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Old Collingwood

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Everything posted by Old Collingwood

  1. I.m In also, seen a few buccs over the years either at Airshows and even on one aircraft spotting trip to Lossiemouth where 208sq was based. OC.
  2. You should also have a go at building it Dan - its supposed to be an excellent kit. OC.
  3. So good to see more progress my friend, she is looking really nice - looking forward to seeing more. OC.
  4. Seen other builds of the New Tool Bucc - it looks an excellent kit you should have an easy enjoyable build. OC.
  5. I agree with the others - what a fine kit, I came close to building one in 1/350 scale with my old Warspite build, but never did due to me dispalying her at DD time when she had done away with her Walrus's. Here is a pic of the Old Lady launching her Walrus. OC.
  6. Evening all, decided to pull my finger out and do a bit, life has dictated my attention of late (doesn't it always) anyways - I have turned my attention to my Kings Dragoon Guard and Life Guard and a bit of colour adjustment to the horses saddle cloths and rolls. OC.
  7. Harry you really are doing a fine job of her, your patience and desire to do the best out of the kit is deffo working my friend P.S cant wait to see how the flags go. OC.
  8. I am quite proud of myself for eventually getting the Shako cockade paint details better, its the circle plate under the plume and on my figures its about a 0.75mm circle to be painted in bands Red White and Blue. OC.
  9. It opens up some different routes you could take with this Craig, all depends on your imagination, OC.
  10. Thank you Andrew, I think I have about 80 waiting in my box for a clear flat top coat prior to cutting them away from their bases. OC.
  11. Evening all, Voltiguers completed, when dry they will be put away in my box ready for top coating. OC.
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