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Old Collingwood

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Everything posted by Old Collingwood

  1. Really coming together now, with the figures washes and a bit of dry brushing dust will make a lot of difference. OC.
  2. Thank you kindly Edward, it would be a lot less hassle to leave him as he is. Same to you and yours mate. OC.
  3. What I may be able to do is to remove his one piece arms/musket and replace them with a sword/arm and empty arm. OC.
  4. Morning all, hope everyones Holidays are going well (Special thoughts out to my US buddies with the current weather - Stay Safe) So I have been having a think and done lots of internet bashing regarding my diss mounted Cuirassier firing a musket, the trouble is I can not find any evidence to say they actually carried muskets, so If I decide to place him it would be without proof he would have been firing a musket - the lack of cuirass is documented though as there was a shortage of them at Waterloo. OC.
  5. Some great progress there Denis, have a great time over the Holiday - all the best to you and yours mate. OC.
  6. Thank you warmly Kevin mate, hope you and yours also have a lovely Christmas and New Year. OC.
  7. Evening all, no update but I wan't to take this moment to extand my warm friendship and kind wishes to all my family in here - it means A lot, I also wan't to thank Every one for the likes and chat about my build. I hope Everyone has a Lovely time of the Holidays Happy Christmas and hope Santa brings lots of model realated goodies to you all. OC.
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