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Everything posted by MrBlueJacket

  1. As for applying the CA glue, look at the tip of the month in this link (near the bottom) http://campaign.r20.constantcontact.com/render?m=1105166336677&ca=64bf22da-704d-496c-8e70-95bc1220ea79
  2. Regarding the garboard strakes, look at the instructions page 5 where it starts with "hull planking" - the second sentence says the garboard strakes are cut oversize to allow for trimming. So you did not do anything wrong!
  3. I held it with my fingers at the center of the keelson, then applied a bit of CA inbetween the two middle formers. Then is was easy to use clothespins at the ends and finish the gluing.
  4. Next comes the first plank, a strip of 1/16 x 1/8. Then the next plank, a laser-cut piece of 1/32. So the 1/16 thick plank sits proud of the planks on either side. That's because it sits on the turn of the bilge. The instructions then say to fair it to the other planks, making a rounded surface. They also recommend putty to fill in any irregularities. For me, when it comes to putty, the more the better. Less chance of needing a second coat. So far I think I'm into this for 3 1/2 hours or so.
  5. First planks to go on are the garboard planks, Quite wide, but wetting the 1/32 basswood let them form to the jig perfectly.
  6. Moving on to construction, the first thing is to build the assembly jig. 4 formers, then glue the stem and stern to the keelson and put over the jig. I liberally waxed the formers to prevent the planks from sticking, we'll see how well that works.
  7. So here we go to build this interesting whaleboat. Despite its large scale, it is a small model. Here's the box top And the overview of the contents:
  8. So now I have put all 3 top yards on and attached their lifts. Now this project goes on hold while I build a New Bedford Whaleboat for a customer.
  9. Been too busy to do much. Here's the fore top yard almost done. Need to add 4 blocks, then it can be mounted.
  10. I leave some DNA on every model. Usually just a little blood from getting poked by the #11 blade.
  11. Nice work, Stan. We'll be sending corrected copies to everyone who bought a Perry.
  12. And yes, start a build thread by all means. If you finish it, I will give you 10% off the next kit you get from us! Nic
  13. Hi Tony, Per our conversation, I think Bondo will be able to fill out the bow nicely. Nic
  14. To try to line up the upper deadeyes, of course you can increase or decrease the tension on the lanyards. Another method not so well known is to twist up or unravel the shrouds themselves. That only goes so far, however before it makes other troubles.
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