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Everything posted by mtaylor

  1. i'm sure there's an academic research paper in that observation. But I've heard that in the past also but about other products. Almost like a "hive mnd" thing. I hope there's much success with this model for you. Lovely looking, IMO.
  2. My mill doesn't go that fast so I go for thin cuts and slow movement of the cutting bit. I do notice that sometimes some pieces do chip out but I suspect it's due to the grain usually at the end of the cut.
  3. Here's another good source of warfare information and wars... https://warfarehistorynetwork.com/
  4. I suspect there's more rain in store for everyone east of the Pacific coast. We've had and aref still having snow in the moiuntians around us and heavy rains ever day for the last couple of weeks and it's supposed to continue. Stay safe, everyone.
  5. Here's a couple of sites I have bookmarked with some basic knowledge on lathe and milling machines..... https://www.littlemachineshop.com/Products/product_new.php Click on learning center on this site. https://www.mini-lathe.com/ This site has embedded links in the text.
  6. There are in various places here on MSW, planking fans which simplifiy the process of marking off the hull. One such I'm posting below. plankingfan.pdf,
  7. Yes, that's basically a "dummy" seat. As I recall, regs required a passenger seat and also the ability to store one suitcase of a certain size even though these cars were never meant to carry a passenger or suitcase. So they made those as small and as lightweight as they builder could get away with and still meet the rules.
  8. Tim, If you haven't this book, it's worth consiidering. There are some errors but it' does provide a good overview. zu Mondeld's Historic Ship Models. Online sources are pretty varied as to content and explanations but zu Mondfeld will get you started.
  9. Welcome to MSW, Travis. Do consider opening a build log as it's a great way to get help and also meet others.
  10. Welcome to MSW, Madin. Sorry for not getting back sooner but life and and all that. Do give some thought to an intro post in our New Members area. It's been a long time since I built this model and much is buried in Mind Dust, but I do believe Denis is correct. There's more than a few builds complete and many still under way. Use the search function with the keyword "Constellation" and you should get all the builds past and present.
  11. Welcome to MSW,. By all means, start a log for your ship. It's the best way to get help and also meet others.
  12. I think it's a matter of your choice. I have a combo unit and works well. It's not top of the line but it does what I want.
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