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Everything posted by Omega1234

  1. Hi folks Thanks for all your likes and comments! Woohoo!!!! After a few failed attempts, I've finally managed to pull together two reasonably passable 5-bladed propellors for Majellan. At the moment, they're temporarily fitted in the hull. Have a squizz at the photos and you'll see that they look the part, albeit maybe not totally accurate in terms of the directions of the blade's pitch, (i.e. I think that the real ship would have left and right handed props to counteract the torque...maybe.. don't quote me on it, because I really have no idea what I'm talking about ), but at least they look ok from about a metre away. Cheers and all the best! Patrick
  2. Hi Frank Perhaps I jumped the gun, but, I'm sure as hell enjoying following Dunbrody's journey. A dash of precision, a large pinch of craftsmanship, and a dollop of history along the way... watching Dunbrody come to life has been very enjoyable. Keep up the great work and I look forward to the next update. Cheers Patrick
  3. Hi Carl Almost there, but not quite. I've still got a few minor items to go. For example, there's the five-bladed propeller (well, two of them actually) and the two rudders. Trying to do the props is a nightmare, but I'll give them a go. Thanks for the compliments! Greatly appreciated. Cheers Patrick
  4. Hi Denis, Vaddoc, Nils and Pete Greatly appreciate all of your comments and feedback! Many thanks and all the best! Cheers Patrick
  5. Thanks Bob! I guess we always want to strive harder, but, I'm happy that at least I tried to do them. After all, I was almost going to chicken out and not do them at all. But, you know what they say - "if you don't try...". Cheers Patrick
  6. Thanks Frank! Yep, I've still got some tweaking to do with the railings, (not just these ones), but also the ones that are situated on the other decks. They're still not sitting straight, but with a bit of fiddling, they should come out ok. Thanks and all the best! Cheers Patrick
  7. Hi everyone Thanks for all of your comments and Likes! Denis, thanks also for the info on Lepidoptera. I can see why they hold such fascination for you. Tonight, I added the railings that sit amidships on the main deck. They're fiddly and I'm not sure that I've really done them justice, but at this scale, some compromises had to be made. I've also added a bit more detail to the foscle. I hope you like the photos. All the best! Cheers Patrick
  8. Hi Igor I like! The sails will add a further dose of realism to your ship. Nicely done. Cheers Patrick
  9. Hi Pete What can I say, except, she's a beauty!!! You've done one heck of a great job on her. I hope the owner was equally pleased. Cheers Patrick
  10. Hi Frank. I must sound like a broken record because I keep saying the same thing, but I just love your work. There's something about the way you approach your tasks, the precision, the jigs that you use and the forethought that you put into it that's really satisfying. Ye gads! Were you/are you an engineer by trade, by any chance? Such methodical thinking would seem to be a key characteristic of someone in that field of work. Cheers Patrick
  11. Hi Steve They're almost too good! What's the secret to how you did them? Cheers Patrick
  12. Hi Glenn I wonder if you ever look back and say 'wow'! ...because that's what I do whenever I read your latest update! Brilliant as always. Cheers Patrick
  13. Hi Bob I'm just checking in to see if you've had an update on those props, yet? The reason being is that I have to do a couple of props for my Majellan model and I'm keen to copy off what you've done. Cheers Patrick
  14. Hi Vaddoc Great to see that you've been able to make a start, albeit a slow one! She's gonna be a big girl, that's for sure. The cartridge mask which you've posted in another forum is a nice addition. As far as your Admiral's comment, well....at least you're not out womanising and drinking!!!! Money well spent, I'd say! Cheers and all the best. Patrick
  15. Hi Denis It's great to see that you're able to work on Syborn, after all, it's been a while inbetween posts. The mast with the fittings that you're adding is going to look great. That, together with all the other details that you'll add will make Syborn a really character-filled beauty. I'm definitely looking forward to more updates! Cheers Patrick
  16. Thanks Denis! I'm happy with the creation of new words. 'Fantabulous' sounds good to me. I'm going to Google Lepidoptera now. Is that the fruit fly???? Cheers Patrick
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