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Beef Wellington

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  1. Like
    Beef Wellington reacted to rafine in Halifax by rafine - FINISHED - The Lumberyard - 1:48 - semi-scratch schooner   
    Hello from Chicago to all of my good and concerned friends. My son in law was able to have a company plane come down and pick up my wife and I and a few others at the last minute and we are now with my family in the Chicago area. I am obviously relieved and thankful to be here, but also feeling a little guilty for leaving my friends in Florida. I now join all those who are hoping for the safety of those still facing the storm. Thanks again to all for your support. 
  2. Like
    Beef Wellington reacted to mobbsie in Armed Launch by mobbsie - FINISHED - Panart - 1/16 - Small   
    Hi Guys,
    Back from the Hols this time and ready to finish this rather long winded log.
    The next thing for me to ponder was the type of stand to put her on, I didn't want the kit stand as it seemed a bit chunky. I decided to make what I can only call "feet".
    I cut a paper template and cut the feet from 6mm Swiss Pear, I quite like them as they are unobtrusive and they serve the purpose


    The Bow "Foot" in place.

    The stern "Foot" in place, I think they fit quite nicely and do not draw the eye.

    Only remains to put all the parts together and complete the rigging, the rigging was very simple and did not take long at all, various ropes were used such as Morope, Caldercraft and the local haberdashery shop. Unfortunately I didn't take enough pictures of the methods used and so there is a big jump.

    The mast has been stepped and fully rigged

    This rig is really simple, no Ratlines ( lovely )

    Bow on, all the little bits have been placed inside, none are fixed.

    I've just noticed the ensign, it's the Red Ensign (Red Duster) which is for the Merchant Navy, I will have to get a White Ensign.

    The knots on the Yard are correct and quick release.

    The final picture, it's done, I did enjoy building this boat and would recommend it to anyone.
    I hope you enjoyed what turned out to something of a long journey and I thank you for your patience.

    Next up will be HMS Pickle, I love the story behind this little boat.
    Be Good
  3. Like
    Beef Wellington got a reaction from Andi Little in To help kit developers and kit builders alike-What would you like to see developed for the hobby.   
    I would LOVE the idea of any 'kit' POF kit with precute frame pieces - a definite buy as a stepping stone to fully scratch build.
  4. Like
    Beef Wellington got a reaction from hollowneck in Is Crown Timberyard still open for business?   
    Hope this is temporary also,  I have had nothing but exceptional service from Crown in the past and hope that nothing serious has occurred.
  5. Like
    Beef Wellington got a reaction from Ryland Craze in Is Crown Timberyard still open for business?   
    Hope this is temporary also,  I have had nothing but exceptional service from Crown in the past and hope that nothing serious has occurred.
  6. Like
    Beef Wellington got a reaction from Nirvana in Is Crown Timberyard still open for business?   
    Hope this is temporary also,  I have had nothing but exceptional service from Crown in the past and hope that nothing serious has occurred.
  7. Like
    Beef Wellington got a reaction from Canute in Is Crown Timberyard still open for business?   
    Hope this is temporary also,  I have had nothing but exceptional service from Crown in the past and hope that nothing serious has occurred.
  8. Like
    Beef Wellington got a reaction from Mike Y in Is Crown Timberyard still open for business?   
    Hope this is temporary also,  I have had nothing but exceptional service from Crown in the past and hope that nothing serious has occurred.
  9. Like
    Beef Wellington got a reaction from mtaylor in HMS Jason by Beef Wellington - Caldercraft - 1:64 - Artois-class frigate modified from HMS Diana 1794   
    Pat - that is a great suggestion - cheers!  I had been mulling over how to reduce the quoin thickness but it seems much more practical and easier to use thinner wood fort the bed as this would probably not be noticed.  Will continue to mull this over.
  10. Like
    Beef Wellington got a reaction from CiscoH in HMS Jason by Beef Wellington - Caldercraft - 1:64 - Artois-class frigate modified from HMS Diana 1794   
    Cheers gents.
    Christian - I'm being consistent in using the Admiralty paints yellow ochre which I quite like.  Constant handling of these parts seems to be no match for any paint and paint rubs off the high spots despite an undercoat.  Should not be a problem to get looking OK when the time comes.
    Cannon Conundrums (or "Armament Angst")
    I felt I needed a bit of a change of pace while continuing to work slowly on the stern, and decided to get a head start on the cannons as I foresee these being a rather repetitive activity.  Psychologically, it feels like I'm getting a head start on things a little by commencing work on these now rather than waiting until I have to do them.
    The first decision was to finally decide on which barrels to go with.  Photos below show 3 options, specifically left to right, Chuck's Syren offering, RB Models and the kit supplied barrels.  I know I posted these pics in Andy's Diana log, but can't remember if I did here so pls forgive any repetition!
    Kit provide barrels - Painful as it is, the kit provided ones just don't cut the mustard with the bore being too large, the muzzle not being the right shape and the pommel just way too big. Chuck's barrels are very nice indeed, while the length certainly works, the bore seems a little small and for a 1:64 18lb'er and overall the barrel is a little dainty to my eye RBs Models (44mm) are also very nicely shaped and to my eye seem to fit the needed proportions best.  Each barrel is also supplied with a scale precut trunnion of high quality, so some labour would be saved there.
    Next up, carriages.  I had ordered a set of Chucks Syren carriages a while ago and finally got round to building one up in addition to a kit carriage for comparison.  Pictures are self explanatory and show the kit carriage with kit barrel (left) with Syren carriage and RB models barrel (right).  Making these up allowed all the possible permutations to be tried, but these are best comparison.  Note - these were built over a number of very brief 10 minute sessions when I could escape to the boat yard, i.e. very quick and dirty, with quick paint job and no fittings. 
    Couple of things are apparent:
    The kit walnut is not great, being very splintery with pronounced grain, and would require a lot of work to get an acceptable finish.  The carriage is noticeably a little more squat, and the 2mm thickness of the ply looks less substantial, and the trucks a little on the small side. Similar level of finish work on the Syren laser cut parts gives a much better result.  Dimensions all around look a little more pleasing to my eye.  
    The width of the Syren carriage were made slightly wider than the plans indicate to try and better scale to the RB barrel.

