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Posts posted by omarcs

  1. my excuse for no pictures is that I am actually working on the ship . I am using a dowel and copper wire, harder than i anticipated.  I do have the 4 loops made and glued. I drilled a hole through the dowel and am running copper wire through the hole. I twisted the wire into 2 loops from 1 piece of wire. 2 strands of wire works pretty good, while 4 strands is too many. The dowel is too big in diameter so I am working on getting it slimmer. it is good to be working on the ship.



  2. Hello friends!!!


    The hobby car is 99.9% complete most days so I decided the ship has been patient long enough and I need to get back to work.


    The first task was to figure out where I was and then to decide on the next task. I decided to work on the bow area. I have been browsing my store of reference material and the internet. I think I am safe to start on bowsprit and gammoning. When finished they won't be in the way of subsequent work. After this work my intention is to place eye bolts on bow. 


    I finished, I hope, the dauphin striker. The kit version was not satisfactory, and after the stem accident tore it up, I had no reason not to try for better. I have managed "different". I may need to try it again. I am using styrene and thin wire so it is easy to build. I will post pictures of effort #1.





  3. How time flies. Over 2 years. I did not realize it had been so long.


    I added a few items to the ship this week:

    1. freeing ports made from card stock. I was going to use very thin balsa until I realized how out of scale they would be.

    2.The grates at the helmsman station. I had saved some copper screen from who knows what that gave me a reasonable grate at my scale. a 10mm X 10 mm is too small for me to make out of wood.


    Obviously I did not perish at sea. The ship sits on my work table along with an alien space ship still under construction, but I have been putting my creative time into my 1967 Barracuda. It is finally at the final few adjustments to linkages and I now am ready to do more work on my ship.   



  4. Hello!!


    The ship is on my work table and I have been working on other project instead of her.


    My energy primarily goes to my 1967 Barracuda. It has been a long restoration and I want to start her up this spring. I bought her new and she has over 200,000 miles and had a lot of things to do to get her up and running


    So I have satisfied the ship itch by watching the work of others



  5. I have not been doing much with ship except feeling guilty. But I have completed some model train projects,  and continue to work on my 1967 Barracuda restoration.


    The photos are of work last done. Normal angst of is it good enough, or should I try again. I did decide I needed to install a bunch of eye rings thanks to Nenad's drawings. That started the question of whether the eyes I have made are small enough. I found the Artistic Wire in a discount store and tried and liked it. The photo of the wire spool has one of my first eyes and below it is an eye made with smaller wire and a needle to size hole. The photo with scale compares the art wire to wire from a transformer that used to reside in my microwave until the push buttons failed. I don't think I need to look for anything smaller. With the 3 gauges I think I am set. The transformer wire should be perfect for eyes on masts and yards.





  6. I finally realized that I am stuck because I am uncertain if the direction I am going is anywhere correct. I am asking for second opinions about the bow. I had thought to use copper and but could not find thin enough. What you see is aluminum flashing. It is as thick as the lines on the ruler. It glues on firmly using canopy cement from model airplanes. I will wrap it around bowsprit and then jib boom for strength and then adjust cosmetically.


    Now to the hold up. The knighthead and bowsprit I think are working out okay. The jib boom bothers me. I find it "big". I am wondering if it needs more tapper and also to have a smaller diameter.


    Your observation and thought are greatly appreciated. When I did computer programs for a living I sometimes tried to make code work that I finally just threw away and rewrote the code correctly. I feel this might be what is going on here.





  7. Keel is repaired. Now to continue with working on bowsprit and jibboom. I have been researching how the two are connected. I think I have it figured out. Now to determine how to do it at scale. Think some thin brass/copper is in order to cut straps to go around the two. will try to solder together in order to get strength and still accomplish space between bowsprit and jib boom.


    photos will follow

  8. Picture time.


    before starting work on new stem I worked on bow sprit and knightshead. no worry about breaking anything ;)

    I used Campbell plans for pattern. cut, filed and drilled to get shape and to add slot for chains around bowsprit and stem.  Painted surfaces that were not going to be glued. Used wood glue, and made sure the matting surfaces were nice and flat.


    What are the names for the chains that go around the bowsprit and the slot in the stem? I can't read the plans.


    The result is something much more sturdy. Now to blend in with hull.










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