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Everything posted by Omega1234

  1. Hi everyone! Thanks for all your comments and feedback. Greatly appreciated! The latest update and photos shows that I've made some progress with the bit I hate the most....rigging. Some of the deck hardware, eg blocks, etc have been installed and I've made some attempts to run some rigging through them in order to see how they'll all work. The bendy mast has also been put in, albeit it may look too bendy, but don't worry, the back stay tension can be adjusted. It's all temporary at the moment. I've also had a go at doing the railings (on one side of the ship only), at this stage. I'll do the other side later on. I hope you enjoy the photos. Cheers Patrick
  2. Hey Igor Give it a go!!! Sculpting can be another skill to add to your resume! Cheers Patrick
  3. Hi Dennis Please wish your Admiral a big Happy Birthday! Congratulations are also in order too, as your AG's marches towards completion (well, near completion). The level and quality of detail is amazing and a testament to your skills and creativity. The joint down the middle of the deck also looks good. Well done! Cheers Patrick
  4. Hi Igor I love all the detail you've added, especially the metal components, eg railings, binnacle and windlass, etc. Overall....She's looking really nice!!! Cheers Patrick
  5. Hi Igor The railing looks amazingly good. What does the PE Detail mean, though? Cheers Patrick
  6. Hi Mike Great job! Looking at your hull, you can see just how powerfully built those Colin Archer designed hulls were. Double ended. Powerfully proportioned.. Straight, long keel for directional stability. All of which indicate just how well designed they were for the conditions they sailed under. I can't wait for the next update. Cheers Patrick
  7. Hi Piet Thanks for the tip about the wire, and I'll definitely keep it in mind for the next time. In fact, I'm going to order some wire from Igor's source as well. There's no harm in stocking up. All the best for your trip to Fayetville and the O19. Cheers and thanks Patrick
  8. Hi Marty! Many thanks and all the best! Cheers Patrick
  9. Hi Bob. Many thanks for the compliment! Interesting dilemma about the roof/no roof, however. Have you considered partially planking the roof, or just leaving the roof beams with no planks, thereby leaving the interior completely viewable? Cheers Patrick
  10. Hi David. Thanks for your compliments. The wire was very soft and flexible. Having said so, I just ran it through my thumb and forefinger to ensure that there were no kinks and threaded it through the eye bolts in the deck. Thankfully, the eye bolts were just large enough to allow the wire to pass smoothly through without binding or kinking. Hope this makes sense! Hi Igor. I see it, but I simply DON'T believe it!!! That is amazing. I couldn't even do the curved handle, let alone shape the body of the 'auld mug' the way you have! But you make it look so easy. You, sir, are masterful!! Well done Cheers Patrick
  11. Hi Bob Beautiful work! Just seeing the interior is enough to get my imagination all worked up. If I was small enough to fit inside, I'd be able to marvel even more at the beauty of what you've done. Well done. Cheers Patrick
  12. Hi Igor Thanks for the photo. Yep, $7.00 was pretty pricey, I thought, as well. Enjoy your holiday!!! Cheers Patrick
  13. Hi Vaddoc Ahh! Is that what that meant??? I looked at it and didn't know what it meant, so I never put two and two together! But, now that you say that, you're most likely right. Thanks and all the best. Patrick
  14. Hi Igor Very, very nice and very precise!!! They're going to look great on your Atlantic. Look forward to seeing the next update, when they're all installed. Cheers Patrick
  15. Hi Igor Many thanks! That's a good question you've raised, because I'm actually not sure of the diameter of the wire. I've included a photo of the reel, which, as you'll see, doesn't have the size marked on the label!! Oh well....it does the trick, though. Have a great weekend and all the best Patrick
  16. Hi Dennis You know, many people say that "plain and simple" is beautiful. That may be true in some cases. But, in the case of your AG, the complexity of the rig, with its different components, beams, railings, ladders, etc, is also, nothing short of beautiful. This is one of the reasons why working boats such as your AG are so popular as modelling subjects; because out of their complexity is borne a thing of beauty. Please keep the updates coming thick and fast, because watching and studying your progress is addictive! Well done. Cheers patrick
  17. Hi everyone Thanks for all the Likes and comments, all of which are greatly appreciated! The latest update is that I've had a go at the low foot rail that goes around the deck. On the real ship, the rail is low; perfectly designed for the crew to wedge/brace their feet against in a heeling / pitching deck. Given the tiny scale of my ship, I had to compromise (of course) as I couldn't make it exactly like the real railing, but at least I gave it a go! Hope you enjoy the photos. All the best for the weekend and for those who celebrate Easter. Cheers Patrick
  18. Hi Johnny You are a fast worker, indeed! Your hull looks good, as does the start that you've made on the deck planking. Well done. Cheers Patrick
  19. Hi Henry You've done a great job on your Endeavour. The fit and finish are superb and you should be deservedly proud of it. If you're interested, I'm scratch building the modern version of the J Class Rainbow. Pls see my link below in my signature block. Cheers and happy modelling! Patrick
  20. Hi Dennis Absolutely brilliant detailing! I especially love how everything's coming together now, bit by bit; looking forever like a real working boat. Well done. Cheers Patrick
  21. Hi Johnny Thanks and good luck. You've got a four day long weekend? Sounds like Easter is on its way! Look forward to some photos and more updates. Cheers Patrick
  22. Hi Cristiano I think you're being a bit too modest when you say 'craftsmanship is not involved...' Not everyone, regardless of how patient they are, can do rigging as well as what you've done. In fact, the only other person that is just as masterful with the rigging would be Nils (Mirabella61) and his Pegasus model. Of couse, this is my opinion only, but I'm standing by it! Cheers and all the best. Patrick
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