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Old Collingwood

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Everything posted by Old Collingwood

  1. So ahead of its time, but I would not have flown in one - its bad enough me needing to travel in the luggage compartment (lol) When I have flown I have had to have an isle seat as I suffer from a fear of heights and vertigo, so looking out of a window in a plane is a Big No no. OC.
  2. This is excellent craftsmanship Phil, I take my hat off to you guys who attempt these mediums. OC.
  3. Thats a great save on the treads - I had to do the same, and with the hand rail bending it at the ends where it terminates with the columbs. OC.
  4. Hi Scott, Excellent start on the Pearl, I built her a few years back (The Revell kit) that I think is basically the same kit as yours, I did quite a few alterations to enhance her and make her more solid like putting wood dowels inside the masts to give them some strength, and making the spars from wood dowels also, as the plastic ones will bend under rigging strain. I also replaced the plastic rat lines for thread, and added thread for the gun lid lowering devices. I posted my build in here check it out if you need and pointers - OC.
  5. Welcome to the Pirates world "Me Hearty" I too built her the Revell version and added a crew of naughty pirates. OC.
  6. Hiya Kevin mate, found your build at last, what a fantastic build it is - you are doing a wonderful job, looking forward to each and every post. OC.
  7. Same situation over here Mark, antibiotics need a doctors prescription for them, but we have an online form we can fill ill where the doctor arranges a prescription to be collected/deliverd to the house by our chemist. OC.
  8. Thank you kindly Ken, I am rinsing several times a day/night (as its keeping me up) with warm salt water washes and the same with mouth washes for gum problems, a nd dosed up on parecetamol and Ibupfrofen, currently trying to get some anti biotics from my doctor but they wont prescribe them for dental things - so have to say their for something else. Its amazing I have broken bones but pain in the mouth really knocks. OC.
  9. Indeed brother, there used to be more dentists over here that used to do NHS work, but vary rare now. OC.
  10. Morning all, sorry this build has slowed down - life sure has a way og getting in the way of our hobbies (that keep us sain) I have struggled with my teeth all my life based from my fear of dentists, and boy have I suffered due to it, at the moment I have a few very painful absecess's giving me real grief - that kind of pain and throbbing where you feel your heart beat through the pain. Trouble is over here there are very few dentists who will treat you through the Free NHS service, so I am having to self heal myself. I want to try to take my mind of the pain with my modeling but its so destracting. I will be back you can guarantee that. OC.
  11. Evening all, I managed a bit of time on the bench today, continuing with my British Cavalry - I added some paint to the trousers and when dry I glued them down onto their horses, I have also been painting a 5th KGL infantry fellow. Good to be back. OC.
  12. I hear you brother - similar with me with real life has a habbit of getting in the way. OC.
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