    Final comparison was to place in situ.  The RB/Syren combination seemed to sit nicely mid port.  Placement of a quoin will need to be thought about as the barrel is probably already at approximately the right elevation.  Feel the RB/Syren combo is  clear winner, despite the additional investment that will be needed my view is that this will ultimately provide a more enjoyable building experience, especially as 28 of these puppies will need to be made up...

  11. Like
    Beef Wellington got a reaction from Bill Morrison in HMS Bellerophon by flyer - FINISHED - Amati/Victory Models - scale 1:72   
    Lookin great Peter, somehow missed your start and already you've completed the first planking.  This looks like a great kit, shame its not 1:64.  Going back a little to the railing question.  I think you should feel free to go with what works for you.   When she was built I'm sure she would have had the open railings as that was prevalent, these seemed to go out of favour in the last part of the century and would have been built up.  I believe those ships where this was done would have simply followed the lines of the rail, i.e. a curved decorative shape at the front, but this was a relatively short lived fashion.  On the later ships (very early 19th century), and possibly those that had been rebuilt, these bulkheads would have lost the decorative flourish and simply been square which seems to have been prevalent from that time on until the end of the age of sail.
  12. Like
    Beef Wellington got a reaction from mtaylor in HMS Leopard by toms10 - FINISHED - 1:85 scale POF/POB   
    Looking great Tom, I love that open starboard side to show the interior detail, very effective.
  13. Like
    Beef Wellington reacted to Mirabell61 in SS Kaiser Wilhelm der Grosse 1897 by Mirabell61 - FINISHED - scale 1:144 - POF - first German four stacker of the Norddeutscher Lloyd line   
    last update....
    today the KWdG went into it`s glass case in my hobby room....
    The shelf was lowered a bit in order to compensate the case hight, an with the admirals help the glass surfaces were cleaned inside / outside before closing the bonet and everthing was fitted into position. This now closes the project...

