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Everything posted by Omega1234

  1. Hi Denis It's great to see that you're able to work on Syborn, after all, it's been a while inbetween posts. The mast with the fittings that you're adding is going to look great. That, together with all the other details that you'll add will make Syborn a really character-filled beauty. I'm definitely looking forward to more updates! Cheers Patrick
  2. Always lovely, clean and precise work! Cheers Patrick
  3. Thanks Denis! I'm happy with the creation of new words. 'Fantabulous' sounds good to me. I'm going to Google Lepidoptera now. Is that the fruit fly???? Cheers Patrick
  4. Hi Frank Gotta love your work! Here in Australia, we have many names for it - loo, dunny, a thunder-box; to name a few. Whatever it is that you call it, yours is very impressive. Now, all that's missing is the queue to use it!
  5. Sounds like quite a challenge, Piet. I've pre-booked my seat, of course! Cheers Patrick
  6. A 1/3000 scale clipper ship! Piet-are you crazzzzzzzzzeeeee??? Of course you're not! I know you're going to do a great job. Cheers Patrick
  7. Hi Steve I like the idea of the LED lights. Hopefully, you'll be able to post some night shots once they're installed. Cheers Patrick
  8. Hi Rob Wow! There's no doubting the sheer beauty of the hull and you've done her proud. Nicely done. Cheers Patrick
  9. Very nice work, Daniel You must be pretty chuffed! Cheers Patrick
  10. Hi Piet You certainly like a challenge, don't ya? I mean, trying to carve either one of those Lions would seriously do my head in. But, I know you've got it in you to pull it off. I agree with Jesse though, the second option is probably more viable. Regardless, I'm looking forward to seeing your next update. Cheers Patrick l
  11. Hi Wayne Ouch!!! I agree with you. If only we could turn back time....Nice save though. She looks none the worse for wear, though (luckily). Cheers and all the best Patrick
  12. HI Steve Nice! She keeps looking better and better with each update. Cheers Patrick
  13. Many thanks Glenn! I'm kinda itching to get going with the new boat, as well. Stay tuned for a new Build Log soon! All the best. Cheers Patrick
  14. Thanks David Ahhh! Fishing! What a coincidence that you've mentioned 'fishing' because I have actually toyed with the idea of leaving a couple of fishing rods casually placed in the ship's tender. However, at this scale, they'd be so tiny that they'd be hard to see. Still, who knows. I may yet give them a go. No harm in trying, I guess. Have a great week. Cheers Patrick
  15. Hi Frank Many thanks. You're right about the next one, though. Shouldn't be too far away from starting a new Build Log for her. Cheers and all the best! Patrick
  16. Hi folks Not long to go before Majellan's finished! I've added the anchors into the anchor-wells and added the capstan drums and bollards (temporarily placed at this stage) at the focsle. At the rear, Majellan's tender and one of her jet-ski's are ready for launching on the rear fold-down deck. The second jet-ski will be mounted some distance behind the hull; once the display stand has been built. Enjoy the rest of your weekends! Cheers Patrick
  17. Happy Birthday Elijah!!! Great gift and I hope this is the best of days for you. Here's looking at many more to come. Cheers Patrick
  18. Sounds good, Rob. There's always more than one way to skin a cat! In otherwords, you don't have to stay the course if your own methods work. Afterall, why not? Cheers Patrick
  19. Hi Frank Welcome back from your vacation! Lovely work on the mast steps and wedges! Cheers Patrick
  20. Hey Rob Nice job on those chain plates. You must be pretty pleased with how she's looking so far. I know that I certainly am. All the best! Cheers Patrick
  21. Hi Nenad I feel for you. Got to be worth it, though. I guess all you can do is have a nice cold beer and sit under the shadiest tree in your backyard...and wait...! All the best! Cheers Patrick
  22. Hi everyone and thanks for all of your comments and Likes! Well....look what Majellan's naughty rich guests have done. They've dragged their chairs up to the tiny piece of deck in front of the Bridge's windows. What's more, one cheeky guest has even brought up her own umbrella to shade from the sun! And all of this in full view of the Captain! Outrageous, I say! Anyhow, in reality, I've added the umbrella, a table and an assortment of chairs to bring some 'life' to this part of the bridge deck. To further add atmosphere, the chairs are haphazardly pointing in different directions, as if to give the impression that the guests have just left in a hurry. I hope you enjoy the photos. Cheers Patrick
  23. Hi Mick Lovely work!!! I especially love the photo of the hull sitting in your hand! Cheers Patrick
  24. Hi Keith I love the addition of the sawhorses and the partially completed cabins. She's looking more and more realistic with each addition that you make. Cheers Patrick
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