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Old Collingwood

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Everything posted by Old Collingwood

  1. This would look so superb as part of a dio with horses and some figures. OC.
  2. I think they leave it up to the builder how its done - build up the stones to where the earth works(grass) would be or build up the earth works first and assemble the stone blocks up to it - might be best to do the stones first and make the earth works just cover them as you want. OC.
  3. So how will I make my faux doors? I will use Two pieces of paper layed ontop of each, I will then mark out the doors dimensions then cut through both peices creating Two doors the exact same size. Then I will cut out strips of the same paper to simulate the boards and Two cross boards, these will then be glued down using my PVA leaving a slight gap till both are completed. When dry I will paint both doors in flat Black and after I will do a bit of washes and dusting to weather them. I will also make some frame work using some of my wood stock, these will then be painted flat Black, and when dry I will glue them both sides of the wall macking sure they lign up on both sides of the wall, and when dry I will glue inside on the walls the Two doors - hey presto. OC.
  4. Excellent start Alan, this has all the potential to be a fascinating build into a real star item - loving it mate. OC.
  5. I have some similar (Lolly sticks) but they will be too thick to use for the door panels, I can use them to make some thinned down frames, but the faux door needs to be a thin as possibly literally paper thin as they will be glued on the wall both sides mimicking a door, with the frame disguising the depth of the door in a kind of 3d illusion. OC.
  6. Would you have the flexibility to make it diifferent scales? I know you said its 1/200 scale. OC.
  7. Thank you kindly Mark, I did have the gate included in the wall section - but I had to remove it when I reduced the length of the wall, and forgot to work it into the smaller wall - kind of got distracted by the other areas of the build. OC.
  8. Evening all, after doing some thinking I think I may be able to come up with a gate/door from the pond area into the orchard, I could make up a faux door from paper with some over layed pieces to mimic the planks, I could also use some wood to make a small frame - that should give a 3d look and blend in when all painted Black. OC.
  9. Morning all, I have discovered a Boo boo with my build ( I wanted it as historic accurate as possible) when I cut back the wall near the pond I cut out the gate leading from the pond into the orchard - "Yep I should have cut out and fitted the gate" so guess I have to take this one on the chin. OC.
  10. Thought you might find this interesting Alan - http://castillodeloarre.es/en/the-castle/ OC.
  11. How could I not follow this - I have all my comfy things to the ready - I can feel a seige coming on........ OC.
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