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Everything posted by mtaylor

  1. Welcome to MSW, John. You Albatros came out very well.
  2. He's right Micha. Goto the front page and scroll to the bottom past all the topics to just below the Stance on Piracy area and you will see a box with statistic in it (the number of members in that box) and below that is a box with "Who's online".
  3. Just a note on the Frolich book.... it is more for French ships than U:S or English as there are some differences in ship design and all the equipment just as gun rigging, stoves, crew accommodations, etc, Having said that...it is a great reference and well worth at least a read.
  4. I too thought it was the model and had forgot about yours being yellow. I need a new brain....
  5. Welcome to MSW Klas, Feel free to start a build log in the kit area for your Sherbourne as it's the best way to get help and meet other modelers.
  6. Nor will one publisher have all the answers either. Have a look at ANCRE's offerings for French ships. So, we have to be open to our choices and the research for them. Start "small" and add books when you need them (much like the gospel on tools....
  7. Not just a beautiful model but a very stunning display, Matiz.
  8. The one book I use for starting any research has been Historic Ship Models by zu Mondfeld. Usually it's just the starting point for a trip down a rabbit hold and ending up on my other books or on a deep web search.
  9. It seems that almost all museums are headed towards "minimal" displays of artifacts in favor of computer screens and "immersive" things like videos. So it's just not naval ones but many aircraft museums along natural history ones are doing this. Not sure the whole reason but some is probably due to damage by visitors wanting to "touch" them. Pretty sad, IMO.
  10. It does appear looking at the lower photo that the taller men were"in the middle".
  11. I just want to step back a bit and say the the carving in this topic is wonderful and also all the conversation about the methods, woods, and various bits of information in this area. Thanks for doing this and I'm looking forward to your next project.
  12. Looks pretty darn good from here, Greg. The detail of the water splashes and peaks are something most modelers never do.
  13. Sad about the launch but the ship looks fantastic and this has been a joy to follow along.
  14. I'm saddened to hear about this, Kevin. Dogs are family and for many, even closer in some ways. Remember the good times and love the new pup. The dogs know when we're sad and will help iwth healing though the missing them never goes away.
  15. Hmm.. scratch the word "jets".... my mind wandered a bit and for some reason typed that in. <sigh>
  16. I'd be surprised if after a few days firing they could hear anything. Not just tanks but any "noise makers".... jets, sidearms, MG's, etc. Many if not most of us who were in the military and especially combat zones end up with hearing aids.
  17. Hmm... secret weapon type rockets... a variation of the Congrieve? The timing would fit per Wikipedia.
  18. Yes, definitely. Then just add posts for the the unboxing and building.
  19. I knew we could count on you to herd some penquins this way, Keith. Well done.
  20. https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/mary-rose-royal-navy-mystery-060000763.html
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