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Geoff Matson

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Everything posted by Geoff Matson

  1. Coppering looks great. That is one job that is nice to have out of the way.
  2. Well I finished the spritsail yard and the gaff boom and spanker boom Now all have do is make line and then onto the rigging part
  3. Good looking rigging Jim. As soon as I finish my yardarms I will ship my Conny over to you so you can rig her for me
  4. I finished the topgallent and royal yardarms Here are all the yardarms. Now on to the spritsail yard, spanker boom and spanker gaff.
  5. Thanks for posting your build log. Your cross section looks great.
  6. Good move on your part. If it bothers you now it will bother you forever. The one thing I learned from this list is that there is no shame in doing things over. When you check out the scratch build logs you see a lot of great work on do overs. I am sure you Al San Francisco will turn out great
  7. my wife is also a quilter and often comes up with some good ideas. Thanks for the post
  8. I know how you feel. After changeing a lot of the kit parts I feel like I might be ready for a scratch build.
  9. I finished with the top sail yards. I did use smaller eyebolds and rods for the jackstays. I will folllow the same procedure the remaining yards. THe higher I go the smaller the eyebolds adn rods for the jack stays. Now on to the top gallant and royals. The smalller the yards become it is more time consuming to shape the yards.
  10. Steve I think you might be a little confused on the boats. I don't think there are any belaying pin racks in the boats. The tholes? are for for the oars and are mounted on the cap rails. Here are two pictures that might explain it better for you Hope this helps.
  11. Good to see you back working on the Conny. I really like your stand. I did the same thing with the eyebolts, I used wire instead of styrene.
  12. Glad to see you back to work on your Conny. The coppering looks great. One small hint. Copper the rudder at the same time, that way all the copper will age the same and be the same color.
  13. Jay Rigging looks great as usual. Hope you and wife wife havea great trip and look forward to your progress when you return.
  14. Thanks for posting your build log. I am sure it will of great value to future Conny builders.
  15. Jim Check with Jeff He is a moderator and can answer your questions.
  16. Welcome Jim Posting a build log is pretty easy. You will figure it out in no time. When I joined MSW, I started mine with the masting and rigging part. I know you are getting close to finishing her up start your post where ever you want. Glad to have you with us.
  17. You truely have a work of art. What a great job. Thanks for posting your build.
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