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Everything posted by MrBlueJacket

  1. So I painted the inside yellow (spray) and didn't like it, so I wiped it off with thinner. Then I used a brush. Needs another coat, yellow is difficult to cover. Then I used a compass to mark off where the visible frame heads will go. 5/32" spacing amidships, and 1/4" near the ends.
  2. Hi, Your kit is not from 1938, since it has the BlueJacket label, it is after 1972. It shows that the kit design goes back that far.
  3. Had a chance to dig into some old catalogs and found this from 1938:
  4. Hi Brian, Please do a build thread. When you finish, I will give you 10% off your next kit you get from us. Nic
  5. Yes, as we run out of MM stock, we are switching over to True North. There are several reasons for this. First, of course is that it is good enamel paint. Second, they make it here in Maine, less than an hour away. Third, they are quick to remedy any problems that arise. Fourth, they are willing to make a new color just for us, and have done so 4 or 5 times. Colors like Depot Buff and Jade Green for example. Fifth, they are modelers themselves, and understand us.
  6. Try using 220 wet/dry sandpaper (the black stuff) and use it wet. The water helps to sluff off the sanding dust and the paper lasts a lot longer ( a lot lot longer)
  7. I agree it needs some sanding. Personally I use automotive lacquer primer in a spray can. Usually 2 or 3 coats, sanding in between.If you go look at my thread on the New Bedford Whaleboat, that's the stage I'm at over there.
  8. The glosscoat is to finish pieces left natural wood color, or stained. Not sure if it will go over linseed oil. Best to do a small test.
  9. Look at where and why the drills are used - often a different diameter will work just fine. You're only talking a few thousandths of an inch. If you think you will do another model, consider the entire #61-80 drill set. As for mistakes - the definition of experience is "what you get right after you needed it"
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