  14. Like
    Beef Wellington reacted to marsalv in Pandora by marsalv - FINISHED - 1:52   
    Anchors and anchor buyos - the anchors are made from three parts soldered together.

  15. Like
    Beef Wellington got a reaction from robdurant in HMS Snake by BenD - Caldercraft - 1:64   
    Ben, planking looks good.  You're right that the plans are a little misleading in this respect but you look to have handled that tricky tight curve at the lower counter nicely.  As long as you have a good bond between the top plank and the gunport pattern you should be set- nearly all the bulkhead extensions will come off and I know I was concerned with strength, but once the second planking goes on it's remarkably strong.
  16. Like
    Beef Wellington got a reaction from toms10 in HMS Leopard by toms10 - FINISHED - 1:85 scale POF/POB   
    Looking great Tom, I love that open starboard side to show the interior detail, very effective.
  17. Like
    Beef Wellington reacted to Kevin in HMS Fife by Kevin - Fleetscale - 1/72 - County-class destroyer - SOLD   
    looks like there will be a bit of artist licence in the detailing but I have managed to source these few snaps

  18. Like
    Beef Wellington got a reaction from mort stoll in HMS Snake by BenD - Caldercraft - 1:64   
    Ben, planking looks good.  You're right that the plans are a little misleading in this respect but you look to have handled that tricky tight curve at the lower counter nicely.  As long as you have a good bond between the top plank and the gunport pattern you should be set- nearly all the bulkhead extensions will come off and I know I was concerned with strength, but once the second planking goes on it's remarkably strong.
  19. Like
    Beef Wellington got a reaction from BenD in HMS Snake by BenD - Caldercraft - 1:64   
    Ben, planking looks good.  You're right that the plans are a little misleading in this respect but you look to have handled that tricky tight curve at the lower counter nicely.  As long as you have a good bond between the top plank and the gunport pattern you should be set- nearly all the bulkhead extensions will come off and I know I was concerned with strength, but once the second planking goes on it's remarkably strong.
  20. Like
    Beef Wellington reacted to BenD in HMS Snake by BenD - Caldercraft - 1:64   
    The planking has begun.  I think it will soon become a hot mess but for now it looks ok.  It's only the first planking so it doesn't have to be pretty.  I never seem to learn anything from the resources on this site .

    I got a delivery from Cornwall model boats today!  I received some sailors, Belaying pins, Rope, Blocks for the Carronades, And a Launch boat.  The belaying pins look so much better, I can't believe Caldercraft didn't add them automatically given the price of the kit.  The launch is going to be hard given the weak instructions, I'll give it another read I suppose. 

    The Sailors are very neat!  The Captain and his Boatswain... I think

  21. Like
    Beef Wellington got a reaction from coxswain in HMS Jason by Beef Wellington - Caldercraft - 1:64 - Artois-class frigate modified from HMS Diana 1794   
    Cheers gents.
    Christian - I'm being consistent in using the Admiralty paints yellow ochre which I quite like.  Constant handling of these parts seems to be no match for any paint and paint rubs off the high spots despite an undercoat.  Should not be a problem to get looking OK when the time comes.
    Cannon Conundrums (or "Armament Angst")
    I felt I needed a bit of a change of pace while continuing to work slowly on the stern, and decided to get a head start on the cannons as I foresee these being a rather repetitive activity.  Psychologically, it feels like I'm getting a head start on things a little by commencing work on these now rather than waiting until I have to do them.
    The first decision was to finally decide on which barrels to go with.  Photos below show 3 options, specifically left to right, Chuck's Syren offering, RB Models and the kit supplied barrels.  I know I posted these pics in Andy's Diana log, but can't remember if I did here so pls forgive any repetition!
    Kit provide barrels - Painful as it is, the kit provided ones just don't cut the mustard with the bore being too large, the muzzle not being the right shape and the pommel just way too big. Chuck's barrels are very nice indeed, while the length certainly works, the bore seems a little small and for a 1:64 18lb'er and overall the barrel is a little dainty to my eye RBs Models (44mm) are also very nicely shaped and to my eye seem to fit the needed proportions best.  Each barrel is also supplied with a scale precut trunnion of high quality, so some labour would be saved there.
    Next up, carriages.  I had ordered a set of Chucks Syren carriages a while ago and finally got round to building one up in addition to a kit carriage for comparison.  Pictures are self explanatory and show the kit carriage with kit barrel (left) with Syren carriage and RB models barrel (right).  Making these up allowed all the possible permutations to be tried, but these are best comparison.  Note - these were built over a number of very brief 10 minute sessions when I could escape to the boat yard, i.e. very quick and dirty, with quick paint job and no fittings. 
    Couple of things are apparent:
    The kit walnut is not great, being very splintery with pronounced grain, and would require a lot of work to get an acceptable finish.  The carriage is noticeably a little more squat, and the 2mm thickness of the ply looks less substantial, and the trucks a little on the small side. Similar level of finish work on the Syren laser cut parts gives a much better result.  Dimensions all around look a little more pleasing to my eye.  
    The width of the Syren carriage were made slightly wider than the plans indicate to try and better scale to the RB barrel.

