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Everything posted by pete48

  1. Thank you Chief Mac, once you get bitten by the bug your shipyard will change Best Regards, Pete
  2. Hello Ron, This has been one of the most impressive build logs that I have seen , I feel like I could build the boat from your log, Hats Off Well done Best Regards, Pete
  3. Shes looking great Richard, the Hull looks Fantastic Best Regards, Pete
  4. Looking good Bob, Merry Christmas and Happy new year Best Regards, Pete
  5. Today, I actually got to get some work in on keels 3 and 4. On Keel #3 I finished fairing the hull and installed the Cutwater. I also got the first coat of varnish on the hull. On Keel #4, I started planking the Hull, I went ahead with 1/4" for the first or top plank and I am using 1/8" the rest of the way Here are the results
  6. Hi Michael, She looks fantastic , I would not change a thing (regarding the rail height) Best Regards, Pete
  7. Amazing job Tom , I should be on your Christmas list
  8. Thank you Popeye Shawn and Micheal, after the kit I pretty much went to the otherside , after the hull and deck were done on the kit, the rest of the parts from the kit is still in the box ( thats when I went to the other side) I forgot to pack a lunch, anyone got any spinach ?
  9. Beautiful Job Michael, I am very impressed with this build and the detail work, I have enjoyed following this build log Best Regards, Pete
  10. Great Job Shawn , Building Boats can be habbit forming , I am addicted as well
  11. Thank you Popeye, I greatly appreciate it. As I started on the kit I realized that there was a jewel hiding inside it . I wanted to capture the beauty of the transom on my build.( to me this is the key to the boat) I got the offset table from the Chapelle drawings of the boat and Lofted it out to scale . this gave me a better understanding of the boats Design and allowed me to expand on it .So I took it a step further with a working retractable centerboard and working Rudder ( Keel #4 ) and I also opened up frames 1 and 2 (its on my scratch build log for Keels 3 & 4 ) I have been having alot of fun building these and if that makes me nuts I am ok with that Best Regards, Pete
  12. Great job Shawn , Looks like it came together pretty fast . ( it usually does when you are having fun)
  13. Thank you Russ, Now that the deck is on, I can finish fairing the Hull and she will really take shape Best Regards, Pete
  14. As the Holidays approach , the build time becomes less time. On Keel # 3 I installed the deck and trimmed the excess wood off the transom ,I then Installed my make shift rudder and tiller to make sure all is functioning properly, ( It does) and that tiller and rudder can be easily installed and removed from the boat . (also works well)I also cut out for the companion way hatch so you can now see the figured Birch on frame 1. Here are the results
  15. My Internet was down last night, so here is the progress that was made on Keel 4 , all the frames have been Faired and is now ready for planking, On this one I am going to use 1/8" strips for planking ( I used 1/4 " on the previous builds) I am happy with the results thus far on Keel 4. Here are the results
  16. Hi Sailor1234567890, I am actually building the Herreshoff Buzzards Bay 14 footer the link for the build is in my signature Best Regards, Pete
  17. Thank you Bob , She already does, she just does not know that shes getting it yet.( I love the suprise element) Best Regards, Pete
  18. Thank you Micheal, Now that I have finished the kit and 1st scratch (Keel #1 ) I can focus on these 2 boat's more (and my Herreshoff) Best Regards, Pete
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