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Everything posted by Diver

  1. Small amount of progress today. The thole pins were reinstalled with glue, and the chain plates added. All the rigging bits are complete ie blocks etc. Just have to fabricate some hooks and I can do the rigging. The only parts not made are the bow sprit mounting pieces.
  2. Welcome to the site. Make sure you post some photos of your build. We all learn from others projects.
  3. I have assembled my base as per instructions. I had a small oops and chipped the edge of the vaneer so I came up with this fix
  4. Welcome to the site. I would be lost without it.
  5. I have ordered the base from Chuck, and while I wait for its arrival some rigging was attempted. The mast is not glued yet but I thought it might be a good idea to fit the shrouds. This is my first attempt at rigging and some of it is a bit sloppy and will be redone. I could not do the thimbles with a punch so they were turned in my Dremel and then blackened. When the base arrives I hope to have everything ready so this build can be completed. A satisfying trip with a lot learned.
  6. I am enjoying your build of this kit. I wanted to do either this kit or the Sanson tug from AL, my supplier had the tug so that what I got. When it is done the Fifie will be next
  7. Slow going but getting all the bits together for the rigging. The chain plates are made and blackened, including the nails. Tedious but enjoyable. Loving being retired
  8. I like the look of your planking job. May I ask what width those planks are. I will be planking my up dated AL Sanson tug in the near future and plan on using a planking fan and tick marks. The Sanson is a single plank build, the planks are 5.10mm wide x 2.10mm thick.
  9. Slowly getting on with the rigging bits. The mast is complete,the boom is turned and the gaff will be done today. The bow sprit will be done while I have may contraption set up. Do not want to upset the settings.
  10. I am working on chapter 3. The videos have you shape, paint and install the main bulwarks. When that is done you sand the transom to the correct angle so the last piece can be installed. I chose to make a card template so that I could sand and test fit. This is a crucial part as the hull planking must come up flush with this piece. Once I have a good fit here, the main bulwarks will be glued in place. They are plywood and somewhat fragile, no need to damage them when moving things about while sanding. I am almost there, just a little bit to go.
  11. Good morning Harry. The decking material ranges in size from .19mm to .36mm. The majority are about .30mm. As said earlier, some of the planking is useless. If I run out of good stuff I will try and make my own. This is an enjoyable build, but I think a build sheet should accompany the Videos. A novice with no experience may run into problems. I consider myself an experienced novice, still lots to learn.
  12. Disaster averted. I managed to un glue the joints and raise the deck enough to clean everything up. I will give a light sand after the new glue dries, should be OK.
  13. I am going to have to have a serious look at correcting this issue. The bulges may interfere with the installation of the waterways when they are installed. Any suggestions greatly appreciated. We are off to Ottawa tomorrow for a couple of days, some hobby shops must be visited. I need some material so I can complete the Syren Medway longboat rigging.
  14. Last night the planked deck was glued to the frames and clamped. I must of had to much glue in holes that go over the frames as there are now some noticeable bulges near the stem. The planking is so thin that I will not be able to sand them out. They are close enough to the bulwark that they will be out of site. If not, some type of deck furniture will be used. The tops of the frames were sanded and tapered so this is a warning for any future builders
  15. The main deck planking is complete, and dry fitted to the keel and frames. All seems to line up properly. Next step is to put a finish on the deck before gluing. The construction video has you pencil lines on the deck after planking is complete. I pencilled one side of each plank before installing, I think it looks good.
  16. Started planking the main deck. A centre line was established and the the first planks are the short ones amidships. Right away a problem was noticed that not all things are equal. I had to take a small sliver out of one plank, and then make a thinner plank to finish that run. Planks were the run straight to the stern and two smaller planks were fitted to keep things equal. The rest should present no problems. The deck planking in this kit is not very uniform. They are different widths and thicknesses. Some are so thin they are unusable
  17. There is a kit from Artesania Latina that they list as an option for the Sanson. It might just be a generic kit for all there models, but it comes with ever thing needed.
  18. Thanks for looking in. Not sure if I will go RC or not. Will make the decision soon. I will be doing the LED lighting kit.
  19. I get smarter in my old age. The deck was dry fitted, and some chamfers filed into the holes that go over the frames. It was easier to do this now, it would be near impossible once the deck is planked
  20. I have completed chapter one. The horizontal piece near the stem kept creeping back from the frame. I glued a piece of scrap in, problem solved. To get the frames 90 degrees to the keel Glue was applied, frame installed, and then inverted and a square clamped on . All frames 90 are .degrees to the keel. The fit off all the joints are a bit sloppy so care must be taken to get good fits. On to chapter two
  21. I have not yet decided about installing the R/C bits. My plan is to build it watertight and ready for R/C. The You Tube videos do not show how the parts would be installed, but there is ample room in the hull, I think. As I get further along a final decision will be made.
  22. I have started my second build, the Sanson Tug. There are no instruction included with this kit, it is done through You Tube videos, 18 in total. The 3 piece frames and keel are all glued up. The dove tail joints are all a bit sloppy so reinforcement was added to one side. I will add the frames to the keel next and add the longitudinal braces. #11 frame is very loose so special care will be taken.
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