    Final comparison was to place in situ.  The RB/Syren combination seemed to sit nicely mid port.  Placement of a quoin will need to be thought about as the barrel is probably already at approximately the right elevation.  Feel the RB/Syren combo is  clear winner, despite the additional investment that will be needed my view is that this will ultimately provide a more enjoyable building experience, especially as 28 of these puppies will need to be made up...

  22. Like
    Beef Wellington got a reaction from mobbsie in HMS Jason by Beef Wellington - Caldercraft - 1:64 - Artois-class frigate modified from HMS Diana 1794   
    Cheers gents.
    Christian - I'm being consistent in using the Admiralty paints yellow ochre which I quite like.  Constant handling of these parts seems to be no match for any paint and paint rubs off the high spots despite an undercoat.  Should not be a problem to get looking OK when the time comes.
    Cannon Conundrums (or "Armament Angst")
    I felt I needed a bit of a change of pace while continuing to work slowly on the stern, and decided to get a head start on the cannons as I foresee these being a rather repetitive activity.  Psychologically, it feels like I'm getting a head start on things a little by commencing work on these now rather than waiting until I have to do them.
    The first decision was to finally decide on which barrels to go with.  Photos below show 3 options, specifically left to right, Chuck's Syren offering, RB Models and the kit supplied barrels.  I know I posted these pics in Andy's Diana log, but can't remember if I did here so pls forgive any repetition!
    Kit provide barrels - Painful as it is, the kit provided ones just don't cut the mustard with the bore being too large, the muzzle not being the right shape and the pommel just way too big. Chuck's barrels are very nice indeed, while the length certainly works, the bore seems a little small and for a 1:64 18lb'er and overall the barrel is a little dainty to my eye RBs Models (44mm) are also very nicely shaped and to my eye seem to fit the needed proportions best.  Each barrel is also supplied with a scale precut trunnion of high quality, so some labour would be saved there.
    Next up, carriages.  I had ordered a set of Chucks Syren carriages a while ago and finally got round to building one up in addition to a kit carriage for comparison.  Pictures are self explanatory and show the kit carriage with kit barrel (left) with Syren carriage and RB models barrel (right).  Making these up allowed all the possible permutations to be tried, but these are best comparison.  Note - these were built over a number of very brief 10 minute sessions when I could escape to the boat yard, i.e. very quick and dirty, with quick paint job and no fittings. 
    Couple of things are apparent:
    The kit walnut is not great, being very splintery with pronounced grain, and would require a lot of work to get an acceptable finish.  The carriage is noticeably a little more squat, and the 2mm thickness of the ply looks less substantial, and the trucks a little on the small side. Similar level of finish work on the Syren laser cut parts gives a much better result.  Dimensions all around look a little more pleasing to my eye.  
    The width of the Syren carriage were made slightly wider than the plans indicate to try and better scale to the RB barrel.

    Final comparison was to place in situ.  The RB/Syren combination seemed to sit nicely mid port.  Placement of a quoin will need to be thought about as the barrel is probably already at approximately the right elevation.  Feel the RB/Syren combo is  clear winner, despite the additional investment that will be needed my view is that this will ultimately provide a more enjoyable building experience, especially as 28 of these puppies will need to be made up...

