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Everything posted by Omega1234

  1. Hi Lawrence-Thanks for looking in. Genesis is pretty much done and dusted. What a challenge she was to build. Sapphire, on the other hand is coming together quicker than I ever thought. It’s quite scary, really, as I keep expecting to come across a major hurdle, or boo boo, but so far, she’s been pretty much trouble free. Fingers crossed, of course. Don’t be feel bad about the time your ship’s taken so far. Dealing with your son’s recovery is far more important and I dare say, you and your Admiral still have a lot to deal with. No hurry for your ship. All in good time, though. Hi Dave Mmmm, leather upholstery? Now, there’s a thought😊! Thanks for the compliments, though. You’re absolutely right about how Sapphire’s lines are beginning to show through now. She’s certainly an unusual looking boat, although not as radical and space-ship like as Genesis is, but enough to stand out from the crowd. Have a great weekend, guys! Cheers. Patrick
  2. Hi Frank Ahhhh...I can see it now. “Grandad? Yes son? Can you please unfurl those sails? Errr...” I jest of course, Frank, but those furled sails looks absolutely fabulous. Congrats, once again. Cheers Patrick
  3. Hi folks. A quick update on Sapphire’s construction journey. I’ve been mucking around with a black marker pen, just to see how Sapphire’s hull, Sundeck and mast would look once finished. So...I know it all looks very rough, but with a bit of imagination, I hope you can see Sapphire’s beauty and intricacy starting to show through. A long way to go, though, before I can really start sanding and painting the hull. Have a great week. Cheers Patrick
  4. Outstanding model, Frank! What a little ripper. Cheers Patrick
  5. Ahh. Thanks Carl. I wasn’t really sure if what I’d written was just gobbledygook, but I’m glad that it made sense. Have a great week! Thanks Patrick
  6. Hi Gary Thanks for your compliments. I must admit, that my main goal has been to build all of the superstructure first, before doing the internal details; hence why it looks like progress has been swift. The reason or this is so that I can be sure that all decks, access-ways, staircases, etc are all aligned correctly from one deck to the next, which can only be done if the shell of the boat is all done at the same time. I hope this makes sense. This wasn’t how I built my previous model, Genesis and I ended up having lots of problems with that build. So, hopefully, things will be better with Sapphire. Thanks again and have a great week. Cheers Patrick
  7. Hi Brian. Thanks for the info about the retractable helipad over the rear pool. I knew that there is ‘touch and go’ helipad on the forecastle of the real boat, but wasn’t aware that the rear pool can be used as such, as well. Oh well, why have one helicopter when you can have two, hey? I guess it it just makes these billionaire’s toys even more awesome. I really like those 3D choppers that you’ve posted. Thanks for the link. It would be cool to include a chopper for Sapphire...but, finding the right sized one would be difficult. Thanks again. Cheers. Patrick
  8. Hi folks Thanks for all of your previous comments and Likes for Sapphire’s construction journey. Who said these mega-yachts can’t have wings, hey? Well, Sapphire’s got four of them and I just finished building them last night. Whilst not actual wings, these four wings are situated on the Sun Deck and are designed as platforms for the radomes (which I’ll add later). Hopefully now that the major elements of the external superstructure has been built (albeit roughly) at this early stage, I’ll soon be able to start building Sapphire’s internal accommodation. Now, that’ll be fun, for sure. Have a great weekend, everyone! Cheers Patrick
  9. Hi Gary That’s some seriously outstanding work you’ve got going on there. The broken pane of glass just takes your Build to the next level! Very, very nice. Cheers Patrick
  10. Hi Frank Those dredges look like the real deal. If I were you, I’d be tempted to try them out in my koi pond. Mmmm, I wonder what aquatic bugs they could dredge up (pardon the pun)? Cheers. Patrick
  11. Looking good, Phil. How much longer before they’re hung onto the yards? Cheers Patrick
  12. Hi Carl, Mark and Grandpa Phil! Thanks for all of your comments and to those who hit the Like button. I hope you can all stick around to enjoy Sapphire’s journey. Cheers. Patrick
  13. Hi folks. Here’s the latest update on Sapphire. At last, I feel like I’ve got a really good handle on how each deck can be separated and lifted out so that the internal accommodation (once I’ve built it all), can be viewed. In this update, you’ll see a series of photos showing each deck, from the Lower Deck, through to the Sun Deck, lifted out. I hope you enjoy these photos. Cheers. Patrick
  14. Thanks Brian! Much appreciated, as always. BTW, thanks for calling them 'blisters'. I couldn't for the life of me think of what they were called, but, yep, you're right, 'blisters' they are. Enjoy the rest of the week! Cheers Patrick
  15. Hi folks. Thanks for all of your comments and Likes. Much appreciated. Well, the shaping and finessing of Sapphire’s superstructure has continued to the point that I can now sit back and actually take stock of how everything fits together. I also now have a far better understanding of how each deck can be removed, in order to view the internal accommodation. Phew! I say. She’s getting there folks. I hope you enjoy these photos. Cheers Patrick
  16. Hi folks. Sapphire’s journey continues. In this update, I’ve managed to do a bit more on shaping the complex curves of the superstructure as well as do some work on the top deck, known as the Sun Deck. Lots of work still to go. I hope you enjoy this update. Have a great week. Cheers Patrick
  17. Thanks Ben That’s so true! Have a great week. Cheers. Patrick
  18. I love the toilet paper, Ben! It's details like this that elevate a model to the next level. Nicely done. Cheers Patrick
  19. Hi Marcus What’s life without the odd boo boo, or two, every now and then, hey? No dramas. Nice save on the bow. I’m looking forward to the next update. Cheers Patrick
  20. Good to see you back posting again, Nenad. I was wondering what you’ve been up to lately! Cheers. Patrick
  21. Hi Phil Very Nice. I reckon that the colour that you’ve achieved for the sails has added an extra dose of realism to them. They’re going to look great once hoisted on the yards. Cheers. Patrick
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