Safety Data Sheet says it’s 100% nitromethane. You may be able to buy 99% in hobby shops as radio control racing fuel, much cheaper by the litre than than a 60cc bottle if you need quantity. Mark
  17. Hi shortgrass, there are a few wooden boats being built / rebuilt with regular youtube updates. Two i’m following are the ‘Sampson Boat Co‘, where an english shipwright is rebuilding a 130 year old yacht, ‘Tally Ho’ in Oregan and ‘Acorn to Arabella’ where a couple of blokes are building a 1930s(?) yacht design from scratch, including harvesting most of the timber from their property. Both are explaining the how and why. Look around episode 60 in the former and episode 45 in the latter for cutting the rabbet. I could be an episode out in either direction for the explanation you’re looking for, i watched those episodes quite a whiles back. Mark
  18. I've got a small box of Lego as well as a 600 piece Meccano set, both really handy for temporary jigs / tools etc for all sorts of projects. Unfortunately neither from my child hood, had to go out and buy new stuff but they've both paid for themselves. (On the ToDo list is to make up some block/arms etc with neodymium magnets to use on a steel plate as a magnetic building board which I can combine with Lego jigs and particularly the Meccano.) Mark
  19. Hi, I see Amati has a 1:50 kit of the Tommy Sopwiths J-Class 'Endeavour' but details seem thin on the ground. The website says it has a pre-built hull and looking at the photos it appears to have both the hull and deck planked. It looks to be a good kit to put in my stash ready for retirement and I've been searching for reviews etc but can only find info on the 1:80 and 1:35 kits. Does anyone know anything about this kit ? Mark
  20. Perhaps not historically accurate but I love the look of natural wood, if it's in good enough condition I'd oil it, just my personal preference. Oh, yeah, I'd also replace those posidrives with slotted screws, either stainless or brass. Mark
  21. Hi Bruce, I found a few threads by searching for "keel taper", include the quotes, that forces the search engine to look for the phrase rather than the 2 individual words that happen to be in the same post but unconnected. Mark
  22. Hi Chuck, On leatherworker.net they talk about acetone, MEK (MEKP is not the same), toluene and even general purpose thinners, it depends on the brand of contact. One poster specifically mentions he'd had success with Toluene for thinning DAP weldwood, Acetone for cleanup and less success for thinning. Let us know how you fare. Mark
  23. Thanks wefalck, Mary, Charles I've actually got several blacking compounds for both ferrous and copper based alloys , just never thought to try ball bearings, I always assumed the alloy or chrome plate wouldn't take the black and nor did heat occur to me. Got a gas torch so I just need to get some ball bearing of appropriate size and start experimenting. Thanks again. Mark
  24. Acrylic paint in small quantities with applicator included, what's not to like ? I use it for marking cable polarities, mouse & keyboard dongles so I know which belongs to which, thread witness marks etc etc I get some weird looks in the chemist, but I just smile and let them wonder 🙂 Actually the really fun bit was the new girlfriend when she saw the bottles.
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