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Old Collingwood

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Everything posted by Old Collingwood

  1. Hi there all, not starting 2024 off to well - no progress on this infact its just on hold for a bit as other things are more important at the moment. I do miss the work I was doing as it helped me relax a bit and switch off from life. But a Massive thanks to all my family for sticking with my build - dont worry I am still floating around the forum, just no actual building. OC.
  2. Welcome aboard, what a Brilliant part of the World to come from. OC.
  3. Thats looking so good Alan, model scenery building I think is a real art form, I feel I am just a student in it and still learning lots. OC.
  4. Good to see you back on this Alan, those packs of scenic goodies are great - I have exact same stuff for my dio, love your tipple cant beat a bourbon my fave that I had for my bday is a bottle of Old No7. OC.
  5. These metal kits are so interesting and challenging to build, I once buit a P38 metal kit. OC.
  6. Looking good Kevin - looking forward to more. Happy New Year to you and yours. OC.
  7. This kit was my very first build I attempted in the shape of the monthly part works, I had a build log in here in the pre version of our site before the big collapse, think I was on it for about a year. Nice work so far. OC.
  8. Just a quick visit to wish Everyone Happy Holidays - Happy Chrsitmas, hope Every one has a great time. OC.
  9. Hi buddy, glad your back safe and well - sorry to hear about your super flu, vit c d zinc etc is what you need to boost the immune system, love what you picked up used to love Hermes missed seing her at Pompy when I went there for the Navy Days show way back when. Take care of your self hope you have a great chrsitmas mate. OC.
  10. Lovely work Mike - thats some great improvements going on there, I once built the Airfix 600 scale Graf Spee many many years ago. OC.
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