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Everything posted by archjofo

  1. Hello Hartmut, this is a very fine detail work. It looks great.
  2. Hello, many thanks to all for your positive comments and the likes. It pleases me again about your feedback. With the New Year I have started the construction of the two cutters (petits canots) of the French Corvette. Here are the first impressions:
  3. Hello, thanks for the likes and positive feedback. Just in time for the year, the pinnace was finished. For this I want to show you some pictures. I wish you all a Happy New Year!
  4. Hello, thank you for the nice comments and the likes. Here's my new video for the construction of the longboat: LINK I hope you enjoy it.
  5. Hello Mark, thank you for your positive feedback and all the others for the interest in my report.
  6. Hello, thanks for the nice comments and the likes. Here are a few recent pictures to further internal development of the pinnace.
  7. Hello, I am happy for the positive feedback, thank you for it. The attachment of the mast clamps was to be clarified. After searching the internet I have at various Models seen this solution. I think that this hook bolt represent a practical solution. For this my drawing:
  8. In the next step I made the mast clamps for the thwarts. On the following pictures are all built-in parts for the Pinnace
  9. @Fam Hello, the coppering looks fantastic! A great achievement.
  10. Hello, thanks for the nice comments. Here is a little update:
  11. Hello there, thanks to everyone for the positive feedback. It continues with a two pictures of the progress of the construction of the pinnace.
  12. Hello, Thanks for the positive feedback. For the preparation of supports for the thwarts, I made a template out of a small brass tube. This solution I've seen here in the forum at Remco's building report. This works very well. Thanks to Remco! A further thwart is installed.
  13. Hello there, thanks for the nice comments. Here is an update of the report: Currently, I equip the boat from inside. Among other things, I currently mount the floorboards. See the photos
  14. Hi Carl, thank you for your positive comment. Here are a few images from the current stage of construction. Planking coming to an end. The gunwale are already built. The washstrakes is ready for installation ... ... and done.
  15. Hello there, some new impressions of the construction of the pinnace. The demolding was successful without that something was glued.
  16. Hello Remco, about the praises of such an excellent modeller I am pleased. Many thanks!
  17. Hello, here are some new pictures from the construction of the pinnace.
  18. Hi E&T, thanks for the nice comment. Hi Carl, it really goes a little faster, but this is firstly caused by the size, and secondly, the construction of the pinnace is easier. For example, the frames are done only in one piece.
  19. Hello, thanks for the nice notes. It is a pleasure again. In the following I will show the next steps to build a pinnace. First, the gunwales are attached to the framework. Next, the keel planks are fastened. The last picture shows a size comparison between chaloupe and pinnace.
  20. Hi Karl, as always, fantastic work!
  21. Hello, here is the continuation of the construction of the longboat. Pictures are worth a thousand words. I hope you like it.
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