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Everything posted by Omega1234

  1. Hi folks Thanks for all the Likes and comments! Well, as the journey is coming to an end soon, with a little bit of imagination, I can close my eyes and picture Genesis’ proud owner standing at the dock, admiring his magnificent boat. Ahhh, the power of imagination, I guess. Anyhow, I digress. I’ve added the propellers and rudders to the hull. I’ve also been playing around with a few ideas of how to display Genesis. I’ve decided to go for a minimalist approach, using three brass rods to rest her on. I’ll sand and stain the baseboard later. The other good thing about seeing Genesis on the display stand (as opposed to the building board), is that for the first time, I’ve been able to really reflect upon just how unusual a hull Genesis has. She really challenges the norms, I guess. Now, just a few touch ups on the paint, here and there... Have a great week, folks. Cheers. Patrick
  2. Hi Keith The scroll work is going to be a challenge; but one that you’re more than capable of overcoming. However, I still keep going back to the photos of your hull. I think I feel like a young teenaged school boy who’s just seen his first ‘beautiful woman’. Drop dead gorgeous and stunning. That’s all I can say😊😊😊. Thanks! Patrick
  3. Hi Ben She’s looking mighty fine. I really like the details that you’re adding, all of which add to the overall effect. Nice job, especially the galley sink. Cheers. Patrick
  4. Hi Marcus Mmmmm, I reckon you’re gonna have a lot of fun putting this beauty together. Lots of nice curves and shapliness in the hull to keep you busy. No doubt, the final result will be well worth the effort. Cheers. Patrick
  5. Hi Phil I still shake my head in amazement at your high level of productivity. My boats are a fraction of the size of yours, but you’ve done so much more than I could ever achieve in the same time. Nice job on the blocks, too. Yes, they’re tedious to make, but the impact that they have on the overall effect of the model is well worth the effort! Well done. Cheers Patrick
  6. Thanks Frank! I thought you'd been a bit silent with your Build Log lately, but now I understand. I hope all's well and that you're staying out of trouble🤤 Cheers Patrick
  7. Thanks Carl. Much appreciated. Genesis was a lot of fun to be build. I hope the next one is as well. Hi Vaddoc. Thanks as well. Not a twin-hullled boat, but something just as challenging as Genesis: https://yachtharbour.com/yacht/okto-1948?fbclid=IwAR0YjJmBG5_3-1LHhcJXJKLAcNsNxRh_NmjabyCCyMewLCwaUmg7W1ZLtYg Hi Keith. Hehehe...I really like your comments about the plastic plants. Nothing but the trashiest for this billionaire yacht-owner, I guess😏! Hi Mark. Thanks again. Yep, you’re right. Onwards and upwards with the next boat. Gotta keep the mind occupied. Have a great week, everyone. Cheers. Patrick
  8. Hi folks Many thanks for all of your comments and feedback. Much appreciated. Well...here we are; marching towards completion. A sad time for me, as I always tend to ‘grieve’ (for want of a better term), whenever a model is nearing completion. I don’t know about you, but it’s hard to put an end to something that you’ve worked on for so long. Anyhow, I’ve just been tinkering around the edges over the past few days; adding a tweak here and there. I’ve really only got the rudders and propellers, as well as some more painting (particularly the underwater hull), and a few touch ups here and there to go and then finito! Also, a good clean up wouldn’t go astray, too. Damn dust and dirt! Here’s what Genesis looks like so far. Have a great week. Cheers Patrick
  9. Ahh. Yep. Sounds like a plan. Knowing most kids, their first inclination would be to test what can be removed and what can’t. Natural curiosity, I guess😊
  10. Hi Carl It’s certainly been a while since I popped in, but I’ve enjoyed catching up. Your boat’s looking very smart. The camo’s nice, the railings and all the other details add to the realism of the build. Nice job! Like the others have asked, I’m also curious as to what your next build’s going to be. No hints yet, I suppose? Have a great week. Cheers. Patrick
  11. Hi Ben Your boats’ looking really good. I especially like your attention to getting the measurements just right so that everything looks correct (you wouldn’t happen to be a Naval Architect by any chance, would you? Hehehe). Is the intention that your daughter is able to remove all the internals to play with, or will everything eventually be fixed in place? Just curious, especially as once the deck on, access would be further limited, of course. Cheers Patrick
  12. Hi Dave. Many thanks for the compliments, especially about the build log itself. I kinda let my imagination run a bit wild when I write, in order to make it more interesting to read. I’m glad you like it. Piet!!! Where’ve you been, my friend? I was getting worried because you haven’t posted for su9a long while. Welcome back and thanks for your compliments. It’s always a pleasure to hear from you. Cheers Patrick
  13. Hi folks. Another quick update on Genesis. As is customary on any self-respecting mega-yacht, the ship’s got to have at least two jet-skis. Well, Genesis can now proudly say that her two jet-skis have just arrived. They’re not quite finished yet, but with a bit of trimming and painting, they will sit in the port-side tender garage. Oh, and just for the sake of it, I’ve also included a photo of the 7metre RIB tender which is nestled snugly in the starboard side tender garage. I hope you like them. Cheers. Patrick
  14. Thanks Josh! Much appreciated and a happy Memorial Day, too. We celebrate a similar occasion here in Australia where we honour those who served/serving and have fallen on April 25th each year. We call it ANZAC Day. All the best. Patrick
  15. Thanks Phil. It’s a bit out of left field, I know, but, it really worked. Who would’ve thunk it, hey?
  16. Yeah! Thanks. Ya gotta do whatever we can for the environment!”...😊
  17. Hi folks I was adding some more bits and pieces last night; most of which are too small to mention. I still thought I’d post these photos, just for the hell of it. Have a great weekend. Cheers Patrick
  18. Hi Vaddoc Thanks indeed. I was actually surprised how realistic the ‘plants’ looked. Who’d have thought that tearing off bits of a kitchen scourer could look so good! Thanks for the compliments. Cheers. patrick
  19. Thanks Mark A gardener AND a French Maid....oh I sense troubled times ahead😀😀😀 Hehehe Patrick
  20. Thanks Denis I googled ‘Knights of Ni’. Put a smile on my face, that’s for sure. Good memories. Cheers. Patrick
  21. Hi Denis Just catching up again on your many projects. I'm constantly amazed at just how fast you can work and how easy you make everything look. I struggle to keep pace, but boy, oh boy, that gasser of yours sure looks nice! Well done! Cheers Patrick
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