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Geoff Matson

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Everything posted by Geoff Matson

  1. Wow Thanks for all the information. I think I will try the stretching metnods with some weights. Thanks again for all your replys.
  2. Thanks to all for your answers. If I get this right I make my first rope, harden it. Then to make bigger rope I take the hardened rope and twist it the opposite way. Ok then how do you harden the rope the first time? I have heard of stretching it with wieghts for a period of time.
  3. Thanks Jan I know somewhere I heard of stretching the rope and hanging it with weights to harden the rope. Does it ring a bell
  4. It seems like a lot us are into rope making now with the Byrnes ropewalk. I would be interested to see how you all handle hardening the rope to keep it from untwisting. Looking forward to you replys
  5. Rusty Thanks for rebuilding your log. I was really impressed with your results with the sculpty clay. I am going to have to get some and give it a go. Was there much of a learning curve?
  6. I am working on the lower masts and followed all the dimensions off the plans. The dowels supplied with the kit were not up to parr so I made my own out of square basswood stock. The square stock was chucked into my drill press and turned down to size. To simulate the iron bands and chaffing area I used styrene. I used CA to glue the styrene to the wood. The lower masts were then test on the ship and the caps dry fitted in place The lower mast will be painted white.
  7. Hey Jay good to hear from you Right now I am working on the masts. I am adding a little detail to them like the pike racks, some sheves etc. I will post some photos soon. I think I am dragging my feet a little trying to avoid getting to the rigging to soon I will be posting some more pictures soon.
  8. I have found out when something bothers me I end doing it over. If I don't everytime I look at the model my eyes go right to the mistake. I agree with the others, just do it over
  9. Great idea I will have to give this one a go. Thanks for the post
  10. Jay You miight have me confused with someone else. The Conny is only my second ship build and my first one was the AVS. Hope your other projects end soon so you can get back to your Conny. I still visit some of the other forums.
  11. She is my quality control advisor always there to help, Now it I could only teach her rigging.
  12. I coppered my Constitution and I would do it again. The only thing I would do next time is leave out the copper nail heads. It is a scale thing.
  13. Hello Danny I am new to MSW. Thank you for sharing your build with the members. Your craftsmanship is outstanding and I look forward to your continued progress. I am really intrigued with your clamps and will be trying to make some of them.
  14. Hello Toni Great job on the long boat. I will have to put it on my to do list. Thanks for the build long
  15. Hello Toni I am the guy from your modeling group that hauls the horses. I just joined the web sight and thanks for reposting your build. You are doing a great job and I look forward to following your progress here and at the meetings.
  16. Hello Bob Great build of thr Long Boat. Looks like you had fun building and the display base ir outstanding. Will follow your progress on the Conny
  17. My name is Geoff and I have been building the MS Constitution. I basically followed Bob Hunts practicum. I am now ready to begin the masting and rigging part. I am very impressed with the other Constitution build logs and look forward to see them all develope Here are a few pictures of my progress so far. Thanks Geoff
  18. Hello Jay I enjoy looking at your build and have checked out your web sight. Great job on the Conny Geoff
  19. Hello Harv Looks like the Conny is coming along fine. Thanks for posting the build log. Geoff
  20. Your Constitution is really turning out nice. I like the way you made your binnicals. Geoff
  21. Hello Bob Thanks for putting your build log up. Looks great. Once I figure this all out I will put mine up Geoff
  22. I too am building the MS Constitution . Your boats look great I too used the dremel tool with the cutters to rough out the insides and outsides. THen finished sanded. I used some burrs from Disston. I found the cone shaped ones workd best on the insdie for me Geoff
  23. Hi I have been playing around a little with the ropewalk and figured one thing out. You need to be coordinated. To make good rope you need your (eyes) to keep the twisted rope in right place in front of the die. You need your (left hand) to control the supply wheel. Your (right hand) to control the take up spool. The( speed control) has to be set to keep the rope twisting. You also need to be sure the supply wheel is set up right. Once you get it all figured out and with practice you can make beautiful rope to what ever scale you want. There is a learning curve so be patient. I am going to practice with numerous threads to see which best suits me. I really like the posts the members have made of their progress. Keep them coming Geoff
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