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Everything posted by archjofo

  1. @Dowmer @FriedClams Hello, thanks for your positive comments and all the others for the LIKES. The foremast top also requires various guide blocks. These are attached to the underside, as can be seen in the first picture. Quelle: Musée de la Marine Paris – La Crèole The small blocks of around 3.5 mm in length are only indicated by the sheaves. The large blocks, as seen in the picture for example, I equip with brass sheaves. For making the block strops I will serve ropes with a diameter of 0.35 mm. More about that soon.
  2. Hello, first of all, I would like to thank you for the positive reaction and of course for the many LIKES. As can be seen in the following picture, the last eye for attaching the last ratlines of the futtock shrouds of the foremast has just been spliced directly on model. This gives me cause to deal with the execution of the shrouds of the topmasts and subsequently with the corresponding ratlines. Some time ago I dealt intensively with the diameters of the ropes for the ratlines. In this respect I may refer to the corresponding passages in my construction report: LINK (you have to scroll down). After several attempts and interesting discussions in various forums, I finally decided to make the ratlines of the lower shrouds of my model with ø 0.35 mm (corresponds to ø16.8 mm in the original). In retrospect, this decision proved to be completely correct. The weaving lines of ø 0.43 mm (ø 21 mm in the original), according to the information in the monograph by Jean Boudriot, would appear too thick on the model. Since the topmast shrouds were much thinner than the lower shrouds (comparison on the model: topmast shrouds of the foremast ø 0.66 mm / foremast shrouds ø 1.08 mm), their ratlines should also have smaller diameters. At the moment, I am therefore trying to clarify whether the required eye splices can be made with rope thicknesses of ø 0.25 mm. For this purpose, I made a splicing tool with a smaller diameter ø 0.8 mm, as shown in the next picture. The making of an eye splice (push through 2 times) with a rope thickness of ø 0.35 mm has become quite successful due to much practice. With a 0.25 mm diameter, it is much more difficult and not yet so easy. The macro shots make the whole thing seem more harmless than it actually is. Whether I can apply this to the topmast shrouds in this way, I will have to clarify and ultimately decide in due course through further trials. Alternatively, a cow hitch knot would be conceivable. Both possibilities are shown in the last picture with a rope corresponding to the topmast shrouds. Below I show a comparison of a ratline connection as it has been made for the lower mast shrouds. In the end, I like the version with an eye splice better, as it is not so thick and comes closer to the original. What is your opinion?
  3. Hello, here is the continuation for the futtock shrouds of the foremast. The futtock shrouds are temporarily attached so that corrections can still be made.
  4. Hello, between the holidays I was able to spend more time on model building. Unfortunately there is nothing spectacular and new to report: Continued: Ratlines - Enfléchures The last ratlines knots on the port side lower shrouds of the foremast have been set. Now all lower shrouds of La Créole are equipped with ratlines. The preparations for the missing futtock shrouds on the foremast are already in progress. I am currently making the corresponding rigging elements.
  5. Many thanks for the nice comments and the LIKES. I would also like to thank you for your loyalty and interest in my construction report for the past year and hope that you will pay attention to my report again in the new year. I wish you all a happy new year and above all good health.
  6. Today I would like to present my new video on the standing rigging of the La Créole. This is the continuation of video part 1, which I also show again below. Part 2 LINK Part 1 LINK I hope you enjoy it and wish you a Merry Christmas.
  7. Hello, after a short break, I'm continuing with the ratlines on the port side of the foremast shrouds.
  8. The ratlines of the formast shrouds have been completed in the meantime, as can be seen on the following pictures.
  9. @Dowmer Hello, thank you very much for your positive comment. Also for the many LIKES I would like to thank you all very much. Four years have passed again !
  10. @Jorge Dias O Fhank you very much for your positive remark. The opening for the rope ladder is already visible.
  11. At the moment I am dealing with the ratlines of the foremast. The first picture shows a section of the shrouds of the main mast.
  12. The ratelines for the futtock shrouds of the mizzen mast are completed. Furthermore I mounted a single block next to each trestle tree. These are used for the topping lifts of the mizzen boom. Soon I will continue with the ratlines of the foremast.
  13. The futtock shrouds were meanwhile attached to the shrouds of the mizzen mast. I have already started with the fixing of the ratlines.
  14. In the meantime, not much has happened to the model. But in this autumnal weather you spend more time inside again. The futtock shrouds for the mizzen mast have already been prepared. The catharpins are now fixed. The rear futtock shrouds have been fixed provisionally for the binding.
  15. @Jorge Diaz O Thanks ! Also thanks to you all for the LIKES. The ratlines for the mizzen mast are ready. The preparations for the futtock shrouds are in progress.
  16. @Keith Black Thanks for nice comment. Also many thanks for the LIKES. Another small stage of the standing rigg of La Créole has been completed: the ratlines of the mizzen mast are finished. The integration of the shrouded ladders and the signpost blocks is still missing. In the meantime, a small detail needs to be clarified once again. The side davits for the "Petit Canoes" of the corvette were made of iron and were lifted with a topping lift. These were shorn by single blocks on the mizzen mast. How these single blocks were attached to the eyes of the ring fitting on the mizzen mast still needs further clarification. Unfortunately, I do not have any pictures of the original model of the relevant area, where one can see more details. In the documents available to me I could not find anything meaningful about this either. In this respect a question to the experts here in the forum: How could the fixing of the single block/lead block and the continuation have looked like, e.g. as shown below? I would be very pleased if I could get answers or hints and suggestions. - I would be very grateful if you could send me your comments. See you soon ...
  17. With the autumnal weather, the motivation to do less popular work comes back, even if they are supposed to have a meditative character, at least that's the opinion of some of my fellow modellers ...😁
  18. @KORTES This is a beautiful showcase for a fantastic model ship. Congratulations for the completion.
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