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Old Collingwood

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Everything posted by Old Collingwood

  1. Evening/morning all, bit of a re-think about the Cuirassier officers epaulette - he had it shot off in action (well to be honest I could not get a good one to look ok - so I chickend out) so I will show a bit of it on both sides with Silver paint. OC.
  2. Sorry to hear about your chilly calamity - hope you have a speedy recovery - never tried it myself - I preferred to hurt myself by Mountain biking Yep once Fractured my femur that way. Loving your Hurricane - its coming a long really nicely. OC.
  3. Totally agree about Vallejo Black Surface primer - its good as it shrinks down, but it is delicate and needs a few days to harden before paint layers ontop, even then I sometimes find its surface a bit shiny - almost slippery for the paint layers to stick to, but once they are built up and a Good top coat is applied - its all Good. OC.
  4. Eveninga all, no progress (I have been lazy lol) but just a heads up of my next move with this - the second Cuirassier will be an officer - his shoulder detail is different as he only has detail on his Left shoulder and next to nothing on his Right - and he has a silver colour not Yellow (Red I mean) like the normal ranks, so I will make another one for him. OC.
  5. Excellent work Alan - what a lovely dio you have made there - it shows all the elements that tells a story great work my friend. OC.
  6. Evening all, some progress today - I put down a couple of layers of White on the straps - face's painted and the trousers got a couple of coats of light buff. OC.
  7. Hiya Gary, its all free hand work - its taken me a bout a year to master it and devise a tech for steady brush holding, also its useful to paint the straps first and fill in around the straps and belts after, and very important is great light and good eye magnification. OC.
  8. Evening all, as I mentioned earlier I have had to make a couple of shoulder pads - delicate little things, and while detailing I added a sword scabbard, they will need priming after. OC.
  9. Evening all, I had a look at my Pearl earlier while dusting my unit - and I thought of an idea as she has collected a bit of dust, so it got me thinking of an idea - I might clean the decks a bit but leave the dust on the riging and do a flat top coat spray to flaten the sheen even more and to lock in the dust on the riging, I might even do a wee bit more of a wash as I have gotten more into that with my Waterloo dio build - they say we are forever Improving. OC.
  10. Evening all, thank you for all the likes and replies, my next bit of work is to create Four epaulettes out of some arms - fiddly work as they will need hollowing out from the back before trimming away from the spare arms. OC.
  11. You have done very well with those figures Alan, 1/72 is just so small to get any detail out of the figures, 28mm is the limit to me - you have done a fine job. OC.
  12. Fantastic start - loving that wall with the weathered rendering and brick work - takes me back to doing similar to my Waterloo dio. OC.
  13. Just don't be tempted to over brush it while the sol is working as the decal is at a Really Delicate stage (even if you see any wrinkles - they will flatten out by them selves as the sol shrinks down on to the deck) Just apply a layer of Sol the leave it to do its stuff - then let it dry fully (may need several hours) and re apply if you need to. OC.
  14. On my Mossie build I think I brushed over about Five or Six washes of Sol, waiting till the previous layer had dried. OC.
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