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Everything posted by Omega1234

  1. Haha! I think, if truth be told, we all are! Thanks again, Mark! Cheers Patrick
  2. Hi folks. A quick update on the ‘illegal party‘ that’s been going on in Sapphire over the past week. Much to the owner’s consternation, the Construction Boss has invited even more of his mates on board. Have a look!!! Disclaimer: no teeny tiny people were harmed during this photo shoot😏😏😏! Cheers Patrick
  3. Thanks Mark. Yep, the party’s started early...I don’t think they were adhering to the new social-distancing rules, though! Have a great week. Cheers Patrick
  4. Hi Gary Thanks! Yep...sub-atomic is a good way to think about it. I must admit that the teeny tiny stuff really does my head in, sometimes, but it's all great fun nonetheless. The figures are slightly bigger than the correct scale because it was the best I could do. In actual fact, they're about 8 mm high (on average). Thanks for the compliments and stay safe. Cheers Patrick
  5. Hi folks. Well...against Sapphire’s future owner’s wishes, the Construction Boss of the shipyard snuck his friends on-board the boat today. ”How dare you! Look at them‘, said the owner in disgust. ‘They’re just lounging around, feet up on the new outdoor lounges. No respect for other people’s property. Hmmm! One would think they own the place!” Needless to say, the Construction Boss is not in the good books at the moment! I hope you like these photos. Pls be gentle on me, as these are the first time I’ve ever made figures for a boat. They’re pretty crude, but at least I tried! Thanks Patrick
  6. Hi Gary Oh Lordy, lord, lord! I just caught up with your boat, Gary. She’s just glorious. A stunning example of skill, craftsmanship, weathering and atmosphere. All the best! Cheers Patrick
  7. Hi Marcus Wow! I’ve just caught up with your Build Log and I’m not disappointed. That’s one really heck of a job you’re doing. A brave re-do of the framing, has paid off handsomely. She definitely has a very shapely and curvy hull, that’s for sure. All the best and stay safe and healthy. Cheers Patrick
  8. Hi Pat Damn! Your boat’s coming along beautifully and all the effort that you’re putting into each individual part is going to pay handsome dividends when it’s all finished. A case in particular is the round skylights that are simply glorious to look at. A true model of precision in their own right. Stay safe and healthy. Cheers Patrick
  9. Hi Keith Before I shower you with the praise that you most definitely DESERVE...there’s a conversation that’s going on in my head. It goes something like this: ”Me: Keith...if I click my fingers twice, is it true that by some form of scientific Magic, that a small sprinkling of your skills and talent are going to rub off on me...???’ Pretty please?’ ”You: Dream on Patrick, dream on”....Hehehe Seriously though, Keith, I’m always in awe of what you do. All the best and stay safe. Cheers Patrick
  10. Hi Phil It’s always a pleasure to watch your boats coming together and this one is no exception. The Victory is about as complex as they get (I should know as I muddled my way through my own miniature version a few years ago), and I salute you for tackling this model. From what I can see, your boat’s coming along brilliantly. Congrats on getting this far and I look forward to following along. Cheers and stay healthy! Patrick
  11. Hi folks I managed to take some better photos (well, hopefully anyway) of Sapphire last night. Here goes. Cheers Patrick
  12. I know, right!!!!! I’ve even heard that I’m going to win the jackpot next week...oh wait...!
  13. Many thanks, Keith! Yep...I’ve had a long break from MSW due to technical issues earlier on, but hopefully that’s all over now. I’m going to catch up on everyone’s Build Logs over the next few days. I hope you and your family and well and virus-free. Cheers Patrick
  14. Hi Frank Thanks for your compliments. I hope that your new house will bring you lots of happiness and that you continue to stay well and virus-free! Enjoy your Easter. Cheers Patrick
  15. Many thanks Phil! I hope you have a great Easter! Enjoy. Cheers Patrick
  16. Hi Hipex Sadly, Bob left us (deceased) a while ago. A true loss to MSW as he was always helpful and encouraging with his advice. Thanks Patrick
  17. Thanks David! Have a great Easter!! Cheers Patrick
  18. Hi everyone and a Happy Easter!!! It’s been a while since I’ve updated this Build Log, but Sapphire’s really coming along nicely. Here’s some photos of where things are at so far. All the best and stay healthy! Cheers. Patrick
  19. Thanks Piet! I hope that you and Gwen have a great weekend. Thanks Patrick
  20. Hi Keith Many thanks and welcome back after your Summer break. Yep, I hear what you’re saying about the pot plants, but some of the photos of the real boat shows that they’re there...so, I thought what the heck, let’s chuck some in😊. All the best for the rest of the week. Cheers Patrick
  21. Thanks Carl. You’re so right and thanks for understanding! I’ve also been feeling really guilty about not keeping up with everyone’s Build Logs; so much so that I kinda kept away from MSW. The guiltier I felt, the more I avoided (classic Catch 22). Boy, have I got a lot of catching up to do! Thanks Phil. I’m glad you like her! All the best. Patrick
  22. Thanks Brian. Yep...I get what you’re saying about the frothy water in the pool. I used clear silicon for it. I mistakenly thought the silicon would come out nice and level, but instead it didn’t ‘settle’ evenly; hence why it looks uneven. Oh well...we live and learn. Next time, no silicon! Cheers and thanks. Patrick
  23. Hi folks. ‘Bless me Father, for I have sinned. It’s been at least a couple of months since I last updated this Build Log, or visited anyone else’s Logs. I beg forgiveness!’ Anyhow...Geez, I don’t know how much more pressure Sapphire’s poor Construction Boss can put up with. After all, Sapphire’s impatient owner just keeps loading more and more unreasonable demands upon him. Is this a case of workplace bullying, or what? The boat’s not even half-finished and yet, the owner’s demanding that Sapphire be adorned with deck furniture and shrubbery to give it more ‘life’. So, under sufferance, here’s what the Construction Boss has come up with. Furniture, plants, plants and more plants! Oh, one more thing. The infinity pool at the stern has been filled with water (to test for leaks, of course!). There’s still bucket loads of work, to go, though.... I hope you like this long awaited update. Cheers Patrick
  24. Hi Michel Many thanks and welcome to my Build Log! I can see that you’re new to MSW and I hope that you’ll be able to continue to follow Sapphire’s journey. Have a great weekend. Cheers. Patrick
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