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Everything posted by mtaylor

  1. I've decided to pause my other projects since as a result of my stroke my memory has failed in some areas. Mostly it's working but some things are gone forever like "how to plank" while other things are coming back to me. So, after much thought, I've ordered the NRG Planking Project. I've downloaded the manual and am reading through it. The kit should be here this coming weekend.
  2. I'm right there also, BCD. Hit the wall hard this time. I'm considering the Half-Hull project from the NRG as my wall I hit was the planking. Seems to be a reasonable price and a well thought out project.
  3. Some years ago, been so long I forget the title, I read a thick book on the Krump empire. It's beginnings to time of it was published. A bit of an eyeoperer to say the least with all the industries and government areas they had their hands in.
  4. I'd think it's a mix of things but yes, the wars had a huge impact as well as building from stone.
  5. Looking good on the early work. I suggest you open a build log from here on out instead of this area.
  6. Welcome back, Bug. Horrible what happened to your daughter but I'm glad things are better now. Trauma is never good and dealing with it is always a priority. .
  7. Welcome to MSW. You might consider doing an intro in the New Members area. Use the search feature (upper right hand side of any page) and in this subform, search for air brush. You should get a large amount of hits.
  8. No cutting matt here. I use an old kitchen cutting board. At some point in time, depending on how much it's used, I just do a bit sanding to get it smooth and flat again.
  9. Those results remind of the old saying about "not pleasing all the people all the time" etc. It'll be interesting to see what your answer is.
  10. My first thought on seeing the "Captain" was "steam punk but the "over exuberant Gothic Revival" does sound better.
  11. If no lamp stores some the bigger hardware stores have lots of lamp fittings.
  12. I'm in also. Go for it OC. With your skills it'll come out looking great.
  13. Interesting on the descriptions, Craig. Language, especially English isn't static, meaning change over time and sometime a word can have several definitions that are not compatable. I think you're spot on with your take of the meaning.
  14. She's looking sharp and yes, boxwood is a wonderful wood to work with. As for painting? It's your choice. Some builders use little to no paint, others go all out. I'd wait until you have her planked and then decide.
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