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Everything posted by pete48

  1. Last Night I was able to squeeze in a few hours , So I finished cutting the frames that I had laid out, ( I cut out the frames that will give me a basic shape first) I only have to make 5 more frames . Nothing has been glued together and I used a piece of masking tape to hold the Transom on (its crude but hey it works ) To this point everything has gone smoothly. Here are the results
  2. Today on Keel 3 all the frames were faired and she is now ready for planking. Here are the results
  3. Hi Tom, There is a kit build along with Keel #1 & #2 on this Build log (Keel 2 was built to get the planking correct and is not an official build) Keel 2 is so that I can try out things and see how they work out. ( and if they do I share them ) Best Regards, Pete
  4. Thank you Tom, Frame 1 is visible when the companion way hatch is open . I actually strengthened aft of frame 4 (it was a weak spot on the previous builds) after fairing the frames. I also had cut off the stern and re attached it , to allow for the working rudder As far as CDA Freinds and family understand Best Regards, Pete
  5. Thank you Russ and Richard, I have better understanding of how this boat goes together, as far as Full size, you never know Best Regards, Pete
  6. Thank you Russ Shawn and Richard, It has been alot of fun adding all the detail to keel 2, Hopefull I can get the cockpit/cabin coaming on today Best Regards, Pete
  7. Today on Keel 3, I got all the frames squared up and the rib bands installed, Now she's ready for fairing the frames. Here are the results
  8. This Morning I thought about doing some detail to the cockpit of keel 2 . My Wife started calling it the "Blue Boat" a few days ago its starting to catch on (with me anyway)I wanted to add detail under the cockpit floor as well as enclosing the bench seats, after that I went for the fish wells . on Keel 1 I did get the railings stained and made a temp boom rest. Here are the Results
  9. Thank you Keith , I am Actually building 2 more , One with a retractable keel. Best Regards Pete
  10. Today on Keel 1 I installed the fairleads , I then Started making the cleats, Blocks Oar Locks, I then decided to go with 1/8" X 1/8" Basswood for the rub raill , I then rounded it off along with the toe rail and fair leads. Next it will get Stained. Here are the results
  11. I Started by Taking 1/8" X 4" Basswood and lofting the lines (profile ) drawing on it. And I am using 3/32" X 4" for the frames and started lofting them out as well , I did get a few frames cut ( I see myself going thru alot of #11 Blades) Here are the results
  12. Looks great Michael, Very nice setup you have there Best Regards, Pete
  13. Thanks Tom, Its a beautiful Boat, one I have always wanted . Now that I have gotten my feet wet again,( I had a 11 year break from Boat Buildiing.)( Full Size and Scale models) and now have a few Lobster Smack's under my belt . I am ready to Build This Boat. I am going to build her with cut frames and a strongback. ( that way I can R.C. her if i decide) I like the idea of being able to sail her. Best Regards, Pete
  14. Hi Yambo, Although at first glance they look the same, The Sakonnet daysailer has a Hard Chine hull,and The Herreshoff has a rounded bilge. if you were to compare them side by side they are 2 completly different boats Best Regards, Pete
  15. This morning I woke up and Deciced that I would start the Buzzards Bay 14 ftr . I was originaly planning on building Capt Nates 12 1/2 , However I cannot find the plans for it (the last time I saw them was when I was planning on a full size build) anyway, I do have the plans for the Buzzards Bay 14 ftr. wich was designed by Francis Herreshoff (son of Nathanael Herreshoff) a slightly larger version of the 12 1/2. (12 1/2 is the water line length) The Buzzards Bay has a 14 foot Waterline. I still plan on building the 12 1/2 in the future. Here is what I have so far
  16. Today on Keel 1,I got started by doing all the small touch up work. I then decided to paint a blue water line on Keel 2 ( I could not get it to work on Keel 1 ) it worked out on this one. I then removed the deck over the fish wells to gain access to the bilge( I may float this one) Here are the results
  17. Looks Good Tom , Great job on the smoke stack
  18. While I keep adding Varnish to Keel 3 , I started on Keel 4, This one will have a working Retractable Center Board, a working Rudder and I am going to open the frames up in the cabin area. Here are the results
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