  23. Like
    Beef Wellington got a reaction from md1400cs in HMS Jason by Beef Wellington - Caldercraft - 1:64 - Artois-class frigate modified from HMS Diana 1794   
    Cheers gents.
    Christian - I'm being consistent in using the Admiralty paints yellow ochre which I quite like.  Constant handling of these parts seems to be no match for any paint and paint rubs off the high spots despite an undercoat.  Should not be a problem to get looking OK when the time comes.
    Cannon Conundrums (or "Armament Angst")
    I felt I needed a bit of a change of pace while continuing to work slowly on the stern, and decided to get a head start on the cannons as I foresee these being a rather repetitive activity.  Psychologically, it feels like I'm getting a head start on things a little by commencing work on these now rather than waiting until I have to do them.
    The first decision was to finally decide on which barrels to go with.  Photos below show 3 options, specifically left to right, Chuck's Syren offering, RB Models and the kit supplied barrels.  I know I posted these pics in Andy's Diana log, but can't remember if I did here so pls forgive any repetition!
    Kit provide barrels - Painful as it is, the kit provided ones just don't cut the mustard with the bore being too large, the muzzle not being the right shape and the pommel just way too big. Chuck's barrels are very nice indeed, while the length certainly works, the bore seems a little small and for a 1:64 18lb'er and overall the barrel is a little dainty to my eye RBs Models (44mm) are also very nicely shaped and to my eye seem to fit the needed proportions best.  Each barrel is also supplied with a scale precut trunnion of high quality, so some labour would be saved there.
    Next up, carriages.  I had ordered a set of Chucks Syren carriages a while ago and finally got round to building one up in addition to a kit carriage for comparison.  Pictures are self explanatory and show the kit carriage with kit barrel (left) with Syren carriage and RB models barrel (right).  Making these up allowed all the possible permutations to be tried, but these are best comparison.  Note - these were built over a number of very brief 10 minute sessions when I could escape to the boat yard, i.e. very quick and dirty, with quick paint job and no fittings. 
    Couple of things are apparent:
    The kit walnut is not great, being very splintery with pronounced grain, and would require a lot of work to get an acceptable finish.  The carriage is noticeably a little more squat, and the 2mm thickness of the ply looks less substantial, and the trucks a little on the small side. Similar level of finish work on the Syren laser cut parts gives a much better result.  Dimensions all around look a little more pleasing to my eye.  
    The width of the Syren carriage were made slightly wider than the plans indicate to try and better scale to the RB barrel.

    Final comparison was to place in situ.  The RB/Syren combination seemed to sit nicely mid port.  Placement of a quoin will need to be thought about as the barrel is probably already at approximately the right elevation.  Feel the RB/Syren combo is  clear winner, despite the additional investment that will be needed my view is that this will ultimately provide a more enjoyable building experience, especially as 28 of these puppies will need to be made up...

  24. Like
    Beef Wellington reacted to Maury S in Anchor Hoy c. 1825 by Maury S - FINISHED - 1:48 - Harbor craft - POF   
    I took a break today from the planking and built up an anchor from the Syren ShipModel Co. kit.  What a great little product!
    I need a larger one for hanging off the great cat, but this will
    be acceptable for one of the regular anchors on the hoy.
    Parts in the first pic.

    Finished except for the ring.  Paint is ModelShipways Iron canon Black..4 coats well diluted.  Bands are Scotch Blue painters tape, painted the same and sliced to size.  I may try using some rust powder on it.  One more thing to learn.

  25. Like
    Beef Wellington reacted to Maury S in Anchor Hoy c. 1825 by Maury S - FINISHED - 1:48 - Harbor craft - POF   
    There is a posting issue with the site.  I'm editing this on a Mac using Chrome.  
    The first stealer plank is being setup.  At the frame where the stealer meets, I carefully laid out both four and five strakes and roughly cut the plank.  It's going into the microwave now to get bent...another problem...clamping the plank in place to dry is an issue.  Nowhere to put a clamp.  I'm resorting to rubber bands.  More later.
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