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Everything posted by harvey1847

  1. Wow Albert!! Amazing pictures and of course work! looking to the interior from above with all that chocks and joints on the frames One can see the waterlines on the model... Beautiful and preciss work. Happy modelling. Daniel.
  2. hello Piet! Thanks for the explanation about your job and Life. Really appreciate it and enjoy it reading. By the way... your sketch it´s turnin a little bit messy with all that pencil notes... Best wishes and happy modelling. Daniel.
  3. Hello All! I am just tired of posting nothing since a while... lots of work and studing to become a taxidriver... yep. An architect driving a taxi!! And of course "Spain it´s Different" so it looks like you have to be an ingeneer to just drive a taxi. Totally crazy. Anyway, here are some pics of what I just can do. No dust no woodwork, only marking with pencil the main wale and the guns. Really tough work... measuring and measuring again and again. here they are (it´s a really small update)
  4. Welcome aboard Johnny (good name!) Enjoy the build! Daniel.
  5. Happy Birthday Paddy! Hope you´ll have a good one!! Daniel.
  6. Hello Mike and happy Sunday! With that speed you should be thinking on your NEXT project... It amazed me the woodwork and the amount of info on your pics. Excellent log. Best wishes! Daniel.
  7. Morning Piet! Just checking in like John... I have spent lot of time on post #1056 trying to understand how the hek that crane works. Lot of mental effort to draw it I guess. I draw and draw sketches por the Triton and trying to explain myself how a piece must be done. Of course I deal only with wood structures but now you are dealing with a crane and knowing your work will be functional, or will not? By the way, Are you a mechanical ingeneer or aeronautic one? Those sketches are amazing.
  8. Hello Juergen! Simply beatiful. Certainly you finish every single frame before erect it. Like some one says around... "treat each part of the ship as itself, you´ll finish more ships in a day than others in a whole live" or something like that... Very impresive work. keep going! daniel.
  9. Hello Raymond! Just coming back from Ibiza and lookin on your progress... I enjoy "Woody", he, with those blue troussers looks like anyone of us visiting HMS Victory at Pompey... He just made me smile. I do not like the ropeway of the cannons, too long and quite thin. It´s my opinion. I will copy your Idea of the main hold for the full size project. Happy Easter! Daniel.
  10. Hello Juergen!! I do remember those pics working with the press mill! Nice to see your Triton back and waiting to see all those single frames on its place. Really interesting project. GOOD LUCK! And welcome aboard again! Daniel.
  11. Welcome aboard! Have you considered to change the title of your log? "Scratch Build of HMS Triton"it´s a little generic... just a thought. Best wishes! Daniel.
  12. Amazing Piet! looks so tiny and mighty and with those wheel and details makes one think about not painting this jewel... What´s the size of the AA for real? 76mm, 88? Have a good weekend! Daniel.
  13. HELLO Randy! It is always nice to see an almost finished model like yours. How you paint all those red parts? Oil or achrylic water based paint? Keep going! Daniel.
  14. Yep! not 1:48 not 1:64 not 1:96...!!! (smile) WELCOME ABOARD! and good luck! Daniel.
  15. Glad to see you back again Paul! Is the work bench a new one made by yourself? looks fantastic to make such a "tiny" pieces... clean a neat space to work on. Happy modelling! daniel.
  16. Happy Happy Birthday Mike! No modelling today??! Have a good day! Daniel.
  17. Gooood morning Richard! See my post #9 on page no.1. It´s been a long time since I made the stern. I´m not pretty proud of it by I remember that somehow I needed to moved on and continue with the framing. Of course I started precisly with the stern and then move to the bow, not like you. Tricky frame the #28!! Good luck! daniel.
  18. Hello Piet! Excellent sketch on post #1008... With all the CAD, 2D, 3D, CNC... around it´s always a pleasure for the eye to see a good old fashion hand made draw! With a square set of triangles, pencil, rubber. No computers, just your hands your mind some music on the radio...Good stuff. Good luck and good days! Daniel.
  19. hello Randy! I think the key is not sand at all the part that goes against the deadwood. As Mark has said, The key is that the planking line doesn't change. If you have cut the frames according to the patterns do not worry to much... There is lot of meat to be sand and fair later on. Don´t know if it helps... Best wishes! daniel.
  20. Hello Guy! I am not adding or filling that space between the top of keel and the bottom of the keelson. We do not have a water line plan for the filling of the frames to make the water go to the limber. Maybe on another project with single frames like the Naiad or others. Still not working, just drawing and cutting some parts to make the wales... Best wishes! Daniel.
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