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Everything posted by archjofo

  1. Hello, I appreciate your visits and positive comments. Also thanks for the likes given. Here's a little progress:
  2. Hello Ed, this building report is just brilliant. Step by step you show us the construction of model boat , built exactly like the original. I'm excited.
  3. Hello, I am very pleased about your positive reactions and nice comments. Thanks for that and for all the likes. In little steps, it goes on. The 2 x 8 bottom boards are ready for installation.
  4. Hello Ed, excellent work. Your interesting report I have been following for some time already. Very good, that I can now see the construction of boats. Currently I build even boats for a French corvette. If interested, see here LINK.
  5. Hello, thanks for your nice comments and interesst, even for the likes. Here is a little update:
  6. Hello, Albert and Joe, thank you for your nice comments and all the others for the Likes. In small increments, it proceeds with the construction of the cutter. Currently I'm building the bench seats in the aft cockpit.
  7. Hi Mick, thank you for your nice comment. This method is exactly the same method from the book "The Art of ship modeling" of Bernard Frölich. I have it from there.
  8. Wonderful work! Precise performance!
  9. Hi Fam, thanks for the nice comment. You've understood correctly. It should be noted that the the deeper grooves extend in the direction of the wood grain. The timber blank has a thickness of about 8 mm. The deep cut has about 3 mm, and the shallower cuts are 0.8 to 1 mm deep. However, I have the grooves made with a milling cutter 0.8 mm. Meanwhile, I have made a grating, which you can see here.
  10. Hello, about the positive reactions and comments, I am pleased and thank you for it. On the following pictures can be seen the incorporation of Rowlocks. The next detail is prepare. The gratings in the bow and stern of the boats are very delicate.
  11. Hello Mark, this is a good technique for the glazing of windows on a model. Thanks for the explanation.
  12. Hello, here is a little updat of my report. See the pictures: The washstrakes are already built.
  13. Hello, thanks for the likes! Here I show you a brief update of the report: Preparation for installation of the gunwale.
  14. Hello , thank you for your interest and kind comments. Also thanks for the many Likes. The planking of the second cutter is ready. Here is an update of the photo report:
  15. Hello, thank you very much for your interest and kind words, that´s a great honour for me and appreciate your comments a lot. I am pleased, I can share my hobby with you all. I also find here plenty of great inspiration watching your wonderful models and inspirative technologies. Thank you for this pleasure. Here's an update of my building report: After completion of the frameworks it goes with the planking on. The plank width is 2.5 mm. 10 planks must be installed per boat side.
  16. Hello, thanks for your interest, for the comments and the likes! The second frame work for a cutter is completed. Here is a size comparison of all previous boats for the French corvette.
  17. Hello, thank you for the nice compliment and the Likes! And here it goes merciless continue by boat building ... The framework for the first cutters for the French corvette is ready so far to planking. The second bulkhead framework is already in progress.
  18. Hello, here is a litte update: PS: I beg your pardon for the double reporting. Therefore, I changed it.
  19. Hi Remco, thanks for your nice comments. Here I want to show you the basics for the construction of the two boats. Compared to the original model of the boats from the Musée national de la Marine there are various deviations from the plan of J. Boudriot and drawings from the Atlas du Genie Maritime. As a result of my review of these documents, I choose therefore the construction of the cutter is substantially based on the drawings from the Atlas du Génie Maritime and J. Boudriot. That's the theory; soon it then continues with images of the model practice ...
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