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Everything posted by pete48

  1. Hi Tom, Beautiful build you got going here , fantastic detail on your build log. great job Best Regards, Pete
  2. looks great Bob, Fantastic work , she's comming together nicely. Beautifull hull and deck Pete
  3. Hello Marc, Nice build log you have. Great job on this build looks good Best Regards, Pete
  4. Hi Bob, Its one of those things that when you move , Always for me anyway, one box ends up missing. just so happens to be the Herreshoff. I am thinking that its inside another box I will turn this house upside down again to find it . It was the project that I wanted to start with once the move was done. Best Regards, Pete
  5. Thank you Bob, I was planning on just the 4 scratch builds,But when I could not find my Herreshoff Buzzards Bay 14 ftr, I decided on one more ( I wanted to start a fresh build ) hopefully I will find it soon ( the Herreshoff ) the plans and everything for the boat are all in that one box., I just cant seem to find it ( its around here somewhere ) Best Regards, Pete
  6. Looks great Matti, nice job on the carvings Best Regards, Pete
  7. This Morning, I awoke to beautiful Sunshine, so I thought I would finish Fairing Keel # 4 (that I started yesterday) Then I cut out and installed the Cutwater. I then masked the boat off and sprayed 2 coats of white primer . I decided to leave the top board wood and stain it later. I sanded the primer with 400 grit sandpaper here are the results
  8. Hi Matti, Thank you I will look into those books, Fasinating subject and a intresting history Best Regards, Pete
  9. Hi Matti, Thank you for the History of this fine vessel, it is very intresting to know the story behind the boat Best Regards, Pete
  10. Great Job Popeye, I thought I do some catching up on your multi build, Looks fantastic Best Regards, Pete
  11. Beautiful Boat , very well done I enjoyed looking thru this build log. Excellent work Best Regards, Pete
  12. Today on Keel # 5 I installed the Keel strips and faired the frames . I then installed the first 2 rows of planking. Here are the results
  13. Hi Matti, Amazing work Beautiful job, Great details I love the pics Keep it up Best Regards, Pete
  14. Today I had sunshine for about 2 hours, so I got some more fairing done on Keel # 4, (almost there) . On Keel # 5 I glued the frames to the keel making sure everything is square amd plumb to the base line (LWL) I then installed the ribands and Breast hook. ( so far right on the money ) Next fairing the frames and installing the keel battens. Here are the results
  15. Looks good Casey, good to see you back on your feet ( and back to building ) Best Regards, Pete
  16. Thank you Russ, You have to get it right at the begining or your chasing it all the way to the Mast. (LOL) Best Regards, Pete
  17. I did get the Keel and all the frames cut out,Dry fitted then I trued them up and fitted again, so far so good for Keel # 5, and with rain till monday,I will be busy with this one for a few days. here are the results
  18. Hi Tom, Unfortunatly the garage is not available Pete
  19. Hey Tom, Pretty much and very tough on ship builders, I have had dreams that I was building boats does that count ? Pete
  20. Hey Tom, Thats why I keep building Lobster Boats (every one I build I should have done this or that) We moved north to Rathdrum (temp) and in Aug I will be moving to the Oregon Coast,the Move was gruelling every thing is still in boxes. Best Regards, Pete
  21. When I woke this morning it is still Raining, so any sanding or finishing will have to wait another day. (Sanding and Finishing has to be done outside New Rules) I went thru my scrap and my lumber yard and relized I could build another one.(Keel # 5) After a few Cups of Coffe I decided to build a Float version (pre R.C.) It will be a no frills version . I just have the itch to build. Here is where I am at so far today
  22. Thank you Russ I greatly appreciate it Best Regards, Pete
  23. This morning I awoke to rain, so final fairing on keel # 4 would have to wait. I did find Keel # 3 in a box last night so I was prepared. I started by laying out the fish wells and cutting out the Cabin / Cockpit coaming. When I cut out the fish wells I decided to go with a butterfly style hatch. Then I installed the Cockpit / Cabin coaming. I also checked the rough rudder set up and it works perfect. Here are the results
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